Hey guys, it’s June. It’s also Gemini season.

This month has a bit of a serious feel to it thanks to the influence of Saturn, which is in contrast to Gemini’s tendency to play it fast and loose. As a result, many of us will be at a crossroads in June. Which direction will we decide to go in? What have we been putting off forever that it is time to take action on?

A caveat. Mars is Retrograde. If Mars is fuel, will, the power to take action and move forward, then the retrograde is a time when our foot is off the gas. We’re slowing down instead of speeding up.

That said, Mars will turn direct on June 29. Get all your ideas on paper and start mapping out plans. The influence of Neptune heightens our intuition, helps us to co-create with Spirit, and manifest into physical. When Mars turns direct we’ll be able to move.

Check out your June horoscopes for more information. Read for your Sun and rising sign.

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June 2016 Horoscopes