The Sun squares with Chiron and we’re coming to the final leg of a journey that began in March. Chiron reveals our invisible scar tissue, the points of pain rooted deep within. Whatever you’re feeling is a part of a much bigger story that you must heal.

We all have emotional triggers. What’s unites us as humans is our ability to suffer as much as our ability to experience joy. Maybe we don’t feel good enough or lovable or wanted, a pain that pulls at us like a deep ache. Chiron is this ache, which can feel like a knot that wraps itself around certain parts of our lives. And when we feel bound and restricted, we’re not able to fully express ourselves.

As I mentioned yesterday, the Sun is lined up with the Galactic Center right now, the ribbon of stars in the sky that forms the center of the Milky Way, the galaxy that we live in. When we’re caught in the personalization of our pain, we’re not able to see higher and recognize that we’re part of something much bigger.

Right now Chiron is in Pisces and Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, is in Sagittarius, so the ache is existential and spiritual. Our faith has been tested and even rattled. We’re searching for meaning or just feeling cynical. But what’s at the root of this pain? What story does it tell about ourselves and our soul?

Chiron reminds us that our story is no different than the story of others, that there is someone somewhere who is feeling and going through same thing. This recognition helps us to find compassion — compassion for ourselves and others. As Spirit once said to me, we’re not ready to heal until we’re ready to depersonalize our pain.

Make sure you prioritize your healing today, that you contemplate your place in the vastness of the cosmos, nourish your faith, and make your peace with creation. It’s important to know that we’re all connected, that your pain is my pain and that when we heal we heal for all humanity. (You can read more about Chiron in my article “On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots”.)

Note that this is the last time the Sun will square off with Chiron in Pisces for another 50 years.

Read More:

Astro Daily: December 18, 2018

Astro Daily: March 14, 2018

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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