It’s the end of the lunar month, the final hours when the Moon is at its darkest. We reflect on what we’ve experienced since July 12, especially the unexpected twists and turns. Tomorrow is not only a new moon, but an other solar eclipse.

What came up for you since July? The new moon on July 12 was also a solar eclipse, one that strongly activated the energies of Pluto. Was there something emotionally difficult you had to face? Did something end? Or did you have to leave something behind? Pluto brings up issues around our shadow — the aspects of ourselves that we don’t want to face, the things we keep hidden. And what we often don’t want to face about ourselves often gets projected onto others. Our shadow becomes a boss, a friend, or even a romantic partner.

Tomorrow’s solar eclipse brings us into a very different lunar month, one centered on all things Leo. It’s a time to rediscover our talents and our joy, to rediscover who we are and have the courage to express that to others. Leo is also the sign of the Creator, so don’t forget to be the Creator in your life. Make something new and revel in the pleasure of doing so. On side note, solar eclipses also touch on leadership, bringing people in and out of positions of power.

Do something creative this weekend. Remember, creativity comes in many forms. It’s anything that we “put our stamp on”, anything that has the essence of ourselves in it. This could be cooking, organizing, making art and music, or crafting. Make a list of the things you want to create over the coming six months. Don’t hold back.

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On Pluto

August 2018 Horoscopes

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Photo by Florian Pérennès on Unsplash