The Moon arrives in Virgo and we start the weekend focused more on work than play. Today and tomorrow, check off items from your to-do list, work on projects, and tend to the details of life. Virgo also makes health a priority, so do something good for your body.

Speaking of healing, Jupiter made its last in a series of trines to Chiron. If you’ve been dealing with a thorny issue, something that touches on a very deep pain that feels like knot, we have support to open and heal that knot. Jupiter not only gives us hope, but it brings a light to something that we were previously unaware of. And that awareness helps us to open our psychic knots.

That said, it’s a practical weekend, but one that may have us dreaming of far away places with Mercury in travel minded Sagittarius. On Sunday, the Moon moves in Libra and we feeling social and maybe a little bit lazy, too. But with Venus still making an opposition to Uranus, our interactions with people may shock and confront. All of our relationships need to change. It’s an imperative.

PS — November Horoscopes are almost done and will post soon. There’s literally so much going on this month. xo

Read More:

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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