It’s a Cancer New Moon, which kicks off a new lunar month as well as a check-in with the March-April eclipses. Neptune also turns retrograde at the end of Pisces, adding to sensitivities and emotions. Plus, Mercury arrives in Leo, a preview of Leo Season.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 2, 2024.


♈ Aries — 26:01
♉ Taurus — 28:19
♊ Gemini — 30:18
♋ Cancer — 33:15
♌ Leo — 36:22
♍ Virgo — 39:47
♎ Libra — 42:10
♏ Scorpio — 44:54
♐ Sagittarius — 48:09
♑ Capricorn — 51:45
♒ Aquarius — 54:59
♓ Pisces — 58:15

Read More:

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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