Hold onto your hats. We start the week fresh off an Aries New Moon, one that’s ushering in a lunar month filled with twists, turns, and radical new beginnings. Then tomorrow, April 17, Saturn turns retrograde, underlining our Saturn in Capricorn journey towards greater maturity.

We’re four months into the Saturn in Capricorn era. We’ve been feeling the pressure — pressure to perform, pressure to take on new responsibility, and pressure to make serious decisions about our lives. Saturn is holding all of us to a higher standard while in the sign of Capricorn. And, because of that, life feels extra real right now.

With Saturn Retrograde, we’re getting a check in on our growing-up, taking-on-more-responsibility-progress. Saturn Retrograde will be a time to reflect, tinker with what we’re building, and revisit our goals.

In addition, Chiron will change signs tomorrow, moving into Aries for the first time since 1977. As you can imagine, this is a bit of a big deal, although Chiron works on a more subtle level and our perception of this shift won’t be as obvious. But, what this means, is that our healing work both personally and collectively will now move to the level of the I. Meaning, we’ll be doing a lot of work over the coming years on healing the Aries archetype. We’ll be digging into our personal and collective pain and suffering around anger, aggression, freedom, competition, and power. Chiron in Aries will also include the times we weren’t brave enough, when we didn’t have the will to move forward or take the lead, when our instincts were off, when we didn’t stand up for ourselves.

More on this tomorrow.

Read More:

Aries New Moon: Burn the House Down

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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Photo by Nils Stahl on Unsplash