The Libra Moon continues to put an emphasis on relationships, but with today’s face off between Venus and Saturn, we’ve got a decision to make about a connection. Saturn says, does this connection have what it takes to go the distance? Does it have commitment?

Even if we’re not in a relationship, we may be reevaluating how we connect with people. Libra, by its nature, seeks balance and harmony. And Saturn, believe it or not, has a lot of affinity with Libra. It also wants balance and harmony. So we may be looking at all our partnerships today and seeking more cooperation, diplomacy, and understanding of each other. And if something is not working, Saturn may draw a hard boundary.

As I mentioned yesterday, we’re also enjoying a trine between Jupiter and Neptune, exact today. Trine energy is inspirational, it opens doors and brings in new potential. Jupiter and Neptune in harmony with each other is like the hand of the divine showing us the way, giving us a vision of what is possible, opening up our hearts to something beautiful.

There’s a catharsis to this aspect. Jupiter is in Scorpio after all, a sign that touches on some of our deepest emotions. If anything comes up today and over the coming days, let it release, let it be washed away or redeemed by Neptune in Pisces.

Also, just a personal note, I’m traveling and offline this coming week. I won’t be able to post until the beginning of June. There’s a full moon on May 29, activating this trine between Jupiter and Neptune. This is a great time to do meditation and deeper spiritual work. So, see you all on the flip side.

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On Neptune

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