Welcome to Gemini Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when get out and explore. Whether it’s on a bike, a car, a plane, or via your own two feet, this isn’t a season to sit still. There are places to go and new things to experience. Gemini is also the sign of communication and education and so what we’re saying and what we’re learning is very important this month.

In fact, the Gemini New Moon on June 3 gives us a natural time to focus on all things Gemini. We may be deciding to take a class or plan a trip. If we write, it may be a time when the ideas and the words are flowing.

Gemini is also the sign of choice. Is it a left or a right? An up or a down? We want to try everything this month, but ultimately we have to decide on something, especially as Mercury comes up to its annual opposition with Saturn on June 16.

Mercury isn’t the only planet running into a rough patch this month. Mars in Cancer runs up against next month’s eclipse degrees, giving a preview of the changes in store for July. Mars also is in a showdown with Saturn and Pluto from June 14 to June 19, creating some heavy duty, if not confrontational energy. It’s all about emotional need and connection and tearing down the old walls that are keeping us from what we really want.

Whatever emotional conflicts come up, we may discover that they have their roots in the past, in childhood, or with our parents. Saturn and Pluto are like a wrecking ball. The walls have to come down.

Jupiter also squares with Neptune in Pisces this month, which doesn’t have that hit-you-over-the-head quality that Mars and Pluto or even Saturn has. Instead, it infuses June with a subtle energy that touches on questions of faith and meaning. For everything that’s going on, all the seismic shifts that are or have been happening, do we still have faith?

Jupiter in Sagittarius is what we know to be true objectively. We read it in a book or someone taught it to us. Neptune, however, is subjective knowledge and wisdom. It’s mysticism and spirituality. So, as a result, we may experience a conflict between what we think is true versus another reality that’s emerging because we feel it to be true. Make sure you’re tending to your soul’s needs this month, especially as Neptune turns retrograde on June 21.

As we get into Cancer Season, we’re in the gate for the July 2 and July 16 eclipses. We may feel as though our life is about to take a turn. Eclipse season feels as if we’re between two acts in a play. One is swiftly drawing to a close while the other is ready to come in. Doors are closing and others are opening. The set is rearranging. A new cast is about to come in. (I’m teaching a webinar on these upcoming eclipses and how they are going to effect the signs.)

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 6/1 Venus trine Pluto; 6/3 New Moon 12 Gemini; 6/4 Mercury in Cancer; 6/7 Mercury sextile Uranus, Mercury square Chiron; 6/8 Venus in Gemini; 6/9 Sun square Neptune; 6/10 Sun opposite Jupiter; 6/12 Mars conjunct North Node; 6/13 Venus sextile Chiron; 6/14 Mars opposite Saturn, Mars trine Neptune; 6/16 Jupiter square Neptune, Mercury opposite Saturn, Mercury trine Neptune; 6/17 Full Moon 25 Sagittarius; 6/18 Mercury conjunct Mars, Sun sextile Neptune; 6/19 Mars opposite Pluto, Mercury opposite Pluto; 6/21 Neptune Retrograde 18 Pisces, Sun in Cancer; 6/23 Venus opposite Jupiter; 6/24 Venus square Neptune; 6/26 Mercury in Leo; 6/27 Sun sextile Uranus, Sun square Chiron.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

It’s travel season, Aries. With the Sun moving through Gemini for most of this month, it’s time to jump in the car and go places, explore nearby locales, and even get out in the neighborhood. You may also find yourself going back and forth a lot this month, especially after the Gemini New Moon on June 3, and having to juggle a lot of things. Gemini is also your sign of education and learning, so this month you may have to make it a priority to take a class or workshop. But on a deeper level, Gemini Season is a time for you to become more conscious of the role that choice plays in your life. Do you make a left or a right? It is a yes or a no? And how do you have the wisdom to know how your choices will play out and what they will effect? Don’t forget, this is a year where there’s pressure on you to take the next step up in life, which is to say increased responsibility, a sharper awareness of time and work, a need to figure out what role you want to play in the world. In short, what do you want to be when you grow up? Who do you want to be? Which brings us back to this notion of choice. Really think things through in June. That said, this month Mars, your ruling planet, is in Cancer. It’s also a time to focus on home, family, and where you live. It’s possible that you’re getting ready for a move or looking to make big changes in the home, especially in advance of July’s major eclipses that speak to making permanent changes in where you live or welcoming new members to your family. You may be looking to spend time with loved ones this month or sort through the things you’ve accumulated over the years and the memories you’ve gathered. While Mars is in Cancer — it won’t leave until July 1 — make sure you’re getting your emotional needs met otherwise you may be feeling fussy and cranky in June. It’s also important to mention that Mars makes a series of tense oppositions to Saturn and Pluto from June 14 to July 19. As a result, you’re having a reality check. June is not a month to cut corners. Since you’re under Saturn’s watch, it’s a month to know your limits, to respect boundaries, to say no when appropriate, and do the right thing. On June 17 a full moon lights up Sagittarius, your sign of faith, wisdom, and higher education. For everything you’re having to juggle and negotiate this month, are you able to see the bigger picture? Do you have faith that things will all work out? What do you believe in? Since the ruler of the full moon, Jupiter, squares off with Neptune, you may be grappling with heavy issues of faith and meaning or trying to answer bigger questions about your own existence. You may, instead, find answers in meditation or quiet time alone. By the end of the month, you’re in the gate for eclipse season, a time where your life is at a crossroads. In fact, July is likely going to be a month of capital L Life. Doors are closing and opening with the upcoming eclipses. Get ready. (Shameless plug, I’m teaching a webinar on July’s eclipses to give you more information.) Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Communication, education, classes, learning, ideas, information, messages, news, travel, trips, the neighborhood, siblings, choice, faith, wisdom, knowledge, truth, meaning, foreign travel, the world, higher education, worldview, morality, right and wrong, doing the right thing, existential questions, home, family, living situation, moves, changes in the home, memories, the past, emotional needs, emotional core, roots, foundation.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

It’s possible that May was a bit up and down, so this month it’s important that Gemini Season is inviting you to put down roots, to gather what you need, and weigh your options. It’s a time to also focus on money in the bank as well as the things you own. The new moon on June 3 opens a four week period centered on your material life. If you need to make new moon intentions to increase your income, make purchases, or seek out resources, then this is your new moon. But on the mundane side of things, stock your pantry. Take inventory of what you own. Buy or swap for what you’re missing, especially after Venus arrives in Gemini on June 8. You may find that this month is a bit busy since Gemini energy isn’t known for keeping still. It likes to move, explore. It’s curious about everything. With Venus, your ruling planet, in Gemini for the rest of the month, you may find yourself more social or even flirtier than usual. (Oh how Venus in Gemini loves to flirt.) On a somewhat related note, do keep in mind that Mars, your relationship planet, is making a series of tense oppositions to Saturn and Pluto from June 14 till June 19. You may have a serious decision to make about a connection, partnership, or relationship, one that may mean facing something uncomfortable. The full moon on July 17 echoes this energy by shining a light on your deepest self, on your fears, your secrets, and your psyche. It’s a full moon that talks about intimacy and vulnerability. So, if something is coming up with a relationship or a connection, know that it may need some deep work on your part. The full moon also talks of money and power and you may have some soul searching to do as a result. By June 21 the Sun moves into Cancer, highlighting home and family but also continuing this busy energy into July. Keep in mind that there’s a bigger theme this year about you opening up your voice as well as your mind. With Mars heating up eclipse degrees this month, be very aware of how you are communicating and sharing your ideas with others. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, what you own, resources, basic needs, purchases, value, worth, ownership, material life, finance, benefits, wealth, debt, taxes, other people’s money, assets, choices, options, relationships, partnerships, other people, socializing, negotiation, compromise, serious choices, intimacy, vulnerability, facing fears, the deep self, the hidden self, shadow work, relationship karma, power, control, sexuality.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Happy birthday, Gemini! With Mercury in Gemini for the first half of the month, you may be feeling a bit more like yourself. After all, 2019 has likely been a bit of a year for you, what with Saturn going through a particular part of your chart that says this year is about facing some of the deepest, most hidden parts of yourself — your fears, your secrets, your shame. Not quite the easiest astrology, but there are certain times in the course of our lives when we have to deal with sensitive matters and this happens to be that time. So, as you’re blowing out the candles on your birthday cake this year, you may be wondering what’s in store or searching your soul a little bit. (In fact, if your birthday is on or just before or after the Gemini New Moon on June 3, this is a year of powerful new beginnings.) Keep in mind that this new personal year of yours continues to put the emphasis on emotional heavy lifting, which is to say doing your work to take care and heal yourself, releasing what’s no longer feeding or supporting you while reaching towards the safety of solid ground. When Mars and Mercury make a series of tense aspects to Saturn and Pluto from June 14-19, you’re getting a check in on your progress. This may mean taking a bracing look at yourself as well as your past, especially childhood themes of safety and trust. This may mean making tough choices, ones that require that you step up and do the right thing. If you want to use this energy proactively, schedule time with a therapist or trusted advisor. Work with powerful healing modalities. That said, relationships are also a focus the year and the full moon on June 17 is a reminder to be open to connection. If you’re single and want to meet someone, the days around the full moon is a natural time to do so. If you’re in a relationship already, you may have a decision to make around the full moon about the course of the relationship. Are you and a partner on the same page? Are you ready to commit? Are you seeing things for what they really are? (Honestly, there are times this month that may feel like a full blown existential crisis. Don’t let it get you down. Ask yourself the hard questions, but don’t lose faith.) Lastly, Mercury moves onto sunnier climes on June 26, arriving in Leo, a sign that it will spend the next four weeks in. Mercury in Leo is optimistic, chatty, and confident. After all the emotional hard work you’re doing, you could use a bit of a boost. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, new beginnings, moving forward, money, income, security, material stability, material needs, value, worth, ownership, resources, finance, wealth, debt, emotional health, emotional work, physical health, facing fears, the deep self, deep emotions, intimacy, vulnerability, letting go, transformation, relationships, other people, partnership, negotiation, compromise, decisions, tough choices.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Cancer, I want to put some things into perspective because June is part of a bigger story unfolding this year and it’s important to really bring into your awareness what this year is asking of you. That said, Gemini Season is naturally a time in your calendar when it’s time to rest, pull back from the world, and prepare for the journey ahead. Of course, Gemini Season occurs just before your birthday, so it’s no wonder that you’re likely in a reflective mood as you think back on the previous year that began with your last birthday. What’s changed? What’s left your life? What’s come into your life? See, Cancer, you’re in an important time right now. With the eclipses lining up in Cancer and Capricorn, your life has probably taken a few twists and turns since your last birthday. One of those areas seeing a lot of change is relationships. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship, not in a relationship, don’t want a relationship … something about this area of your life has to change. More specifically, something has to change in how you interact, connect, socialize, and compromise. Relationships help us to not only find balance in our lives, but they help us to see ourselves in ways we would otherwise not. So, if June is a time to rest and pull back, make sure you’re doing that deep soul searching this month. What are relationships showing you about yourself? Are there power dynamics that have to change? Are there emotional walls that have to come down? Use the new moon on June 3 to really set some intentions to let some things go, things that you don’t want to bring into your upcoming personal new year. And, once Venus arrives in Gemini on June 8, it’s a time to also shed the past — this could be stuff from childhood, memories, or anything that doesn’t allow you to grow and thrive. As much as June is about spiritual health and tending to the needs of the soul, it’s also about physical health. The June 17 full moon puts your physical body in the spotlight. As a result, you may have a decision to make about your health, wellness, diet, and how you take care of your body. Make an appointment for a check up. Do something healthy. Make positive changes in your physical life as well as your physical surroundings. Anything positive that you can do sets you up better for next month’s eclipses on July 2 and July 16 respectively. (Those eclipses may bring something to the forefront in your life and demand some changes or decisions regarding relationship. Shameless plug, I’m teaching a webinar on July’s eclipses to give you more information.) Also, with Mars making some tense aspects to Saturn and Pluto this month, you may have something to negotiate in your career or have to handle serious responsibilities from June 14-19. This may even include bigger questions about what you want to do with your life and the direction you are taking. By June 21, it’s Cancer Season and a time for you to begin again. With the eclipses on the horizon, you may feel like you’re on the edge of something. The wheel of fate turns and you’re about to come up to another crossroads. Which direction will you take? Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Letting go, shedding the past, memories, endings, rest, recuperation, withdraw, reflection, mediation, spirituality, the soul, spiritual health, physical health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, getting organized, serious choices, facing reality, relationships, other people, negotiation, balance, socialization, drive, motivation.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Wherever the Sun is, you are there, too. After all, the Sun is your ruling planet. And when the Sun is in Gemini, it’s a season to get the big picture and think about the future. It’s quite possible that a lot has happened this year … or, you can feel the tectonic plates of your life starting to move. While you may be unsure of where things are going, use June to seek out a wider perspective. This may spending time with friends and hearing what they have to say or reaching out to like minded people. It’s also a season that highlights community and the different networks you’re a part of. The new moon on June 3 may inspire you to get involved in a social cause or join a group, especially something you’re passionate about or something that motivates you to create positive change. When Venus arrives in Gemini on June 8, your social life may be quite busy for the rest of the month. If you have the time, use the opportunity to connect with friends and rekindle old connections. However, it’s quite possible that this time of year stirs up old feelings of feeling different or not belonging and the pain of not having friends. If you can use this time positively to break through old patterns and find the groups and organizations that you feel aligned with, then Gemini Season will serve you well. Another theme this month is identity. As a Leo, your whole sign is about the expression of self and the joy that comes when you get to share your gifts and talents. (At least that’s the idea.) The full moon on June 17 highlights these themes, giving you an opportunity to get to the heart of who you are. If there is something creative that you do, use the full moon to put it in the spotlight. That said, there’s a couple of tough aspects this month with both Mars and Mercury making tense oppositions to Saturn and Pluto from June 14 to June 19. You may feel like deep emotions are coming up, especially emotions tied to the past or from childhood. With Mars moving through the sign of Cancer this month and touching on powerful eclipse degrees, this is an opportunity to let something massive go like emotional baggage or trauma that you’ve been carrying around for years. It could be family and ancestral related, too. So don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a lot of emotional buttons pushed around the middle of the month. Just have the courage to work through it. By the last week of June, you may be a bit tired. It’s time to rest after a long year, especially one that may have brought a lot of change. As you get ready for your birthday season, which is not that far away, use the rest of the month to relax, reflect, meditate, and dream. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Friends, social network, community, groups, social causes, the future, the big picture, systems, the collective, belonging, connection, deep emotions, powerful emotions, hidden emotions, the past, memories, family, letting go, release, the self, persona, identity, creativity, self expression, passion, self destructive tendencies, old traumas, old hurts, rest, recuperation, reflection, spirituality, spiritual health, serious choices, serious decisions.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

It’s hustle time, Virgo. With the Sun moving through your career sign of Gemini, this is a natural time in your personal calendar for you to reach for success, build on your ambitions, and make changes in your professional life. The new moon on June 3, for example, gives you a new beginning, one that may have you stepping up into new roles or titles or responsibilities. That said, even if career is not something that’s totally relevant for you right now, we all have things we want to reach for, things that we have to do in life, roles that we play. So this is the season where it’s likely more work than play. In a similar vein, with Mercury in Cancer starting on June 4, it’s a time to look ahead and think of the future. If career is highlighted this month, then how will you make the social connections and alliances you need to get ahead? Who will you meet that will help you get a bigger picture of what you want to create in the world? Do keep in mind that there’s some tense astrology to navigate during the middle of the month when both Mercury and Mars makes tough oppositions to Saturn and Pluto. As a result, you may have to make a major decisions about your future or face something that you’ve been avoiding. Saturn says that you can’t run away from your responsibilities (not that you would, Virgo, a sign that’s known for its diligence as much as it is its responsibility). So just make sure you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, because Saturn’s getting things all serious on June 16. The next day, on June 17, a full moon lights up Sagittarius, your sign of home, family, and roots. Have you been thinking about moving or making a change in your living situation? A full moon in this part of your chart is textbook astrology for a move or change in the home, especially since you have Jupiter in this part of your chart all year long. That said, even if a move is not the cards, it’s a full moon to focus on what you need on an emotional level. It’s about putting down roots and tending to the ones that are there. It’s memories, nostalgia, and the past … but also making decisions for the future. You may be feeling a little wistful as Jupiter squares Neptune this month or wondering where life is going. It may even feel like an existential crisis at times. Just make sure you’re taking care of your own needs, Virgo, since you have a habit of putting everyone else first. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, responsibilities, titles, roles, status, ambition, success, the world, direction, the public, community, friendships, social network, social circles, groups, social causes, society, the future, hopes, dreams, home, family, living situation, move, changes in the home, roots, foundation, emotional core, emotional needs, relationships, other people.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

It’s travel season, Libra, a time in your personal calendar when you’re more likely to pack your bags and head off to exotic or far flung destinations, especially after the Gemini New Moon on June 3. If you’re feeling caught between two worlds — the part that wants to get out and explore versus the part that’s been brooding since mid May — you may feel a bit more like yourself once Venus arrives in Gemini on June 8. That said, this is not only the season to travel, but the season to focus on education, communication, and even more abstract themes like faith and meaning. The new moon may also touch on deeper spiritual themes. Are you having a crisis of faith? Are you wondering what’s right versus what’s wrong? Which way you should go? The full moon on July 17 may bring this to a head. One of the dynamics this month is that it’s possible that you don’t have all the answers, that you may be wrong. Be open to new perspectives, even if it means having to shift your worldview. Since Mars and Mercury are making some heavy duty aspects to Saturn and Pluto from June 14 through June 19, getting you ready for next month’s eclipses, you may have some serious decisions to make. Mars, in particular, is your relationship planet, both romantic and otherwise. It talks about how you connect with others. With Mars touching on sensitive points in the sky this month, something may likely have to shift in how you share and interact with others. You may need to make a serious commitment to someone or have to make overdue changes to bring equity if there’s been a lack of balance. (Never forget that you’re a Libra. You need balance, equity, and fairness.) Then starting on June 21 you’re in a new season, one that’s focused on career and direction, responsibility and the things we have to do to get ahead in life. The coming weeks may bring some changes to your professional life, what with the July 2 solar eclipse opening up a powerful door for new opportunities as well as leaving behind anything that’s not working for you anymore. The great wheel of your life is turning.(Shameless plug, I’m teaching a webinar on July’s eclipses to give you more information.) Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Travel, foreign destinations, long distance trips, movement, the world, exploration, faith, truth, meaning, right and wrong, choices, serious decisions, existential questions, education, communication, ideas, information, news, the mind, learning, career, professional life, public life, responsibilities, ambitions, title, status, reputation, recognition, relationships, other people, interaction, connection, partnership.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

There’s something about Gemini Season that touches on something familiarly Scorpio. Even though it’s a sign that likes to keep it light, Gemini just so happens to be what’s called your 8th Sign, that part of your chart that takes you through some of your deepest emotional material. It’s the season to face yourself in all your many facets and forms, to face your hidden self, the part that you share with only a trusted few. So, you’re navigating themes of intimacy and vulnerability this month. The new moon on June 3 kicks things off by pressing on emotional buttons. One of the themes you’re navigating this month has to do with self worth. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy, Scorpio. And this is a month for you to take a serious look at your inner saboteur, your inner critic, the choices that you make that often work against you. On a more real world level, this is also a month where you’re looking at money, from wealth and debt to what you earn and how you create a more stable foundation for yourself. The full moon on June 17 puts this into perspective. See, with Jupiter in your money sign of Sagittarius this year, you have a lot of potential to create more resources for yourself. So don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Just take a serious look at how your beliefs may be limiting you. Which brings me to Mars. Your ruling planet has been in Cancer since mid May. On one hand, foreign travel or long distance travel has likely been on your mind the past few weeks. There’s a need for you to get out and explore right now. On the other hand, Mars is touching on some heavy duty aspects to Saturn and Pluto this month, facing off with them from June 14 through June 19. It’s quite possible that the middle of the month isn’t going to be a cakewalk. It’s a time when you need to be on your best behavior, impeccable, and assured of yourself. Don’t be self righteous. With Mars under Saturn’s gaze this month, it’s about doing the right thing, stepping up to responsibility, and being accountable for your actions. You may have to say no to something. Or you may have to speak up in a way that you haven’t before to defend what you believe in. Just make sure you’re doing it with open eyes and an open heart. You’re going into eclipse season next month, Scorpio, and you’re a sign that knows that things can’t stay the same. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The deep self, the hidden self, the psyche, facing fears, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, power, control, manipulation, choices, serious decisions, money, income, material needs, material stability, resources, benefits, finance, wealth, debt, foreign travel, long distance journeys, higher education, faith, truth, wisdom, belief, knowledge, philosophy, right and wrong.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

It’s relationship season, the time in your personal calendar when it’s naturally about reaching out to others, making connections, and meeting new people. Yes, this can include meeting a new romantic partner, but at the core of Gemini Season for you is the need to interact and socialize. The new moon on June 3 kicks this time off for you, opening up a four week period centered on the many varieties of relationship in your life. Of course, if you’re looking to meet someone, definitely use this window of time. Gemini likes to socialize, schmooze, and flirt, especially after Venus arrives in Gemini on June 8. So you may find yourself very busy over the coming weeks and the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 17 puts you in the spotlight. But it also highlights a deeper story that’s been unfolding this year now that Jupiter is also in Sagittarius, namely that of faith, truth, and meaning. With Jupiter in Sagittarius only until December, this is a time when you’re naturally at the beginning of a big chapter of your life, one that will span the next eleven years. But you may be questioning a lot of things in life right now, grappling with faith, or searching for meaning. Jupiter makes what’s called a square to Neptune this month. Some things can’t be understood with the mind and as a Sagittarius you know a lot. You’re the sign of wisdom. But somethings can only be understood by feeling them. So, Sagittarius, get out of your head this month and into your heart. As much as June is about meeting new people, it’s superficial in the face of existential questions and spiritual longings. Yes, be social this month, but also tend to the needs of your soul. Spend time with your inner mystic. You may also find that a lot of deep emotions are coming up for you this month, stuff from childhood, stuff that may have been well hidden in the recesses of your psyche. Mars is stirring things up behind the scenes and preparing you for next month’s solar and lunar eclipses. Speaking of Mars, it’s making some tense oppositions to Saturn and Pluto from June 14 to June 19. As it does, you may have to dig into themes around money, stability, and resource. You may also be confronting something from the past. Then again, it’s time to let a lot of things go. When the Sun arrives in Cancer on June 21 you’re beginning to dip into a part of your chart that shines a light on intimacy, vulnerability, and even sexuality. Just be aware that July may touch on some emotionally tender spots and, as a result, you may be navigating a lot of emotional material as you wrap up the month. You got this, Sagittarius! Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, connection, socializing, compromise, negotiation, charm, flirtation, the self, new seasons, soul searching, truth, meaning, faith, leap of faith, leap into the unknown, deep emotions, the deep self, the psyche, the past, past trauma, family trauma, memories, confrontation, emotional confrontation, money, income, spending, resource, stability, wealth, debt, finance, benefits, estate, inheritances.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Capricorn, we got some stuff to talk about. In many ways June’s astrology is tied to July’s astrology and it’s in July that we have two eclipses, a solar eclipse on July 2 and a lunar eclipse on July 16. What this means, even for June, is that you’re in the run up to some potential big changes. Think of it like this. The road of life is never straight. It has bends, curves, and even points where you have to make a decisions — is it a left or a right? This month, you may be sensing that there’s another bend in road or even a hard turn. As June begins, Mars is in your relationship sign of Cancer. See, Mars is a planet that’s generally a bit uncomfortable in Cancer. It’s a bit moody. It presses emotional buttons. So you may find that there’s a lot going on in your relationships. Of course, this extends to all relationships. But if you are in a romantic partnership, tempers may flare. There’s an immediacy to what’s going on and it’s bringing something up that will play out into July. Mars, after all, is never subtle. And neither are eclipses. You may have some big decisions to make this this month as Mars plus Mercury heads off with Saturn and Pluto from June 14 to June 19. Honestly, this is not easy astrology. It can feel like a battering ram. Keep in mind that this year you’re into the run up to a major conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January 2020. While that’s month’s away, you are already feeling it. The structures of your life are cracking and breaking. As strong as a metaphor as this is, it’s important to understand what this time in your life is about and what it’s asking of you — break yourself apart so that the real you can reassemble or emerge from the pieces. And one of the ways in which that is happening this year is through relationships. Here’s the thing. You’re a Capricorn. If there’s a sign that’s up for the task, it’s you. And I know how you’re a sign that likes a plan, even if it means knowing that you’re in an uncomfortable spot right now. Whatever you can do to get out of your way will go a long way to help this process. Anywho, that was my real talk. We haven’t even talked about Gemini Season, which is a time when you get to focus on health, wellness, and tending to the details of everyday living. Use this month to get organize, Marie Kondo style. Purge, especially with the full moon on June 17. You may also be grappling with themes of faith. Will this all work out? What does this all mean? You know, existential questions. So if you can give yourself some time to meditate and reflect after the full moon, it may serve you well. Then it’s onto Cancer Season and into the gate for July’s eclipses. (Shameless plug, I’m teaching a webinar on July’s eclipses to give you more information.) Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself — body, mind, and soul — in June. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, negotiation, fights, confrontations, compromise, letting to, breakdown, breakthrough, rebirth, serious decisions, reality check, boundaries, commitment, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, organization, details, schedule, daily life, service, spiritual health, the soul, changes.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

As an air sign, Aquarius, you get along very well with Gemini, also an air sign. Element Air is about connection, expression, ideas, and movement. And Gemini Season is a time for you to get out and play. Truth be told, there have likely been some heavy moments throughout 2019, so you could use the levity. Make sure you’re doing something fun, which even means creating something new or sharing your talents with others. The new moon on June 3 makes this an imperative and brings up questions of whether or not you’re truly honoring and expressing not only who you are but the value of what you have to give and share. Something to ponder. The full moon two weeks later on June 17 puts the spotlight on friends, social connection, and community. Make sure the friends you keep are your strongest champions and allies. As you go into the middle of the month you may be dealing with some intense energy. With Mars in your health and wellness sign of Cancer, it’s also an imperative that you’re focusing on taking care of your body this month. But what may be confrontational is that you need to find the link between your physical health and your spiritual health. Let’s face it. We all have blind spots, parts of ourselves that we disown or hide away. How are these disowned parts of yourself affecting your physical health? What can you let go about the past? How can you shed what no longer serves you? Keep in mind that 2020 is the start of a brand new cycle as Saturn arrives in Aquarius for the first time in nearly 30 years. So be very aware of what’s around you and what you don’t want to bring with you into the next 30 years. I know that that is a massive statement, but it’s the consciousness I want to impart about this year and as you prepare for next year. Another thing to keep in mind is that as much as this month is about play, you may be working a lot this month. This includes projects as well as the work that you need to get done in your professional life. Just be careful of working too much as Mars in this part of your chart can easily get exhausted. Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Fun, creativity, identity, persona, self expression, talent, performance, leisure, children, friends, social network, social connection, groups, social causes, the future, big picture, confrontation, facing the self, spiritual health, physical health, wellness, taking care of the body, taking care of the soul, the unconscious, work, projects, career, direction, ambitions, status, authority.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Gemini Season means it’s time to pull away from the world and find your inner sanctum. It’s a time to gather your loved ones close, to spend time with family, and tend to what truly nourishes you. So if you’re feeling like you want to lay low, then by all means. But this month may be busy, a business that plays out in the home. This may include making changes in your home environment to making a move. The new moon on June 3 creates a new beginning, one focused on putting down roots and feeling a sense of closeness and belonging. Two weeks later, on June 17, a full moon puts career in the spotlight and is a reminder that for all your worldly ambitions, you need to make sure there’s a solid foundation for them to rest upon. It’s also a reminder that you’re midway through a year long window of opportunity in your professional life. Right now you have Jupiter on your side, helping you to open doors into the world. If you want to change jobs or make other career moves, use the energy of the full moon to do so. But there’s the rub. See, Jupiter is square Neptune in Pisces this month (and will again in September) and whatever you’re doing in the world, it has to align with your true values. As a Pisces, you have a perspective in life that others do not. You’re able to see things, feel things, and have an awareness of the world that is intuitively driven. So when your intuition tells you things, it’s hard not to listen. What is your intuition tell you about your career, your plans for the future, the direction your life is taking? Is there room for adjustment? How do you get your worldly ambitions on the same page as your spiritual ambitions? Do note that Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces on June 21, which has a tendency to make the days around the exact station a bit foggy, confusing, and overly sensitive. (Yes, Pisces, it’s possible for you to be more sensitive than usual.) Not to get ahead of myself, because I really want to talk about a couple of major aspects happening from June 14 to June 19 as both Mars and Mercury oppose Saturn and Pluto. It’s really pressing hard on themes of identity and connection. With Saturn in your sign of community and friendships all year long, you may be acutely aware of social connection right now … whether it’s a lack of it or a need to weed out the people that are not true allies. As Mars and Mercury come up against Saturn and Pluto, there may be something you need to confront. Are you allowing yourself to be your true self? Are you valuing yourself? Your talents? Do you feel like you belong. It’s not easy energy, but it’s certainly productive energy and, as a result, you may have some serious decisions to make, especially in regards to relationships or even a romance. This serious decision may even touch on where you live and who you live with. Just something to keep in mind. By the end of the month, it’s Cancer Season and you’re moving into a season that’s not only about having fun, but allow yourself to express who you are. Don’t hold back, Pisces! Want to learn more about how the astrology of June will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, move, changes in the home, inner circle, emotional core, emotional needs, sensitivity, intuition, the past, nostalgia, roots, foundation, career, professional life, ambitions, responsibilities, roles, status, recognition, identity, self expression, persona, creativity, talent, performance, fun, belonging, friendships, community, social circle, social networks.

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