We’re in the last stretch of Cancer Season, a time when we turn to the softer side of life — connection, heart, home, and family. It’s been a time to build new structures and tear down the ones that aren’t working. Continue to be gentle with yourself.

As the first water sign, Cancer opens us up to emotion. It’s a sign that teaches us about our needs, whether its the need to feel safe and supported or the need to feel like we’re not alone. Rules by the Moon, it’s a very primal sign, taking us into some of the most fundamental experiences of human life.

For many different reasons, we can become cut off from this beautiful, positive Cancer energy. With its two eclipses, this Cancer Season has really invited us, pointedly so, to work on the blocks, the walls, and the denser emotions that preventing us from experiencing these primal energies.

Keep this in mind as we continue outward from the July 16 lunar eclipse in Capricorn, Cancer’s opposing sign. Venus will face off with Pluto into this weekend, which means that we’re also exploring our relationships and the power dynamics built into them.

In the meantime, the Moon’s in Aquarius today. As much as Cancer is about one-on-one connection, Aquarius opens us up to something larger. Use today and tomorrow to socialize, network, and get a bigger picture of what’s going on in your life.

Read More:

Capricorn Full Moon: The Wrecking Ball

Empowering Astrology YouTube Channel

July 2019 Horoscopes

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