We start the weekend with a Taurus Moon, one that reminds us to be in the joy and pleasure of life. With Venus also in Taurus, it’s about good food, comfort, and money. Venus harmonizes with Saturn and Pluto, too. It’s a powerful day to build and transform.

Taurus is a sign that asks us, what do you need to feel safe? Rooted? Secure? Because we live in a material world, often the answers start with having a roof over our head and food in the pantry. So with the Moon picking up on Venus’s powerful connection to Saturn and Pluto, it may be easier for us to get our material needs met today and tomorrow.

Having said that, don’t forget that Uranus is now in Taurus, a sign that it will be in for the next seven years. As much as Taurus is about gathering the resources we need and the preservation of life, we’re shaking up our Taurus story right now, which is to say, we may be changing how me make our money. We may be transforming what we value or our concept of value. We may have a very different relationship with resources, comfort, and even pleasure. (I did a 90-minute webinar on Uranus in Taurus, which you can still purchase the replay.)

As we get into Sunday, we’re in the dark of the moon and on the cusp of a Gemini New Moon on June 3. Use the weekend to tie up loose ends and wrap up old stories that began with the last new moon on May 4.

Read More:

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Webinar: The Eclipses of July 2019

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