We’re coming up to a full moon on November 4, one that will illuminate, awaken, and ask us to change what we value. Falling in the sign of Taurus, full moons are decisions and we can no longer nourish ourselves with the things that don’t let us flourish.

As we get closer to the full moon, we may feel an increasing restlessness. With Venus in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries, we’re poised for a revelation, even if it means revealing ourselves. I call Uranus oppositions the coming out aspect because we can no longer hold something in or hide ourselves in a way that is not truthful to who we are. Uranus can also make for quick or sudden movements, so keep an eye out for breaks from the usual narrative.

Speaking of quick, the Moon is in Aries today. Our relationships or interactions with people may be a bit pointed or brusque. Something has to evolve in how we interact with each other. And, as I mentioned yesterday, we’re still working through our emotional and psychic knots as Saturn and Chiron make their last square to each other on November 2.

Read More:

Astro Daily: October 31, 2017

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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