Moon moves into Capricorn and it’s hustle time. It’s also a reminder that Saturn is in Capricorn and we’re feeling the push to get organized, set goals, and work hard. It’s also a day for accountability. How are you honoring your commitments and responsibilities?

Saturn’s been in the sign of Capricorn since last December and it will continue to move through the sign of “adulting” until the end of 2020 — that’s quite a bit of time. Because Saturn in Capricorn holds us up to a high measure, you may find that there is a particular area of your life that needs you to be more of an adult. If you are a Capricorn or Capricorn rising, you’re feeling this on a very personal level. (Read my sign-by-sign guide below to find out what area of your life needs your exacting attention.

Saturn in Capricorn also means that there are rules. In fact, there’s always been rules, but maybe we skirted around them. So today’s not the day to try to push your luck. We have to understand that actions have consequences because Saturn shows us the return on our actions. While this is a bit of a sobering reminder, that’s the level that Saturn works on.

But I’m actually a big fan of Saturn even though it’s not the warmest of planets. When we have a good relationship with Saturn, we’re setting goals for ourselves. We’re working hard to achieve something in our life. We’re building structure. We’re honoring our word. We’re upstanding. People recognize us as a leader, someone who follows through and takes on responsibility. We’re rewarded for our hard work. So, with that in mind, use today to reflect on the role of Saturn in your life. And if you’re age 28-30, you’re going through something called the Saturn Return. You’re feeling an enormous pressure — or even a crisis — to figure your life out and make that first real step into adulthood.

Also don’t forget that Mars is also in Capricorn. It’s wrapping up its retrograde on August 27, and as it gets ready to turn direct over this coming week, we may be feeling a great deal of pressure to make some decisions about our lives and make a step towards our future.

Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

In Defense of Saturn

Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

August 2018 Horoscopes

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