We’ve reached the dark of the moon, the time when the lunar light is at its most faint. It’s typically a time to rest, to pull back from the world as we prepare for tomorrow’s new moon. Our dreams may be vivid, our intuition may be stronger.

Perhaps this is not the fireworks you’re looking for. Plus, the Moon’s in Cancer the second half of the day, a Moon that’s been known to be wistful and sentimental, and Moon that wants to stay close to the familiar. The dark of the moon is fundamentally about release, preparing us for a new cycle.

The Cancer New Moon tomorrow, July 5, at 14 degrees, puts us firmly into Cancer Season. It’s a reset after the hustle and bustle of June and the Gemini lunar month. It’s a renewal of all things home and family, whether that means spending time at home or with our families or prioritizing loved ones who are like family.

We may be seeing a ripple of eclipse energy as the Sun squares the Lunar Nodes, energy that evokes the hand of fate. But whatever moves or changes in our lives, a trine to Saturn in Pisces means that we can find positive outcomes and support.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 5, 2024.

Read More:

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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Video — The Astrology of July 1-7, 2024

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