The Moon steps into Scorpio and we’re ready to get down to business. With Mars hovering at the end of Capricorn, the Moon points us towards taking a sharp eye to our lives. Sometimes in order to change the external, we have to change the internal.

Scorpio is the sign that helps us to do our inner work. It’s a sign in which we face our fears in order to not only rise above them, but take consciousness of why these were our fears in the first place. And the more that you dig into your self and put light onto your shadow, the more you open up space for sometime better.

Something that comes up in my astrology consultation work is that many times we want astrology to give us permission to live or tell us when we will get what we’ve always wanted. The problem is that our internal world influences and mirrors our external. The more we do our personal work and transform, the more the world around us transforms.

The type of astrology that I do is to help open up consciousness so that we can live our astrology with the highest awareness of ourselves and how we’re connected to everything — the planets, the stars. Consciousness is merely an awareness of self so that you’re able to see your life and everything around you from the roof instead of the ground floor, and that you’re able to see how your choices impact others as well as your self. It’s through consciousness as well as our personal work that we can transcend our small self to be our expanded self … with love, joy, and grace.

That said, the Moon in Scorpio is a wonderful opportunity to gain wisdom from our darkness. Be open to powerful insights today. And note that the Moon has an ally in Scorpio, the planet Jupiter, which will be visiting Scorpio until November 8.

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

Leo New Moon: Darkness into Light

August 2018 Horoscopes

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Photo by Rene Böhmer on Unsplash