Welcome to November! It’s Scorpio Season, which means that we’re crossing over the divide between life and death, light and dark, and examining the intense emotional energies that lie deep within us. Scorpio coincides with a natural world at the end of its life cycle; the leaves are changing, the days are darker. For that we celebrate the temporal qualities of life and celebrate its rebirth.

Although Scorpio is what’s called a “fixed” sign, which means that it consolidates energy and holds it into a form, there are so many planets either changing signs or changing direction this month that challenge Scorpio’s fixed nature. Uranus retrogrades back into Aries on November 6. Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 8. Mars arrives in Pisces on November 15. Venus turns direct in Libra on November 16 hours before Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius. Neptune turns direct on November 24 as well. And we can’t forget that the lunar nodes move into Cancer/Capricorn on November 5. Translation? The music is completely changing.

First let’s start with Uranus. It goes back into Aries where it spent the last seven years totally reinventing how we act, react, take action, and define some of the most basic things of what make us who we are. If you are an Aries, then you only need to look back at the version of who you were in 2011 to see how far you’ve come. For the rest of us, Aries represents a particular part of our life that got a big overhaul. (Not sure where? Check out my Uranus in Aries: Sign by Sign guide.) What this means is that over the next four months, until March 2019, we’re having to tie up loose ends and integrate the profound lessons we learned in that particular part of our life.

Then there’s Jupiter. After twelve months in Scorpio, it arrives in Sagittarius on November 8, a sign that it’s right at home in. While there’s certainly a natural benevolence and generosity to Jupiter, a planet that helps to bring the fire of wisdom to whatever sign it is in, it also expands the energies of that sign. Jupiter in Sagittarius opens us up to a search for truth and meaning. It expands our faith, our desire to see the world, and experience other cultures, traditions, and perspectives. It also can show the shadow side of Sagittarius, which can be opinionated and even fundamentalist. Nevertheless, we’re feeling a strong desire to find meaning and knowledge over the coming months.

Another planet worth noting is Mars. After six months in Aquarius, aside from a retrograde dip into Capricorn, it finally changes signs and arrives in Pisces. If Mars is action and motivation, then in Pisces it’s reaching towards feeling and connection. Pisces is a sign that represents the totality of existence and can be deeply compassionate and sensitive. It’s a Mars that doesn’t want to fight. Instead it wants to meditate, reflect, and search within. While Mars was in Aquarius, it was a bit hot headed and opinionated. Will we be able to find understanding and connection with others, especially knowing that we are all connected energetically?

Lastly, it’s important to mention that the lunar nodes are changing signs after 18 months in Leo/Aquarius. When they move into Cancer/Capricorn on November 5, it signals a collective shift that will inspire us to reach towards the nurture and care of Cancer. And we could all use a hug right now, amirite? Cancer is the comfort of home, the deep emotional and spiritual satisfaction that comes in knowing that we are loved and safe, that all of our needs are taken care of. Cancer is the loving Mother to Capricorn’s harsh Father. We need to be a little less hard on ourselves and a little more caring. The world could use it.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 11/1 Jupiter trine Chiron; 11/6 Uranus Retrograde in Aries, Sun trine Neptune; 11/7 New Moon 15 Scorpio; 11/8 Jupiter in Sagittarius; 11/9 Venus trine Mars; 11/11 Sun sextile Pluto; 11/15 Mars sextile Uranus, Mars in Pisces; 11/16 Venus Direct 25 Libra, Mercury Retrograde 13 Sagittarius; 11/17 Mercury square Neptune; 11/19 Mars square Jupiter; 11/20 Sun trine Chiron; 11/22 Sun in Sagittarius; 11/23 Full Moon 0 Gemini; 11/24 Neptune Direct 13 Pisces; 11/26 Mercury square Mars, Sun conjunct Jupiter; 11/27 Mars sextile Saturn, Mercury conjunct Jupiter; 11/30 Venus opposite Uranus.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Aries, let’s rewind a little bit first. It’s been nearly six months that Mars, your ruling planet, has been in Aquarius, an unusually long amount of time — normally it’s six weeks. Nevertheless, the purpose of this time has been to reexamine your friendships, your social connections, and the communities you are a part of. It’s also been a time to reorient yourself towards the future, which means envisioning the type of life you want to create for yourself. As you enter November, you’re coming to the final leg of this journey. Although you’re an Aries, a sign famous for going it alone, Mars in Aquarius has hopefully made you realize that community and friendships are a vital part of life, that it’s important to belong to something bigger than yourself. On November 15, Mars finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces and you may feel like in the days before you’re tying up loose ends and getting feedback on some of the community and friendship building you’ve been doing over the last six months. Pisces, however, is a very different sign for Mars to be in. If Aquarius gave you a drive to connect and express your ideas and beliefs, then Pisces will pull you inward to meditate, dream, intuit, and rest. Pisces is also the last sign on your journey through all the signs. It represents the rest and recuperation needed before beginning again. Do be surprised if you have less energy in the second half of November as well as December. Even you, Aries, can’t keep going nonstop. Make sure you tend to your body, too, taking plenty of Vitamins and getting lots of sleep because your body’s immune system may be a little weaker. That said, there are other big things going on in November. Namely Jupiter’s arrival in Sagittarius, your travel and education sign. Jupiter is at home in the sign of Sagittarius, which means that over the coming twelve months, travel and education will be a big focus. You may be going back to school, traveling great distances, visiting other countries more frequently, or exploring different ways of seeing the world on a philosophical level. You may be searching for truth, wisdom, and meaning over the coming year as well. Wisdom only comes through life experience and it’s important to note that it’s Scorpio Season, a time in your personal calendar when you have to face some difficult parts of yourself and sort through a lot of deep emotions. Scorpio takes you into the proverbial underworld so that you can be reborn again. And it’s quite possible that you’ve been through a lot the past year and you’ve had to really search yourself and face your fears. Between Mars in Pisces later this month and Jupiter in Sagittarius, you’re going to feel a strong pull to take all these real, raw, and complicated feelings and try to make some sense of them. That said, the Scorpio New Moon on November 7 may dig a little deeper into you. You may also be working through themes of intimacy, trust, and vulnerability. It’s also a month to focus on finance, from getting your accounts in order to tending to estate planning, wealth creation, or any loans that you have. Don’t forget, Mercury is retrograde starting November 16. While this is nothing to get anxious about, it may be wise to wait till after December 6 to make any big decisions or sign paperwork. Speaking of retrogrades, Venus will turn direct on November 16 after spending the last five weeks retrograde. Seeing how Venus in your relationship planet, note that you’ve had to do a lot of work on your interpersonal and intimate relationships over the last month. What secrets have you uncovered? What shadows or unhealthy dynamics have you revealed? Have you learned to open up and be more vulnerable to others? You may see a change in direction with someone or feel like you can finally move forward with a relationship around November 16. Lastly, a full moon on November 23 will light up Gemini, your sign of information, ideas, schooling, and travel. Make sure you’re getting the right information around this time. Something may seem true, but is it? Is it an illusion? In addition, make sure you’re being impeccable with your choices around this full moon. It’s important to do the right thing. Oh yeah, PS, Uranus goes back into Aries on November 6. This is once last chance to reinvent yourself and wrap up a chapter of your life that dominated 2011-2018. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  The deep self, the psyche, emotions, feeling, facing fears, facing self, rebirth, transformation, shadow, trust, intimacy, sexuality, vulnerability, relationship, connection, other people, partnership, friendship, community, social network, social circle, groups, collective, humanity, justice, fairness, belief, worldview, morality, moral compass, right and and wrong, education, philosophy, truth, meaning, existential questions, spirituality, retreat, rest, recuperation, fatigue, sleep, dreams, meditation, intuition, the unconscious.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Time for a check in, Taurus. How are you doing? How has the last six or seven months been? Seen any changes? Any twists and turns, ups and downs? If you’ve been following along with these horoscopes, then you’ll know that the planet Uranus has been back and forth in Taurus since May, which kicked off an eight year chapter of reinvention. (Yep, Taurus, you’re reinventing yourself.) Uranus is also the planet of awakenings and it’s been trying to shake you awake or bring something to your awareness over the last six months. Is this who you really are? Is this the life you really want to have? Is this the direction you really want to go in? Here’s the thing. The last six months have only been a preview. Uranus retrogrades back into Aries on November 6 where it will remain until March 6, 2019, which — good news — means that some of the pressure to make changes will be off until next year. Use the next few months to take stock and try to make sense of some of the experiences or feelings you’ve had this year. Uranus likes to enact swift change, but you, Taurus, are not known for being so speedy, so do some integrating in the meantime. In other news, Venus, your ruling planet, turns direct on November 16. If you’ve been feeling a little off your game or a little more reflective than usual, then you’ll start to get back to yourself later this month. Just make sure you’re tending to your health in the meantime, from diet and fitness to how you take care of your body. That said, there’s a lot of gears shifting this month. The biggest by far is Jupiter, which arrives in Sagittarius on November 7 after spending the last twelve months helping you to open up to new relationships, new connections, or inspire you to leave a relationship that was not working. With Jupiter going into Sagittarius, it’s saying that growth and opportunity will happen when you face your fears, dig into the deepest and shadowy parts of yourself. If you are in an intimate relationship, how will you trust and be vulnerable. Money and finance will also be a feature into the next year, the sort where you’re accumulating assets and building wealth. Just keep an eye on spending as Jupiter in this part of your chart can be a little quick to spend and put things on credit. The other gear shift this month is Mars. It moves out of your career sign of Aquarius on November 15 and into Pisces. If you’ve been working hard the last six months, taking on new responsibilities and trying to move ahead in your professional life, then blame Mars. In Pisces, Mars moves the action in your life towards friendships and community. It’s a time to reach out and make connection with others, especially others with whom you find shared goals and common interest. Last but not least, it’s Scorpio Season; relationships continue to be highlighted this month. It’s a time to partner up, find consensus, and work on your negotiation skills. With everything that is going on, it’s a good month to find balance, too. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Reinvention, transformation, relationships, other people, partnership, interpersonal skills, negotiation, consensus, balance, work, career, projects, schedule, responsibilities, duties, organization, health, wellness, taking care of the body, sugar, sweet tooth, diet, fitness, nutrition, service, tasks, details, friendship, community, social circle, social network, the future, looking ahead, facing yourself, deep emotions, facing fears, intimacy, vulnerability, trust, security, money, finance, wealth, assets, loans, debt.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Gemini, get ready, relationships are about to take center stage for the next year. Doesn’t matter if you are single or in a serious relationship, this is one of the times in your life where it’s about new opportunities to connect with people and grow existing partnerships. Think back to 2015-2017 when Saturn was in Sagittarius, your relationship sign. During this period you were doing serious work on building and strengthening your connections as well as saying no to the ones that had outlived their usefulness. So on November 8, when Jupiter arrives in Sagittarius, you’ll be expanding upon what you built over the past few years. Jupiter may bring a new relationship in your life, give you the faith to leave an existing relationship, or open you up to an abundance of connection. Let’s not forget Mercury, your ruling planet. It’s also in Sagittarius and turns retrograde on November 16. While Mercury Retrograde is a common feature in the cycle of your life, a time when you pull back and reflect on your choices, it will pick up on a lot of the narrative around relationships. If something is coming up between you and a partner or you and another person, it may take until December to fully resolve. A retrograde always gives you a second look at an issue to help you see things from a different perspective or retrace how you arrived to that choice in the first place. That said, there’s a lot of planets moving direction and changing signs in November, which means that a lot is going on. As I mentioned previously, Jupiter changes signs on November 8. A couple of days before, on November 6, Uranus retrogrades back into Aries to wrap up any loose ends from a story or a chapter we lived through from 2011 to 2018. For you, this period touched on community, friendships, and groups. It’s quite possible that your social circle changed a lot during this time or you got involved in your community in new and unexpected ways. Again, retrogrades give you another perspective as well as once last chance to learn the lessons that needed to be learned for your growth and evolution. You have until March 2019 to do just so. Another planet changing signs this month is Mars. It arrives in your career sign of Pisces on November 15. The second half of this month will likely be busy with work and responsibilities as Mars pushes you out into the world. It’s a good time to take the next steps in your career, but be aware that having Pisces as your career sign means that it’s important for you to not only do what you love, but feel as though it is having a positive impact in the world. You may be launching projects or getting recognized for your work during this time. (Note Mercury is retrograde. Take the usual proactive steps to make sure that what you’re doing has been double and triple checked.) Looking ahead to November 23, the Gemini Full Moon puts you in the spotlight. With an opposition to Jupiter and a square to Mars, you may see some big moves in personal and public life. It’s time for a fresh start. A powerful lineup of the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter on November 26-27 will signal the start of a new journey. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, daily life, schedule, organization, education, foreign travel, long distance travel, worldview, beliefs, faith, career, professional life, outer world, ambition, responsibilities, duties, relationships, other people, interpersonal skills, relating, negotiating, compromise, partnership, romance, identity, creativity, self expression.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Do you know who you are? Do you feel confident to share and express what makes you you? It’s true, sometimes, as a Cancer, you can keep parts of yourself protectively close to the vest. Although you want want emotional connection, being vulnerable can feel uncomfortable. I mention this because it’s Scorpio Season, a time when maybe you’re feeling more sensitive than usual, more triggered, and more protective. With the energy of Scorpio pointing over to some of the deepest, most intimate and secrets part of your chart, you may be digging into your psyche, facing your fears, and facing your shadow. It’s also a good month to heal, to let go, to work on your relationships, especially after the new moon on November 7. You may want to work with a therapist or trusted confidant, too. That said, November is a month with a lot of gears shifting as different planets change signs and direction. On November 6, Uranus will retrograde back into Aries for a four month stay. Aries just so happens to be your career sign. Think back to 2011-2018. Did you see any career changes during that time? It’s safe to say that your place in the world or your professional life may be very different than seven years ago. The retrograde is like one last push to tie up loose ends and make the changes you need to make. Then on November 8, Jupiter arrives in Sagittarius. When Jupiter is in this part of your chart it tends to coincide with positive changes in diet and how you take care of your body. Jupiter inspires as well as brings opportunities. When Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius on November 16, you may have to reconsider some decisions you are making about your health or how you organize and arrange your day. So if you’re thinking about making a big change, wait until December to move forward and do the planning work in the interim. The day before, on November 15, Mars will finally change signs after spending six months digging into your fears, your deepest emotions. Some of the heavy emotions will start to lift thankfully as Mars moves into Pisces. The coming six weeks will motivate you to travel, go on long distance journeys, and take action towards your education. Since Mars is your career planet, you may need to get specialized training to help you professionally or you may be traveling a lot for business. Another planet making a move is Venus. It gets out of retrograde on November 16 (yes, the same day as Mercury turns retrograde) and gives you more clarity on your living situation, home, family, and what you need in order to feel safe and secure. Since Venus also speaks to relationships, you can finally move forward with a relationship or turn a corner with an issue. Lastly a provocative full moon on November 23 will signal that it’s time to leave something behind. You’ve come to the end of the road, but it’s important to make sure you’re seeing things clearly. Do you have faith to move forward, to let go of yourself and start over? It’s also a good time to rest, meditate, and find answers from within. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  The self, self expression, the ego, the psyche, the deep self, facing fears, trust, secrets, identity, creativity, transformation, rebirth, money, assets, resources, long distance journeys, foreign travel, search for truth, meaning, worldview, right and wrong, faith, belief, philosophy, education, career, direction, professional life, diet, fitness, nutrition, health, taking care of the body, letting go, endings, shedding layers, the unconscious, dreams, rest, recuperation.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Scorpio Season is a time for you to get back to your roots. With the Sun moving through the bottom of your chart, it’s a time when you’re the the most hidden, most pulled away from the world as you naturally reach towards the comforts of home, family, and loved ones. It’s also a time to focus on getting your needs met, to seek the safety and security of what truly nourishes you. Much of Scorpio Season will point towards Aquarius, your relationship sign, so as you dig into your emotional core, some of your work may involved how you relate and interact with others. The new moon on November 7 kicks off a new beginning in the home and over the coming four weeks, you may be looking to make a change in your living situation such as moving or people moving in with you. If you’re in a relationship, how can you and a partner create a solid foundation together? Or, how can your partnership give you what you need emotionally? Scorpio Season can sometimes make you feel anxious, so don’t be surprised if you’re feeling uneasy. Just use this time to get back to basics. Here’s the thing, Leo. There’s a lot of planets either changing direction in November or changing sign, which means that different areas of your life are shifting gear. Let’s start with Uranus. If you’ve been following the astrological conversation over the past six months or so, you know that Uranus has been rocking your career sign of Taurus. Maybe you’ve made some radical changes this year. Maybe you’ve switched jobs or careers, maybe you’ve taken your life in a different direction. Think of this year as a preview because Uranus dips back into Aries on November 6, where it will be until March 2019. During this time you’re taking one last look at the role of faith, belief, philosophy, and education in your life. How has your view of the world shifted in the last eight years? That chapter of growth and evolution is coming to an end. Then on November 8 Jupiter arrives in Sagittarius where it will be for the next year. Sagittarius is a sign that helps you to express who you are. And with all the ups and downs and sudden changes this year, you could use Jupiter to help you get back to who you are. The coming year will help you to reconnect to your creativity and talents. (As an aside, this area speaks to children and pregnancy, too, giving you a natural window to expand your family if that’s something you want or is relevant.) Then on November 15, Mars FINALLY leaves your relationship sign of Aquarius, where it was heating things up for the last six months, and arrives in Pisces. In Pisces, however, it’s motivating you to go deep into yourself, to look at all the hidden parts of your psyche, your fears, your vulnerabilities. It’s a good time to focus on emotional healing, especially while the Sun is in Scorpio until November 22. It’s also a time to take action on financial matters, especially anything in regards to insurance, estate planning, finance, and the assets you share with other people. On November 16, two planets change direction. The first is Venus, finally getting out of retrograde and helping all of us to get clarity and move forward with relationship matters. Venus is also your career planet, so if there’s been something unresolved over the last month, Venus Direct will give you some clarity. The second planet to change direction is Mercury. It turns retrograde, helping you to take a second look at the choices you are making in how you express yourself and your talents. It will also touch on any patterns around self sabotage and what you need to do to have a healthier expression of who you are. Lastly, a full moon on November 23 will put the spotlight on community, friendships, and social connection. Something revealing may come to light or you may be dealing with a power struggles or something that makes you feel vulnerable. On the other hand, the full moon will help you see the big picture and point you towards the future. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Home, family, living situation, move, change in the home, foundation, inner circle, roots, emotional needs, emotional core, relationships, other people, partnership, balance, negotiation, compromise, identity, self expression, creativity, talents, beliefs, philosophy, truth, meaning, worldview, travel, education.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

November is a big month for you, Virgo. We have lots to talk about!! First, let’s start with the big news. Jupiter, a major player in your chart, moves into Sagittarius on November 8. When it does, you’re entering a year long period where home, family, and emotional connection are very important. Sagittarius is the bottom of your chart. It speaks to foundation — as in the very foundation of your life — and Jupiter here gets you back to what really matters and sustains you. (Fun fact, Jupiter was last in this area of your chart from November 2006 to December 2007.) Over the next year you may move, make a change in your living situation, move in with someone, or grow your family. You may also feel more emotionally open or find it easy to find what you need. But you have to take advantage of Jupiter because if emotional connection is something that you are lacking, then you have to find the faith to open yourself up or go on a quest in search of what’s going to give you that connection. The other major planet in your chart making moves is Mercury. It not only rules your Virgo Sun, but it rules your career. As you start the month, Mercury is down in Sagittarius and you’re feeling a little removed from the world. It’s a good time to nestle at home and spend time with close loved ones. Mercury also turns retrograde on November 16, so get cozy. It’s likely you’ll be spending a lot of time at home or focusing on your home into December. But let’s not forget, November is Scorpio Season and this is the time in your personal calendar when you’re busy with projects to work on, going back and forth between appointments, going on trips, and answering messages. The new moon on November 7 will put the focus on information, ideas, and communication for the rest of the month. With the energy of the new moon pointing towards work and health, make sure you’re taking time out of your busy schedule to take care of yourself. Speaking of work, Mars has been in Aquarius since May — an usually long time for the planet of action, motivation — and during this time it’s likely you’ve been really focused on work. Mars can be a little bit of a workaholic in this part of your chart. That said, on November 15, Mars will finally move on and heat up your relationship sign of Pisces. Mind you, Mars in the part of your chart isn’t subtle. It’s can be heated, pointed. If anything, you should be seeing more social interaction with people the second half of this month and into December. If you’re in a relationship, something may simmer to the forefront. If you’re not in a relationship and would like to be, this is where the action is happening. That said, this is a Mars that requires diplomacy with others. How will you strike a balance? Then there’s the full moon on November 23. It activates your career sign of Gemini. You may have to make a decision about your professional life or what direction to take your life. It’s a time to change jobs, get recognized for your hard work, or take on new responsibilities. In all, November is a month of shifts, a month when some of the most important parts of your life — home, family, relationships, career — are front and center. I know, Virgo, you’re a planner. You’ll figure it out, but if there’s a month to go with the flow a little, it’s November. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Communication, ideas, information, learning, writing, speaking, traveling, projects, work, health, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, choices, home, family, foundation, living situation, move, roots, emotional needs, emotional core, relationships, other people, inner circle, close loved ones, inner world, outer world, career, professional life, responsibilities, status, the world, recognition, ambition.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

It’s Scorpio Season, which means that it’s the time in your personal calendar when your focus turns to money — as in how you make it, spend it, and what value it plays in your life. It’s also a time when you’re thinking about the complex emotional underpinnings behind your relationship with the material world. Are you spending to compensate for something? Do you have what you need? The new moon on November 7 gets you back to basics and so it’s a time to take a look at your bank accounts, what you own, and make sure all the boxes are getting checked. But with the energy of Scorpio Season pointing towards Mars in Aquarius, you’re also looking at identity and self worth. It’s been an unusually long time that Mars has been in Aquarius — nearly six months — and as Mars gets ready to change signs, it’s important to have a stronger sense of who you are and what you’re worth. That said, the big news this month is Uranus’s retrograde back into Aries, your relationship sign. Think back to 2011. That was the year that you began a seven year chapter of reinventing how you relate to others, how you connect, compromise, and partner up. Although Uranus moved on to Taurus in May of this year, it’s back in Aries from November 6 until March 2019. You’re tying up loose ends, revisiting old stories and themes, and even touching back on old relationships. So just a heads up in case any existing relationships get a little wobbly when Uranus goes back into Aries. The other big news this month is that Jupiter arrives in Sagittarius on November 8, your sign of communication, education, and travel. Don’t be surprised if the coming months bring you new opportunities to take classes, learn, write, and explore. This part of your chart is busy and restless, so you may have a lot going on in the coming year, from projects to plan to things to do. As I mentioned previously, Mars switches signs this month and it arrives in Pisces on November 15. Over the coming six weeks, it’s important to take positive action with your health, from diet and nutrition to how you take care of your body. With Pisces as your health sign, you’re very sensitive to your environment — no harsh foods, no harsh people. What do you need to do to bring a sense of harmony to your daily life? This part of your chart also corresponds to work and you may find yourself working a lot more over the coming weeks. Also, can’t forget that Venus, your ruling planet turns direct on November 16 in Libra, so you’ll start to feel a little more yourself in the second half of November. Honestly, with everything that’s going on in November, Venus coming out of retrograde is hardly the lead. And it almost feels like an afterthought to mention the November 23 full moon, but it will shine a light on long distance travel and education. You may be planning a big trip or looking to make a decision about schooling or specialized training. The full moon also touches on belief and faith. Do you know what you believe in? If you’re in a relationship, you and a partner may be at ideological odds or believe in different things. Then again, you’re a Libra. If there is a conflict, you’ll be able to find common ground and work towards peace. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Money, income, salary, spending, resources, what you own, material life, stability, security, basic needs, value, worth, identity, self expression, creativity, talents, the self, relationships, other people, partnership, interpersonal connection, communication, writing, speaking, thinking, learning, the voice, choices, faith, belief, travel, movement, long distance journeys, truth, meaning, education, wisdom, philosophy, religion, ideology, worldview.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

So much to talk about, Scorpio, not to mention the most important thing … happy birthday! What a year it’s been, amirite? Between Uranus in Taurus and the eclipses, you may feel like you’re in a very different place (metaphorically? literally?) than you were when you celebrated your last birthday. There’s been a sense of unknown change that has persisted through the previous months. And since you’re a sign that has a sharp sense of what’s going on and where things are headed, you’re at a point that’s required a fair bit of surrender on your part. (Do Scorpios surrender? Or do they just burn everything to the ground out of spite? I kid.) So, where are you headed this year? Let’s start with what’s going on right now. Since it’s Scorpio Season, it means that you’re in a time of renewal and the Scorpio New Moon on November 7 will give you that personal new beginning. What do you want to create in the coming year? What seeds do you want to plant? When we look to Mars, we find your ruling planet still down in Aquarius, a sign that it’s been in for pretty much six months straight. Aquarius just so happens to be your sign of home, family, and foundation. What this means is that you’ve been either spending a lot of time at home over the last six months, making changes in your home, or focused on the very foundation of your life. It’s also been an emotional time for you, one rooted in memory or the past. I mention this because Mars is FINALLY leaving Scorpio on November 15 (hooray!), but the first half of the month may continue to be a bit emo until then. Then there’s couple of bigger changes to keep in mind, ones that will point the way towards the coming year. First, Uranus leaves your relationship sign of Taurus and retrogrades back into Aries on November 6. Think of the last six months as a preview of some of the changes you’ll be making over the coming seven or eight years. Take time to really integrate some of the relationship lessons you’ve been working on since May because how you do relationships has to radically shift. (And I mean all relationships, not just romantic ones.) With Uranus back in Aries, it’s time to take one last look at all the (hopefully) positive changes you made to your body, health, and daily life over the previous seven years. Then there’s Jupiter. It arrives in Sagittarius on November 8 and, over the next year, you’ll be opening up new opportunities to make more money, to increase your resources, and expand your sense of material stability. Jupiter may also increase spending, so keep an eye on that if that’s of a concern. Generally, wherever Jupiter is in the chart, things tend to work out in our favor. It’s a good time to be generous with your money and what you own, too, as Jupiter is known for its benevolence and largess. Note that Mercury goes retrograde on November 16 in Sagittarius, so best to hold off on making any major purchases until the end of this month. Also on November 16, Venus, your relationship planet, gets out of retrograde. Old loves may surface from the past, old issues with in a relationship may come to a head, you may need to say goodbye to a connection. In all, this has been a powerful time for you to shed old patterns around relationship and power. Whatever is going on, the story isn’t over and will play out into December. On November 23, a confrontational full moon may put you in the middle of something and touch on issues of worth and value. Will you be able to face your shadows? Of course, you’re a Scorpio. In short, it’s a month where the great celestial gears are shifting direction. Some of the pressure is off for now, but going into the new year, you’re going to have to make some big changes. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, personality, new beginnings, fresh start, taking the lead, home, family, living situation, inner circle, roots, foundation, emotional needs, emotional core, inner world, self expression, creativity, identity, talent, romance, children, relationships, other people, endings, shedding old patterns, shedding old connections, the hidden, the unconscious, dreams, intuition, money, income, salary, resources, material world, material stability, spending, what you own, finance, wealth, security, trust, facing fears, the deep self, deep work, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Hoo boy, Sag. Hold onto your hats because November is a turning point and you’re straddling two very different worlds as you step into the month. Since it’s Scorpio Season, the Sun is tucked away in the last sign of your chart. It’s a time in your calendar to reflect, go within, meditate, and prepare for the next year. In fact, the new moon on November 7 will underscore this time of soul searching as well as endings. In fact, you’ve been in an extended time of soul searching and endings, what with Jupiter, your ruling planet also in Scorpio over the last year. Here’s the thing. Starting November 8, Jupiter will arrive in Sagittarius, which is not only a homecoming but the start of a new twelve year chapter. Each planet travels the zodiac at its own speed. Some quickly while others take much longer to move through the twelve signs. Jupiter takes twelve years and so here we are, right back where we started with a story that began 2006-2007 and has now come to a close. Jupiter in Sagittarius gives you vitality, optimism, and a renewed sense of faith. It’s the excitement of starting a new journey and finding new lands to explore. Jupiter also tends to be a bit extra, so just keep an eye on overdoing it in the coming months — it can even physically expand you. Jupiter isn’t the only planet changing sings this month. On November 6, Uranus dips back into Aries after it’s six month preview of Taurus. With it back in Aries, you’re returning to themes and lessons you learned from 2011-2018 on identity, as in who you are, how you express yourself, and how you had to radically shift something about yourself in the last seven years. Uranus will only be in Aries until March 2019, so this is one last opportunity to make some lasting personal shifts and more powerfully awaken to who you really are. Then there’s Mars. It finally changes signs on November 15, arriving in Pisces, your sign of home, family, roots, and emotional connection. When Mars is in this part of your chart, it tends to be a bit loud, as in the home is loud, there’s lots of movement or work going on in the home, or a lot of visitors. In fact, this may be a natural time when you decide to move or make a change in the home. A family issue may come to a boil as well. We also can’t forget to talk about Mercury. It’s not only in Sagittarius this month, giving you plenty to speak your mind about, but it turns retrograde on November 16. Retrogrades, as you know, are times when we all have to stop and take a second look at how we express and use that planet. With Mercury in your sign, the lesson for you for the rest of November is becoming aware of how you communicate and how sometimes you can be a teensy bit opinionated. I know, Sag, you’re always right, but are you? Be mindful of what you say and what you think during the retrograde. Carefully weigh your choices instead of being impulsive. In addition, Venus turns direct on November 16, which brings to a head an issue you’ve been having with a friend or within your community. Venus’s time in Libra has been a search for compromise and peace. Can you find it? On November 23 a full moon will light up the sign of Gemini, which happens to be your relationship sign. You may have a decision to make about a partnership or connection. You may also feel motivated to make a connection or start a relationship with someone. With Mars making a square to the eclipse, there may be a lot of action and movement in the days around the full moon. Mars can sometimes bring agitation and conflict. Can you and a partner see eye to eye? How will you find compromise? Lastly, Neptune turns direct on November 24 in Pisces. Over the last six years you’ve done some major healing on some of your deepest wounds around home, family, ancestors, and emotional connection. Don’t forget how far you’ve come. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Endings, shedding old layers, reflection, soul searching, meditation, spirituality, spiritual connection, spiritual health, new beginnings, renewal, fresh start, the self, self expression, identity, personality, voice, writing, speaking, thinking, communication, learning, education, travel, information, classes, home, family, living situation, move, change in the home, emotional core, emotional connection, memories, nostalgia, the past.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Hard to believe we’re winding down the year. Where did 2018 go? Now that we’re in Scorpio Season, you’re turning towards the future and getting a bigger picture about life and where you want to go. What are your hopes and wishes? What is your vision? It’s also a season to find your community, from making time for friends to connecting to your social circle and other like minded allies. With the energy of Scorpio Season pointing towards Aquarius, it’s really about value, as in you really need to be valued by the friends you keep and the community that you belong to. It’s also about trust and knowing that the people in your life are going to be there for you through and through. The new moon on November 7 will drive this point home. That said, let’s keep a big picture view of what’s going on this month and beyond. Don’t forget, you’re nearly a year into a three year chapter where Saturn in Capricorn has you stepping up your game. You may continue to feel as though a lot of responsibility is being put on your shoulders or feeling the weight of time and age. (We’ll touch more on this point as we get to your birthday.) Keep in mind that there’s a lot of planets changing sign of direction in November and a couple of them have a big impact on you. First is Uranus going back into Aries on November 6. If you recall, Uranus was in Aries from 2011 to 2018, which coincided with a period of your life where you were completely reinventing some of the most basic fundamentals of your life — where you live, who you live with, who you call your family, and how you care and nurture yourself. It’s been equal parts emotional separation and emotional awakening. What did you learn during this crucial time of growth and evolution? Uranus will be in Aries until March 2019, giving you one last chance to integrate and awaken to what needs to shift. Then on November 15, Mars changes signs, finally moving out of your money sign of Aquarius and into Pisces. Here Mars motivates you to speak, to move, think, learn, and travel. You’re spending more time with friends in the neighborhood. You’re messaging and chatting with them more, too. Since Mars speaks to your emotions, don’t be surprised if some of your words are pointed, emotional, or heated. The next day, on November 16, Venus turns direct in Libra. As your career planet, if there’s been something unresolved professionally, you may start to see forward movement and clarity in the second half of the month. Venus is also relationships, so it’s time in Libra will help to bring some peace as well. The other big news is that Jupiter changes signs on November 8, although for you this switch is a little muted. See, Jupiter arrives in Sagittarius, which lines up with a very quiet, spiritual place in your chart. The coming twelve months, while Jupiter is in Sagittarius, you’re on a quest for knowledge and answers. You’re growing your spiritual life. You’re meditating more and opening up to your intuition and dreams. It’s a rich time for you to rediscover your faith especially after a stretch of years that often tried it. Lastly, a full moon on November 23 will put the spotlight on your earthly life. It’s a time to pay attention to your physical health, from diet and exercise to how you take care of your body. You need a lot of movement, Capricorn, and a lot of variety in your daily life. Make sure you’re getting out and exploring, even if it’s to discover those quiet truths that lie within. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Friendships, community, social circle, social network, belonging, value, worth, trust, stability, security, money, income, salary, spending, resources, what you own, what you need, material life, career, direction, professional life, responsibilities, ambition, goals, hopes, wishes, the future, home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, emotional connection, communication, speaking, talking, listening, thinking, writing, learning, travel, education, search for meaning, truth, intuition.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

So, Aquarius, how have the last six months been? Any big changes? Any ups and downs? Ever since Uranus moved into the bottom of your chart this past May, you entered an eight year period of reinventing where you live, how you connect, and the very foundation that your life rests on. Think of the past six or so months as a preview of this new era. Maybe nothing dramatic happened, but it’s important to recognize that your emotional roots are shifting as you break with the past and awaken to what you really need in order to feel safe and secure. I mention this because on November 6 Uranus will retrograde back into Aries where it will be until March 2019. It’s important to keep perspective, Aquarius, and you’re a sign that has a knack for seeing the big picture. So think back to the version of self you were in 2011. Did you make any big changes in how you use your voice? How you communicate? Learn? Think? From 2011 to 2018, you were reinventing something as fundamental as your voice and how you use it. The coming four months will give you one last chance to awaken and evolve how you communicate. Speaking of big picture, it’s Scorpio Season, the sign that covers the highest point of your chart. It’s a natural time in your personal calendar for you to focus on career, ambition, responsibility, and the direction you’re steering your life in. The new moon on November 7 will give you a career reset for the year. It’s a time to change jobs, to push out into the world, and get recognized for your hard work. Speaking of career, you’ve had a whole year of Jupiter in your career sign of Scorpio. This part of your life has been expanding, opening up to new opportunities. But Jupiter will leave Scorpio on November 8, and move into Sagittarius. Over the coming year, you’re discovering new opportunities to build community, to grow your friendships, and connect with people who share your vision. It’s an intellectual time, too, as well as one where you get to share your smarty pants ideas and values with the world. Jupiter isn’t the only planet changing signs this month after a long run. Mars finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on November 15. While Mars in Aquarius has certainly been motivating and exciting over the last six months, it’s quite possible that it put some strain on your physical health. It’s been a busy, too. Mars in Pisces, however shifts the action towards money and resource. You may be working hard over over the coming six weeks to gain more income or create a solid financial foundation for yourself. But with Pisces as your money sign, it’s important to realize that whatever you do in the world, however you make money and accumulate resources, you need to be making sure that your material life lines up with your spiritual values or at least a sense of altruism in the world. Neptune has been making you aware of this since 2012 and will remind you of this simple fact when it turns direct on November 24. Another planet making moves this month is Venus. It comes out of retrograde on November 16 (the same day as Mercury turns retrograde, BTW). Since Venus is a planet that talks about your living situation as well as home and family, if you’ve had any issues come up while Venus has been retrograde throughout October, Venus Direct should start giving you some clarity. Finally, a full moon on November 23 lights up your sign of creativity, self expression, and identity. Do you know who you are? Do you know how to express who you are even if it means being different from others? (I know, you’re an Aquarius; being different is your raison d’être.) But it’s a full moon to get really clear about self worth and talent. How will you shine? How will you stand your ground? Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Career, professional life, worldly life, outer world, responsibilities, recognition, status, title, community, friendships, social circle, social network, groups, belonging, collective, humanity, social justice, the self, identity, leadership, moving forward, taking action, faith, wisdom, belief, philosophy, right and wrong, morality, justice, foreign travel, long distance travel, education, the voice, communication, thinking, speaking, learning, classes, creativity, self expression.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Change is afoot, Pisces! Why? Jupiter, your ruling planet, arrives in Sagittarius on November 8 after a year in deep, dark, emo Scorpio. This is big news because every year it’s like you get to live a different story. If Jupiter in Scorpio felt a bit intense over the last twelve months, then Jupiter in Sagittarius feels a bit more at home, a bit more optimistic. It wants travel, exploration, and to soak up wisdom and knowledge. Sagittarius is at the top of your chart, which represents the highest reaches of your life. It’s like reaching the pinnacle after a long climb upward. To that point, you’re entering a year where it’s about reaching upward, whether it’s reaching towards ambition in your career or holding yourself to a higher standard. Be prepared to work this year — work towards achievement, work towards more responsibility — but also know that Jupiter is opening doors to new professional opportunities into 2019. That said, it’s Scorpio Season, a sign you’ve been getting intimately familiar with over the past year. Scorpio is a sign that points you towards travel and exploration, education and the ideas that shape how you see the world and yourself. It’s a time to find faith and meaning through books, philosophy, religion, or other ways of thought. With the energy of Scorpio pointing towards Mars in Aquarius, most of this season will be spent searching deep within for answers, especially after the Scorpio New Moon on November 7. You may be meditating or reflecting more, looking towards spirituality or mysticism. It’s also a time to shed old concepts, old ways of thinking. Mars has been languishing in Aquarius for quite some time — six months! — and when it finally leaves for Pisces on November 15, you’ll feel a sense of renewal, vigor, and vitality. Pisces, you’re usually a little demure, but having Mars in your sign for the rest of November and well as December will give you some edge and command. (Don’t be surprised if Mars makes you a little temperamental or more aggressive than usual, too.) The next day, on November 16, two planets change direction, one of which, Mercury, plays an important role in your chart. Mercury will turn retrograde in Sagittarius and for the rest of November you’re having to rework or rethink something in your professional life. If you’re looking to change jobs, it’s better to wait if you can. If an opportunity does present itself, how can you get more information or make sure you’re seeing it from all angles? While Mercury turns retrograde, Venus, the planet of love, relationships, value, and beauty, turns direct. It will do so in a part of your chart that talks about intimacy and vulnerability. Have you been learning to open yourself more to other people? Venus’s five week retrograde has been a lesson for you in reexamining your beliefs and how your beliefs can be self destructive at times. It’s also been about taking a second look at how power dynamics shape how you interact and partner with others. Another planet making moves this month is Uranus and it dips back into Aries on November 6 after giving us a preview of the work we have to do while Uranus is in Taurus for the next eight years. For you, while back in Aries for the next four months, you’ll need to bring to a close a long chapter where you had to reinvent your relationship with money, value, stability, and the material world. (Uranus was in Aries from 2011 to just this past May.) How has your sense of worth shifted? What changes do you still need to make? Neptune will also change direction this month, turning direct in Pisces on November 24. If you’re feeling extra sensitive around this time, it’s because that’s what Neptune does, it opens us up, it dissolves the boundaries between the physical and non physical world, it helps us to feel and connect to everyone and everything. Just make sure your feet are on solid ground, Pisces. Lastly, a full moon on November 23 will light up themes around home, family, and emotional connection. You may have a decision to make about your living situation, your family, or how you’re creating the foundation for your life. There are some strong energies in this full moon, so it may usher in a new chapter or story, one where you may feel as though you have to make a stand. That said, November has a lot going on and more than a few twists and turns. Want to learn more about how the astrology of November will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  The world, career, responsibility, professional life, public life, status, reputation, ambition, achievement, recognition, direction, travel, long distance journeys, other countries, education, truth, meaning, belief, faith, knowledge, wisdom, philosophy, religion, law, search within, existential questions, soul searching, meditation, reflection, rest, retreat, endings, news beginnings, action, moving forward, vitality, health, motivation, aggression, anger, home, family, living situation, inner circle, roots, emotional core, connection, sensitivity, feeling, intuition.

Photo by Jacalyn Beales on Unsplash