We may be wrapping up Aries season, but its fire will sustain us beyond. After all, we’re in a lunar month that began just days ago with a powerful alignment to Uranus. Be prepared for ups and downs, breakthroughs, and a restless need to make a change.

If fact today may bring new sight or epiphanies as the Sun makes its annual conjunction to Uranus. Like the proverbial lightning bolt of inspiration, Uranus opens us up to new futures, helps us break out of old patterns, and shakes us awake. The word of the day is authenticity.

Thankfully Uranus’s unpredictable energy is pointing to Capricorn, a sign known for its cool headed thinking and solid planning skills. Whatever changes we’re making has to be in line with our future as well as our ambitions. If you do something radical in the coming days or weeks, how is it benefiting you in the long run? How is it helping you obtain your goals and dreams? Have you do the required planning and due diligence before you make a big change? Are you ready to grow up, get real?

In the meantime, the Moon is in Gemini today. It’s all about communication, ideas, and movement. With Mercury still in Aries, conversations may be fast paced, pointed, or even argumentative. But with the energy pointing to Mars and Pluto, they will definitely be revealing.

PS — Chiron entered Aries yesterday, a big shift for us all. Make sure you check out my Chiron in Aries article below.

Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

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Photo by David Travis on Unsplash