Between the Cancer Sun and the Scorpio Moon, we’re starting the weekend on a sensitive note. Scorpio loves a good heart-to-heart. It loves to dig and probe. Make sure you’re spending quality time with your inner circle or working on themes of intimacy, vulnerability, and trust.

The Scorpio Moon is also a reminder that Mars is still retrograde over in Aquarius. When Mars is retrograde, as it has been since June 26, we’re working on our past experiences, choices, and karma around taking action. Mars Retrograde is also a second look at how we show our individuality, how we lead, and even how we express our anger. The retrograde can either put us in a holding pattern or release everything that we’ve previously pent up. Plus, Mars is in Aquarius, so we’re really being pushed to examine the role of community and friendships as well as how we connect to the collective.

Mars will play a big role in next week’s lunar eclipse in Aquarius. So these themes around community, friendship, and connection will be quite strong. With Mars making a connection to the South Node and a square off with Uranus, we may need to leave something behind with this full moon lunar eclipse — friendships or alliances that have reached their conclusion, beliefs or ideology have no longer suits us. We may need to make a break with the past and take ourselves in a new direction. Eclipse Season, after all, has a habit of ushering us into a new chapter.

More on that next week. Mars will turn direct on August 27.

Read More:

Mars in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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