We’re in the last days of Cancer Season, a time for us to return to themes of home and family. Cancer teaches us how essential it is to belong, to feel like we have roots as well as emotional connection. Last week’s eclipse made this an imperative.

What is home? Is it the place we live or is it something deeper? Something emotional, intangible? Is it a feeling of peace? We all need love as well as stability. While the Sun is in Cancer we can either naturally reach towards these things or feel the ache of lack. We’re either nostalgic for happier times or reminded of the ghosts of the past. Our healing works comes when we recognize what is missing and take steps to change. And Cancer is a reminder for us to get back to the heart of what makes life worth living.

So, make sure you’re tending to your roots. Bring life to your home, even if it’s with small gestures. Eat something nourishing. Reach out to a loved one. Mother yourself. It’s important to reprogram your day, setting aside time to intentionally bring in this energy if you want to seed your life with new energies. Last week’s solar eclipse and its opposition to Pluto means that we have to cut out what is no longer feeding us, nurturing us, and allowing us to feel rooted and at home.

Read More:

Cancer New Moon: Descent and Ascent

On Pluto

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Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash