We start the weekend with a Capricorn Moon, inviting us to think about the things that matter — our commitments, achievements, and plans for the future. With Saturn also in Capricorn, we can’t put things off. Use today and tomorrow to take a critical eye to your life.

But this weekend is not all work. We’re under the influence of a beautiful grand water trine between Venus in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces — a mystical, magical, and heart opening alignment of planets. As a result things may look extra beautiful. We may feel more sensitive. Emotions may be bubbling up for release in a way lets us wash away the past.

With trine energy (aka planets in the same element that form a triangle pattern in the sky), we have a lot of inspiration and possibilities. Let yourself dream. Let yourself open to divine gift. Let yourself open to redemptive love. Let yourself release from the past. Trine energy needs to manifest, which means it needs to be made concrete. Make sure you use Saturn and the Moon in Capricorn to take real steps to anchor this beautiful energy between Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune.

PS — I’ve been on offline in Greece for the past week and thank you all for your patience while I’ve been away on retreat. June horoscopes are to come. Much love.

Read More:

On Neptune

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

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Photo by Daan Huttinga on Unsplash