We start the week with a Scorpio Moon, one that reminds us that we’re wrapping up a Scorpio lunar month, one that centered on the emotional intensities of life. Starting with tomorrow’s Sagittarius New Moon, we’re focusing on adventure, travel, and exploration.

That said, since we’re in the dark of the moon, today is a day to reflect, shed, and intuit. (We may even be feeling a bit restless and agitated, what with Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus.) What have we learned since the Scorpio New Moon on October 27? What shadows did we face within ourselves? How did we regain our power? Was something revealed that was previously hidden or buried?

It’s also a week where a lot is going on. Venus, the planet of love, money, and beauty, changes signs later today, arriving in Capricorn. Our relationships now need to get serious. We value structure, boundaries, and commitment. Practically minded, Venus in Capricorn doesn’t have time for anything that doesn’t live up to its standards.

In addition to tomorrow’s Sagittarius New Moon, November 26, Neptune turns direct in Pisces on November 27. It’s also the last week that Jupiter’s in Sagittarius for another twelve years! Our personal and collective story continues to shift. I’ll be talking all about this and more in my weekly Facebook Live at 6 pm EST. You can catch the replay on my Empowering Astrology YouTube channel.

Don’t forget, it’s almost your last chance to sign up for my 90minute webinar tomorrow on Neptune, Illusions, and Spirituality, just in time for Neptune direct in Pisces. I’ll be talking all about what Neptune means in astrology and what it means for you. Details and registration here.

Read More:

Webinar — Neptune, Illusions and Spirituality

Jupiter in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

Mars in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Week Ahead: The Astrology of November 25-December 1, 2019

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