Relationships are in the spotlight as we start the weekend. With Venus coming up to a face off with Pluto, pay attention to any old relationship dynamics or relationship narratives that come up, especially anything around power, control, or even obsession.

When a planet meets up with the energies of Pluto, that planet has a chance to make a powerful change. (I went into depth on this in a recent webinar on Pluto.) In addition, Venus touches on themes of value, worth, and resource, so pay attention to money themes, too.

We’re also wrapping up Cancer Season this weekend and what a season it has been. As I mentioned yesterday, this is the time in the zodiac calendar when we turn towards the softer side of life — home, family, and emotional connection. Since this Cancer Season coincided with eclipse season, it’s quite possible that we learned a few powerful lessons on how to connect or, at the very least, realize that we need to shift our priorities in life.

It’s also a Pisces Moon weekend, a Moon that would rather relax and meditate than anything else. You may want to keep things chill this weekend as a result.

Starting late Monday, July 22, the Sun arrives in Leo and we kick off a new season, one aimed to teach us about expressing ourselves as well as finding our creativity and passion.

Read More:

On Pluto

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July 2019 Horoscopes

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