Welcome to the Aquarius Full Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on social connection, friendship, community, and our place in the world. Aquarius is equity and justice, science and technology, systems and networks. The full moon is exact on August 3, 2020 at 11:59 pm EDT, 11 degrees Aquarius/Leo. That’s 8:59 am Los Angeles, 4:59 pm London, 1:59 am Sydney on August 4, and 3:59 am Auckland.

If Leo season helps us to celebrate our individuality, then Aquarius, the polarity of Leo, is a reminder that we can’t completely focus on the self. Instead, we have to balance it by understanding that we’re part of a collective, that this individuality is connected through our networks, communities, and even our shared humanity.

Aquarius is a sign that we’re actually going to be doing a lot of work in come 2021-2023 when Saturn returns back to Aquarius. Our three month preview, from March 21 to July 1, 2020, was a heads up that themes around equity and justice, social connection, and technology will be big themes going forward. And since Aquarius is a sign that’s ruled by Saturn, it’s also a reminder that one of the things that Saturn wants the most is balance. Everything has to be in balance.

So, how do we balance ourselves and our needs against the needs the the whole, the needs of the planet, the needs of the collective?

Full moons make demands. There’s a sense of urgency. We have to take action. We must bring something to a resolution. And all eyes are on Aquarius.

There are a few important things to take into account with this full moon, themes that will be playing out in the days surrounding the full moon.

First, the full moon makes a tight square to Uranus in Taurus. If you recall, Uranus has been in Taurus since March 2019. (We had a preview from May to November 2018.) And during Uranus’s seven year stay in Taurus, we’ll have to completely reinvent our relationship with the earth, money, value, fertility, stability, and food — all Taurus themes. We’re also breaking out of old patterns and getting out of our comfort zones.

Uranus is new consciousness and breakthroughs, but it’s a planet that has no sentimentality for the past. It pushes us forward into radically new phases that can feel jarring or even chaotic. But we need Uranus. Otherwise we would get stuck, imprisoned by our fears and limitations or our inability to make necessary changes. Sometimes the Universe does it for us.

So as we examine Aquarian themes around community and social connection, Uranus may be breaking us into new ways of being. Or pushing us to make a break from old communities, groups, and friendships. We’re also innovating new ways to connect to others, especially utilizing science and technology to work through social issues and social causes.

Second, the full moon picks up on Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Although these two planets are done with their exact conjunction, they are still in what astrologers call “an orb of influence”. Meaning they’re close enough to have an affect on things. Couple this with Uranus’s need to shake things up, we may see a few swings of Saturn and Pluto’s wrecking-ball-like energy. (I did a whole video on Saturn-Pluto with Ophi from the Astro Twins.)

What old systems do you want to break down? This could even be old addictions and negative or restrictive patters around health and wellness. Or anything that’s in the unconscious. Put this energy to positive use.

Third, Mercury tightly opposes Saturn. There’s a sobriety to this full moon. We’re seeing things for what they are. We are making serious decisions. We have to take consciousness of our words, thoughts, and actions and how they impact others.

So, this is a full moon that definitely speaks to life on a bigger level. In a year that has completely redefined what normal is, it’s time to take the best of ourselves and put it to use helping the world at this time. Aquarius teaches us that we’re all in this together.

Read More:

August 2020 Horoscopes

Chart of the Aquarius Full Moon

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Video — Using Saturn and Pluto as a Transformation Tool / Starstruck 2020

Newsletter — The Astrology of August 3-9, 2020

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