We’re officially between the eclipses, that magical, potent vortex of energy that comes in between the solar and lunar eclipse. Our experiences, interactions, and even our choices have extra charge to them. Things feel fated. Doors are closing while others open.

Yesterday’s eclipse was a South Node eclipse, which means that we’re sorting through themes and issues that have ties to the past. We’re also releasing something so we can make space for something new. If you missed my solar eclipse report, you can read it here in Capricorn New Moon: Clearing Space.

The eclipses mark a new time in our lives and open up a chapter that will play out over the coming six months, until the next round of eclipses in June-July 2020. Pay attention to what’s going on right now, from the subtext to the emotions. Write them down in a journal and return to your notes during key points over the next six months. It will hopefully give you a few aha moments about this time in your life.

Speaking of which, I’ve been framing a lot of my discussion about these eclipses and their aspects to Pluto to a story that began in 2008, the year that Pluto first arrived in Capricorn for the first time since the 1770s. (Yes, you read that date right.) For us, a particular part of our lives has demanded total overhaul in the last 12 years, depending on where Capricorn is in your chart. (Not sure where? You can read Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign for more information.)

These eclipses are really checking in on our overhauling progress, whether it’s completely transforming how we interact with people and engage in relationship to how we value ourselves and earn a living, for example. Just something to reflect on in our personal work.

And that’s what astrology does. It shows us interlacing threads of time, these stories that weave themselves over the course of a year or even a decade or more. When we can see how we’re part of a bigger narrative, an actor in a great drama, it can give us a powerful lightbulb or aha moment. In order to understand our future we need to understand our past. (I’ll be talking about these big narratives more in my Astrology of 2020 webinar on January 7.)

Hopefully the Sun’s yearly meetup with Jupiter today will give us a big aha moment. Jupiter is the planet of knowledge. It inspires us to search, explore, and learn about the world as well as ourselves in the world. While Jupiter’s not typically at home in Capricorn, hopefully it can help us get through this intense eclipse season with grace and wisdom.

Don’t forget, you only have five more days to RSVP for my talk on Saturn, Pluto, and what they mean for you in the new year in my Starstruck 2020 Global Astrology Summit hosted by The AstroTwins. On January 1, you’ll get my talk for free. But you can also get 24 astrology talks with a roster of prominent and emerging astrologers for $19.99 with the special code HOLIDAY.

Read More:

Capricorn New Moon: Clearing Space

Webinar — The Astrology of 2020

Free Talk — Starstruck 2020 Global Astrology Conference with the AstroTwins

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Webinar Replay — The Eclipses of December 2019-January 2020

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Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash