We start the weekend with a Cancer Moon, one that prefers we stay close to home or in the company of family or close loved ones. It’s a perfect weekend for getting projects done around the home or checking off items from our to-do list.

We’re also rounding out Aquarius Season, a time that helps us to be more aware of our friendships, communities, and social connections. Depending on our relationship with the world at large, hopefully we’ve used this time to find more connection or to have a deeper appreciation for the support we have from friends and the networks around us.

Don’t forget, we’re still in an Aquarius lunar month, one that began on February 4. It’s not too late to use this energy to attend more events in our communities or to join a group of like minded people. Reach out to friends, too. Like all relationships, we need to tend to them so that they continue to be a strong presence in our lives.

Lastly, we’re also in the final days of Chiron in Pisces, a sign that it won’t be in for another fifty or so years. Chiron is a subtler influence in astrology, one that points to the knots and pain points that we suffer from and that help us understand the pain of others. In Pisces, the pain is existential and spiritual. It’s been eight years of working, undoing, and healing some of the deepest knots in the fabric of our lives.

Come Monday, Chiron goes back into Aries, where it will be until 2026-2027. In Aries, the knot and the pain is around the self, our individuality, our courage to take action, lead, and move forward. We’ll be working on healing something very fundamental.

Read More:

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

February 2019 Horoscopes

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