Welcome to Leo Season, a time that’s about creativity and self expression, play and fun. Here in the northern hemisphere it’s the dog days of summer. It’s hot and perhaps even hotter with Mars in Aries, a fellow fire sign.

Fire energy is all about inspiration and action. It moves and initiates. And, as a result, we may be feeling courage and bravery this month or a flash of insight that changes how we see everything.

To that point, we start the month off with an Aquarius Full Moon on August 3, one that puts the spotlight on many of the themes and archetypes that we began to explore when Saturn made its preview of Aquarius from March until June. Aquarius is the sign of humanity and society, equity and justice. It makes us examine our systems and how we connect — or disconnect — to one another. So this is a full moon that’s about the bigger picture as well as our ideals, ideology, and intellect.

The full moon makes an exact square to Uranus in Taurus, a reminder that we’re merely a year into a multi-year story around completely changing our relationship with all things Taurus — money, food, material need, material stability. Also, depending on what sign you are, Uranus may be upending and reinventing a particular part of our lives. Something that we may feel more directly when Uranus turns retrograde at 11 Taurus on August 15. (Need a reminder of what area of your life is radically shifting? Read Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign.)

Mercury and Venus also switch signs this month, Mercury finally getting out of Cancer on August 4 followed by Venus leaving Gemini on August 7. Mercury, now in Leo, becomes a lot more creative and expressive once it leaves behind the heavy nostalgia and sensitivity of Cancer. Venus’s arrival in Cancer, on the other hand, helps us to cultivate a love of nostalgia, memory, and the comfort of home.

Let’s not forget that Mars is still in Aries and will be in Aries until the new year. This month we’re getting a preview of some of the material we’ll be revisiting when Mars turns retrograde on September 9. Pay attention to any themes that come up around action, initiation, courage, and even aggression. Mars Retrograde, although not starting until next month, is a karmic review of how we use Mars. To inspire others? To take action? Or to avoid or take power over others?

Mars makes a couple of heavy duty squares to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn this month on August 13 and August 24 respectively. This can be powerful energy to transform and build. But it can also expose what’s not working and what needs to change.

A Leo New Moon on August 18 is a reset and refresh for all things creative. It’s a new moon for us to focus on ourselves and what makes us unique individuals. It’s a new moon to also relight the flame within, this flame that animates all we do and gives us joy and passion. We need this flame. We need the energies of the Sun, which is the ruling planet of Leo. We need to shine brightly.

That said we slip into Virgo Season on August 22, a time to focus on the details of practical life. We’re getting on task, organized, and perfecting our skills and craft. We’re also coming into a season of harvest and work as we start to wind down the the year and prepare the coming months ahead. Gather, select, and focus on what’s important. We’re going to need it.

Read for your Sun and rising sign. If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, dates listed below may be for the day ahead according to your time zone.

DATES TO NOTE: 8/1 Mercury opposite Pluto; 8/2 Sun square Uranus; 8/3 Full Moon 11 Aquarius, Mercury opposite Saturn; 8/4 Mercury in Leo, Mars square Jupiter; 8/5 Venus conjunct North Node 8/7 Venus in Cancer; 8/9 Mercury trine Chiron; 8/10 Mercury square Uranus; 8/13 Mars square Pluto; 8/15 Uranus Retrograde 10 Taurus; 8/16 Sun trine Mars, Venus square Chiron; 8/17 Mercury trine Mars, Sun conjunct Mercury; 8/18 New Moon 26 Leo, Venus sextile Uranus; 8/19 Mercury in Virgo; 8/22 Sun in Virgo; 8/24 Mars square Saturn; 8/25 Mercury trine Uranus, Venus opposite Jupiter; 8/27 Venus trine Neptune; 8/29 Mercury trine Jupiter; 8/30 Mercury opposite Neptune, Venus opposite Pluto.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Way back at the start of 2018, Saturn began to ask you a simple question. What do you want to be when you grow up? Doesn’t matter if you’re age 22 or 72. And if you’ve been reading these monthly horoscopes, it’s a question that I’ve pointed to before. So, are you any closer to answering that question? When Saturn stepped back into Capricorn back on July 1, you entered a five month period, until December 17, of working to solidify your place in the world, define the role you want to play, and take on new responsibilities and leadership positions. You’ve also needed to step up your game and be more accountable for your actions than ever. Think of August as a big time review of these themes. With Mars, your ruling planet in Aries, you have more drive and motivation than usual. But Mars makes a series of testy squares to Jupiter (August 4), Pluto (August 13), and Saturn (August 24), all in Capricorn, your career sign. For some, you’ll be pushing hard to make something happen in August, whether it’s building your professional ambitions or working to solve challenges in your career. For others, it’s a sign that something’s not quite working and that you need to transform. Mars’s meetup with Saturn, in particular, is a moment when you have to make sure you’re doing the right thing or pushing yourself to be at a better level … or Saturn will let you know where you’re falling short of the mark. That said, it’s Leo Season, a time in your personal calendar that’s about creativity, self expression, passion, identity, and talent. It’s even a time to play and have fun. But a square between the Sun and Uranus on August 2 asks you, are you taking yourself and your talents seriously? Do you know the value of who you are and what you create? Then on August 3 a full moon in Aquarius, your sign of community, friendships, and social connection. The spotlight is on the people you ally yourself with. It’s important that they also value who you are. Or, conversely, you understand the true value of the friendships and communities in your life. You may also need to make a decision about your future and the direction that it’s taking. Then on August 7, Venus, your relationship planet, finally moves to Cancer after a four month stay in Gemini. Time to settle down, focus on home with loved ones, and create new connections in the home. You may even be decorating or redecorating your living environment over the next few weeks. Uranus also turns retrograde on August 15, so keep an eye out in the days surrounding for anything that’s shaking things up, getting you out of old patterns, and coming out of left field. Uranus can be an eye opener, but also something that wants us to open to new perspectives and new consciousness, like a proverbial light in the dark. Since Uranus is in Taurus, your sign of money and resource, it’s possible that you’re seeing changes in how you earn a living, what you own, or opening up to a new value around money and material. Then on August 22 the Sun arrives in Virgo and opens up a chapter focused on health, wellness, and getting organized. If you have any healthy goals and initiatives to have a different relationship with your body and physical life, Virgo Season gives you a healthy reset. And with so much focus on ambitions and goals in August, you may be taking practical steps later this month to make them happen. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Taking action, moving forward, motivation, determination, ambition, responsibilities, professional life, career, commitments, the world, external life, public life, accountability, looking ahead, the future, goals, big picture, community, groups, social circle, social networks, friendships, individuality, society, social causes, science, technology, intellect, creativity, self expression, talents, passion, personality, identity, children, health, wellness, work, projects, taking care of the body, rituals, organization, daily life, practice, craft, service.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Let’s have a check in with a larger story, one that has been changing and possibly upending your life as you know it since 2018. Think back to May 2018. That was the month that Uranus, the planet of revolution, awakenings, and shaking things up, arrived in Taurus for the first time in decades. What this said to you was that, over the next seven years, until 2025-2026, you would have to completely reinvent yourself. While the months from May to November 2018 were merely a “hey, get ready” preview of the years to come, you truly began this process in earnest in March 2019. What does this have to do with August 2020? There are going to be moments periodically where you check in with this process of revolution and reinvention. On paper, Taurus is a sign that doesn’t typically want change. That’s because you’re a sign whose job is to preserve and create stability for life to flourish. How can life flourish when things are chaotic? Like a planet that’s outgrown its container, Uranus is showing you that you’ve outgrown a lot of things in your life. That despite your instincts to stay safe, that you need to make some much needed changes. And if you want some perspective, think back to where you were and who you were in May 2018. See any difference? Three things to keep on your radar in particular this month. One, on August 2, the Sun and Uranus square off, giving you another push to get out of the old container of life. Two, on August 3, a full moon lights up Aquarius, your career sign, making a strong square to Uranus. Translation, you step into a new month needing to focus on your professional life, ambitions, responsibilities, and direction. Plus, seeing how you’re in the midst of a total overhaul, your ambitions, responsibilities, and direction may be a bit different than they were in 2018. In fact, if you’ve been stubbornly resisting change, the full moon may do it for you. Three, Uranus’s yearly retrograde turn on August 15 is yet another push to break out of old ruts and patterns. Lest you think poorly of Uranus, seeing its trail of instability and change when you look back, consider the following. Is it possible that you’ve been resisting stepping into the real you? That you’ve been forcing a life or career or relationship that’s not in alignment with your best interests or potential? August is meant to open your eyes, like a light in the dark. And with that new awareness comes the responsibility to act. At its core, Uranus just wants to liberate you from the smallness of you. Let that be your mantra in August. Liberate yourself from the smallness of yourself — your fears, your insecurities, your limitations — so that you can step into the fullness of yourself. The other big news this month is that Venus, your ruling planet, finally leaves Gemini for Cancer after four long months. (Venus was retrograde in May and June, hence the extra long visit to Gemini.) If there was any theme for you to take awareness of the past few months it’s the value of things and the value of what you need to feel rooted, grounded, and secure. Money was a big focus, too, as was accumulating goods and resources. Maybe you bought a lot of things or had to reconsider what you were buying over the past few months. So when Venus arrives in Cancer you switch into a new phase or new expression of things. You’re more sensitive and caring. You may even want to spend more time at home or with family and loved ones. You could be keeping things local or going on small trips out of town into the end of the month. That said, a new moon on August 18 opens a new chapter in the home, one that wants you to put down roots or tend to existing roots. It’s a natural time for you to make changes in the home or even move. By the end of the month the Sun moves into Virgo and you kick off a new season that’s not only about attention to detail and organization, but one that wants you to focus on your talents and creativity. After all the personal changes and reinventions that Uranus brings into the picture, do you know who you are? Virgo Season will help you answer that. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Reinvention, transformation, awakening, getting out of old patterns, leaving comfort zone, revolution, breakthrough, breakdown, new you, sensitivity, emotions, emotional connection, memory, nostalgia, home, family, roots, foundation, the past, living situation, inner circle, a move, change in the home, change in family, travel, movement, communication, information, ideas, learning, classes, education, choices, the self, self expression, identity, persona, personality, creativity, talent, children.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

I’ve been doing big picture updates for the other signs and you’re needing to see things from a larger perspective, too. It’s important to remember you’re four months remaining on a period in your life that has likely been one of the most challenging — emotionally, psychologically, spiritually. But in a way that’s exactly what it needed to be. Since the start of 2018, you’ve needed to face the deepest parts of yourself, your fears, your self sabotage, your shadow. You’ve had to feel your vulnerability and sometimes feel your powerlessness … all so that you could grow and transform in ways that you couldn’t have otherwise. Like a diamond, you needed the necessary pressure to become something completely different and the years of 2018, 2019, and 2020 gave you that. But, yes, it’s not quite over. And you’re continuing this until December 17. I remind you of this in case there are moments when you feel overwhelmed by the enormity of what you’ve had to do … and what you still need to do as you step into August. It’s not easy having both Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn, transforming not only your internal emotional spaces, but also relationships and career as well. Plus, Mercury, your ruling planet, has been in Cancer for a couple of months and it’s likely you’ve been incredibly sensitive, too, seeking the comforts of home and what’s familiar and nostalgic. When Mercury faces off with Saturn on August 3, you may have a serious decision to make or need to get real about something. That said, the focus this month is Leo Season, your sign of communication and information as well as learning and travel. Normally this would be a natural time in your calendar to hop in a car or get on a plane and see the world. But with current travel restrictions you may have to navigate where you safely can and can’t go. Mercury also moves into Leo on August 4, so you’re finally out of the heaviness of Cancer and into the fire and inspiration of Leo. You may also have a lot to say, Gemini. And if writing is something that you do, August may be a creative time. You may even be on the receiving end of insights and intuitions or downloads as the Sun and Uranus square off on August 2. A full moon on August 3 puts the spotlight on faith, truth, and meaning. What do you believe in? Do you have faith? How do you see the world? And how are the hidden, shadowy, or even unhelpful parts of yourself getting in the way of how you see things? Additionally, since this is travel season for you, this may be a time when you’re looking out into the world and booking plans or wishing you could book plans considering everything that’s going on. Let’s not forget that Mars is still in Aries this month and will be until the start of next year, which means that friendships and community are very important right now. That said, Mars makes a series of stressful connections to Pluto and Uranus this month, which means that you may be negotiating something intense or confrontational with a friend or connection on or around August 13 and August 24. A Leo New Moon on August 18 gives you a refresh in all things related to education, learning, talking, and listening. You’re reading books, taking in new ideas, and exploring the local environs. Then by the end of the month, the Sun arrives in Virgo and we kick off a new season on August 22. For you, this is a time to focus on home, family, and your roots. And with Mercury, your ruling planet, there as well, you’re going into September pulling inward. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Deep emotional work, the psyche, the deep self, emotional mastery, emotional health, vulnerability, intimacy, the shadow self, power, control, limits, boundaries, creativity, self expression, writing, thinking, speaking, communication, ideas, information, learning, classes, travel, trips, faith, truth, wisdom, belief, worldview, philosophy, convictions, right and wrong, friends, community, social network, social circle, society, humanity, collective, home, family, roots, foundation, living situation.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

As you come out of your birthday season, one that may have seen a lot of ups and downs and changes because of powerful eclipses, you may be in need of solid ground. Leo Season is the time in your personal calendar for you to focus on your material life, from money and income to gathering up the resources you need. It’s also a time to look at the value of things, which even includes the value of yourself. A full moon on August 3 puts the spotlight on finances and assets and, on a practical level, you may be looking at the resources you have available to you, including loans and benefits. That said, the full moon touches on something that’s been percolating of late, especially the last few months – a stark look at the deepest parts of yourself. This may be a full moon of soul searching, especially how you interact and partner and connect with others. Emotional health and emotional work are going to be themes in the next few years and you got a preview from April to June. But with Saturn back in Capricorn, a lot of the work right now is wrapping up this nearly three year story around relationships. Yes, I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth recapping. Think back to the start of 2018. That was when Saturn first arrived in your sign of partnership, social connection, and relationship. And what began was a story where you would have to prioritize and work on this area until the end of 2020. Sound familiar? The goal of Saturn is to help you mature in how you connect and relate to others. Keep this in mind because the next few months, as you round out this work into December 17, will continue to demand your attention. Hopefully you’re doing Saturn proud. It’s not uncommon for a serious relationship to come in, if one hasn’t already. It’s also a time when old relationships may have come to an end, also something to be aware of. Another focus this month is career and responsibility. With Mars in your career sign until the end of the year, you may be feeling a big push to take on new responsibilities, go after professional goals, and put new effort and initiative into your career. Mars, however, makes a series of tense aspects to Pluto and Saturn this month on August 13 and August 24 respectively. Keep an eye out for any big pushes to make changes or possibly even power struggles. Whatever initiatives you are launching may need revisiting in September when Mars turns retrograde, so keep an eye on whatever story is playing out in August because you’ll be revisiting it. There’s a Leo New Moon on August 18, highlighting money and material matters before stepping into Virgo Season on August 22. This new season is all about ideas and information, learning and communication. You may have classes to take or education matters to navigate. It’s also a season of travel, if that is something you can do safely. As a result you may be busy as you go into September — busy with trips around town or road trips. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, what you own, material needs, material stability, purchases, assets, finances, a partner’s money, benefits, loans, debt, facing self, facing fears, the deep self, shadow self, emotional and psychological health, vulnerability, intimacy, trust, power, control, transformation, relationships, other people, partnership, socialization, interaction, career, professional life, ambitions, direction, goals, responsibilities, initiatives, drive, motivation, travel, trips, movement, the neighborhood, local, education, classes, information, ideas, listening, learning, communication, messages.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Happy birthday, Leo! What a crazy time to be celebrating. And what a year it’s been, especially when you think back to your last birthday. One of the things we’ve been talking about over the last twelve or more months is that you’re in a period in your life where a lot’s going to change. While you’re not in the same situation as fellow fixed sign Taurus, you are in a time where you’re completely reinventing your career, your place in the world, and the direction you’re taking. Sound familiar? The start of August is a check in with this process of reinvention, revolution, and awakenings as the Leo Sun makes a square to Uranus, just in time for a full moon on August 3. This full moon, in fact, lights up Aquarius, your sign of relationships. It’s possible that some of the changes unfolding this month are happening within a partnership or connection. If you are seeing someone, this may be a time when you and your partner have to make some big decisions and commitments that require a lot of negotiation and compromise. Or you may be deciding whether a relationship is working or not. If you are not in partnership, pay attention to the interactions that you’re having. Are they more serious or need a total change in how you relate to other people? A new relationship could be coming in as well. Nevertheless, the spotlight is on other people even as you celebrate another trip around the sun. That said, the real fireworks this month is Uranus Retrograde, which starts on August 15. Think back to March 2019 (or even May 2018). That was the month that Uranus first entered your career sign for the first time in decades and began to shake things up. When you look back, do you see any changes in your professional life? Change in jobs? Change in career? Change in direction? The goal of Uranus’s time in this part of your chart, which lasts for the next five to six years, is to liberate you from the smallness of yourself in the world. Translation? If you’re in a career that doesn’t fit anymore, Uranus is going to push you towards something that’s a better fit, even if it’s something radically different. So pay attention to what career stories are coming up this month as it’s part of a march longer, bigger story, all to get you to open up to new possibilities. Home and family or the living situation may be a bit bumpy from August 13-24 as Mars makes a tense square to Pluto followed by a square to Saturn. Something from the past may come up, something in regards to family or getting your needs met. Do you feel safe? You may also need to make a serious decision about where you’re living. Then a Leo New Moon on August 18 gives you another reset for the coming year, a moon to make wishes and for the coming months. It’s also a moon to remind us to make time for fun and passion, as they are the fuel of life. By August 22 the Sun arrives in Virgo and it’s a new season, one that turns you towards the practical details of daily life such as focusing on your health and wellness, getting organized, and gathering up what you need. It’s also a season to focus on your material life, from the money you make to the value you place on things. And after some potential changes in your professional life, how do you create a solid foundation for your new life? Finally, don’t forget that Saturn is in the midst of making its final lap in your sign of health and wellness. Make sure you’re continuing to take care of your body, creating discipline, organization, and healthy habits that will last you for years if not decades. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, renewals, passion, joy, creativity, celebration, relationships, other people, partnership, commitment, negotiation, compromise, interaction, socialization, career, responsibility, professional life, ambition, career change, career reinvention, faith, truth, meaning, worldview, convictions, right and wrong, philosophy, education, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, discipline, organization, rituals, daily habits, money, income, material needs, material stability, value, worth.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

After two long months, Mercury, your ruling planet, finally leaves sensitive, nostalgic Cancer for creative, passionate Leo on August 4. Before it does, you’re having a sit down with Saturn on August 2, a check in with life, responsibility, and the choices you’ve been making. Here’s the thing to keep in mind. Now that Saturn is back in Capricorn, you have five months to finish a major lesson in learning to take yourself, your talents, and your creativity seriously. Any of this sound familiar? So Saturn’s face off at the start of the month is a report card on your progress on developing a stronger sense of who you are. At the same time, on August 3, a full moon puts the spotlight on health, wellness, diet, and fitness. Is it possible that limiting beliefs about yourself and what’s possible is having a less than desirable effect on your health? Or, that maybe you need a second opinion on something or a radical new way of seeing an old health challenge? This is also a full moon to get your life in order or see a resolution with creative projects. When Mercury changes signs on August 4, it joins the Sun in Leo, the sign that falls right before Virgo and, thus, the season that falls just before yours. When you’re in the last four weeks of your personal year, it’s a time to reflect back on the previous year. What worked? What didn’t? What are you still holding onto that is better left behind. It’s also a season to pull inward, retreat, reflect, and search for existential answers. So if you’re feeling more quiet than usual the first few weeks of August, this is why. In fact, when Uranus turns retrograde on August 15, it does so in a place in your chart where it’s been since March 2019 and will continue to reside for the next five to six years. You’re in the early stages of a story where you’re completely changing or opening up to how you see the world and what you believe in. Be open to flashes of insights or new awakenings, even if they challenge everything you know. You’re already busy this month digging deep into yourself, looking at your emotions, your fears, your vulnerabilities, especially in the middle of the month when Mars squares off with Pluto and Saturn. This is all so you can try to answer some nagging existential questions. A Leo New Moon on August 18 brings you further into yourself as well as into your spirituality and soul. Time to get ready for another birthday season. And what a year it’s been. When Mercury enters Virgo on August 19, you start to transition into a new year, one that officially begins on August 22 when the Sun arrives in Virgo. Then it’s cheers to a new birthday season. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Passion, creativity, the self, individuality, retreat, reflection, rest, spirituality, meditation, existential questions, inner work, letting go, soul searching, emotional health, the psyche, the deep self, the shadow, self destructive behaviors, transformation, vulnerability, intimacy, power, control, rebirth, wealth, benefits, resources, loans, debit, taxes, self expression, talents, persona, identity, taking self seriously, breaking down of old self, change in worldview, new insights, new consciousness.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

There’s a lot going on, Libra. Let’s zoom out a little. One, you’re coming out of a potentially big eclipse season, one that may have corresponded with major life events, decisions, or shifts in June and July. So, with your world still buzzing, you come into August looking ahead. In fact, every Leo Season is a time for you to turn your eyes towards the horizon and hope and dream for the future. It’s also a time for you to reach out to friends and community, so you may find that August is quite a social time. Then, after four months, Venus finally gets out of Gemini on August 7, your sign of travel, communication, learning, and education. That’s a long time for Venus. It’s usually three to four weeks in a sign, not four months. (Venus was retrograde from May to June.) When it arrives in Cancer, you step into a four week chapter of focusing on career and responsibility as well as your public life. This marks a shift in season for you, a time when after the play of Gemini, you have to turn towards what’s important. Mars is also in your relationship sign of Aries where it will be until the start of the new year. This means that partnership, connection, and interaction continue to be important right now and you may be seeing a lot of shifts in your relationships. If there’s a question about a relationship or connection, pay attention to Mars’s tense square to Pluto on August 13 as well as a square to Saturn on August 24. You are in the midst of defining what you need in a relationship, setting boundaries and expectations, or having to be more committed. That said, we can’t forget that this month starts off with a full moon on August 3. It lights up Aquarius, the sign in your chart that speaks to how you express who you are, your sense of identity and persona, and even your talents. The full moon is asking you, do you know who you are? And is it possible that there’s some things in your psyche that are working against you instead of for you? A need for more vulnerability? A need to let go of the past, including old traumas and childhood woundings? Speaking of which, remember, Saturn is in Capricorn until the end of the year, and this is a five month push to wrap up the lessons you’ve been learning since the start of 2018. When you look back, you may see the results of all the hard work you’ve been doing to lay a new foundation, create a new family, and focus on old family issues. And maybe there’s been a big move or a big change in the home of late. Finally a Leo New Moon gives you a refresh with friends and social network before the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, kicking off a new season, one that pulls you inward to rest and prepare for your birthday season. What a crazy year it’s been. With everything that has moved and shifted in 2020, what do you want to be conscientious to leave behind? Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, direction, responsibilities, public life, professional life, ambitions, doing what you love, career changes, recognition, the world, friends, community, social connection, social circle, looking ahead, hopes, dreams, wishes, the future, society, groups, the collective, the self, self expression, talent, creativity, self destruction, the past, unhealed past, family, ancestry, roots, foundation, living situation, family responsibilities, relationships, other people, socialization, partnership, interaction, compromise, commitment, rest, retreat, preparing, letting go, spirituality, spiritual health, existential searching, meditation.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Time to work, Scorpio. With the Leo Sun shining a light on your career and ambitions as well as Mars heating things up with projects and other responsibilities, there’s a push this month for you to take steps forward in your professional life. In fact, every Leo Season is a time for you to focus on your place in the world, regardless of whether it’s a quieter time for most people, what with vacations and holidays. Every sign has its own time and, as a result, August may not be as relaxing as hoped. You start the month off with a full moon in Aquarius, your sign of home and family. The spotlight is on your living situation and you may be deciding on where you want to live, making a move, or making other changes in the home. Family may also need your attention, especially with Saturn and Pluto in heavy duty Capricorn. Some of the decisions that you’re making right now are setting you up for the coming years. And the full moon also does a couple of things. One, it highlights some of the themes in the home and family that started to emerge in April, May, and June. Two, it makes a tense square to Uranus in Taurus. This full moon may illuminate, awaken, shock, or perhaps even upend. But it’s important to see the bigger picture. When you look back over the past year or so, what you may not notice is that you entered a seven year story in 2018-2019 of completely reinventing your relationships. And this full moon may indeed touch on this process of changing how you interact, socialize, connect, and partner with others. Then on August 4 Mercury arrives in Leo and adds to the business in your professional life for the next two weeks. Another planet also changes signs soon after. On August 7, Venus finally gets into Cancer after four months in Gemini. Since Venus is your relationship planet, it may kick off some of the changes in how you connect and socialize mentioned previously, changes that may come to a head on August 15 when Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus, your relationship sign. Another important thing to note is that Mars, your ruling planet, is making a series of tense — or character building — squares to Pluto and Saturn on August 13 and 24 respectively. Be responsible. Use power with consciousness and self awareness. Transform what is not working. Choose wisely. A Leo New Moon on August 18 gives your career its annual reset. It’s a time for new beginnings in your professional life, from getting a new job to making other career moves to getting recognition. Then on August 22, the Sun moves into Virgo and you start to wind down your personal year. This is the season to look ahead, dream for the future, and make smart plans for the coming months. It’s also a time to focus on friends, community, and how to be of service in the world. Lastly, as you go into next month, keep in mind that Mars will turn retrograde on September 9. Push forward as much as you can in August because you will have to reverse course or get a different look at things from September until mid-November. It’s just the tide pulling back in after pushing outwardly. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, ambitions, public life, recognition, responsibility, the world, status, reputation, job change, title change, home, family, roots, foundation, parents, inner world, emotional needs, living situation, move, change in the home, relationships, partnerships, other people, social interaction, social connection, compromise, negotiation, new relationships, relationship change, relationship transformation, reinvention, the future, looking ahead, friends, community, social networks, work, health, wellness, taking care of the body, projects, major choices, serious communication.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Leo Season is travel season, Sagittarius. Although that may be a little hard to swing with everything going on in the world. Nevertheless, the wanderlust and need to explore may be hitting you hard. As a Sagittarius, you’re hardwired to travel out into the world, discovering new things. So, perhaps for now, you’ll have to scratch this itch in creative ways. Travel documentaries or travelogues? Wistfully looking through old travel photos? Planning a big trip for 2021? (Lord knows where we’re all going to be then.) This is also the season to learn and share your wisdom. A full moon on August 3 puts the spotlight on education. You may be making a decision about school or taking a class. You may need to get new ideas and perspective, too. How do you make the best choices? Do you know the value or the power of your ideas? With Mercury opposing Saturn at the start of August, you may have to make a decision about a relationship or something about your living environment. Then on August 4, Mercury moves into Leo after a long time spent in sensitive Cancer. Again, Leo is your travel sign and normally this would be the time to pack your bags, but this is 2020 …. On August 15 Uranus turns retrograde and highlights something that has been unfolding since 2018 — completely reinventing how you take care of your body, your relationship with your health, and transforming every aspect of your day-to-day life. Do you need to make a radical shift in diet and fitness, one that brings in healthier patterns that are truer to how your body wants to be treated? Also it’s worth mentioning that Mars is in the midst of spending six months in Aries, your sign of creativity, self expression, and identity. It’s making a series of tense aspects to Pluto and Saturn this month, two planets that have been making waves in your sign of money, income, and material stability for quite some time. Do you know your self worth? Do you know the true value of who you are as an individual? How does self worth affect what you’re paid? Mars square Pluto and Saturn on August 13 and August 24 respectively could be a struggle … or a step up. Let’s remember that Jupiter, your ruling planet, has been in the midst of an intense lineup with Pluto and Saturn since the start of 2020, so these are energies of pressure and change that you know well. And it’s even possible that, when you look back to who you were at the start of the year, that you see so much transformation. But transformation that first had to be gained by taking a hard look at yourself. On August 18 a new moon in Leo kicks off a lunar month focused on themes around faith, truth, and wisdom. It’s a new moon to search for deeper existential answers, to cultivate knowledge of the world and knowledge from books and teachings. And with Mars still in Aries, you will surely have an opinion to share. Then on August 18 Mercury moves into Virgo, your career sign, followed by the Sun in Virgo on August 22. Virgo Season is your season to focus on your professional life, to work to get ahead, create new career initiatives, and make a job change. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Travel, exploration, journeys, foreign lands, truth, wisdom, meaning, belief, faith, knowledge, education, higher education, conviction, right and wrong, opinions, philosophy, mission, classes, information, ideas, learning, communication, writing, speaking, messages, the voice, choices, value, worth, money, income, salary, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, making changes in health, health reinvention, transforming daily life, taking care of the body, addictions, old patterns, career, public life, professional life, responsibilities, work, goals, ambitions, direction.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

How you hanging in there, Capricorn? 2020 has been a doozy. How could it not be with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn all in Capricorn, three heavy hitting planets that have likely had a great impact on your life over the last eight months. For perspective, think back to the start of the year. What’s changed? Beyond COVID-19, that is. How have you had to strip down layer after layer in order to get closer to who you really are? How have you let go of the past? How have you started over? It’s worth reflecting on these deeper questions as Leo Season is the season for you to dig deep into yourself. It’s the season that turns you towards the psyche, vulnerability, intimacy, and power. It’s the season for you to shine a light on the shadow or hidden parts of yourself. When Mercury arrives in Leo on August 4, you’re going to be opening up more about your feelings and sharing the deeper parts of yourself. That said, you start the month off with a full moon shining a light on money, income, and material needs. As a result, you may be surveying your finances, looking at spending, and thinking about what’s valuable and what’s not. It’s also a full moon to get you to reach towards solid ground, especially after all the intensities of 2020. Then on August 7, Venus finally gets out of playful Gemini and into Cancer, a sign that is not only your relationship sign, but a sign that wants more relationship stability and security. Venus also activates a June 21 solar eclipse degree, a solar eclipse that marked a time of major new beginnings in all your relationships. You need more heart-to-heart connection. You may be craving something more stable and secure, especially in the wake of all the uncertainty. Mars will be in a tight spot this month. It’s already a month into a six month stay in your home. Like a noisy houseguest, Mars has been heating things up in your living situation. It’s also been motivating you to make changes in the home, from remodeling and redecorating to a move. When Mars makes a square to Pluto on August 13 followed by a square to Saturn on August 24, serious emotions may be coming up. If you’re making changes in the home, how do these changes reflect the intense internal changes you’ve been making in 2020? New furniture? New paint? A reorganization of everything? Or even a new home altogether? Mars’s square to Saturn may be more of a push to commit and make changes more concrete. A Leo New Moon on August 18 brings you into a lunar month focused on this deeper emotional and psychological work you’ve been doing since the start of the month. You’re facing your fears, transforming and rebirthing. Then on August 22 the Sun moves into Virgo and you’re turning your attention towards the world, towards faith, truth, and meaning. After everything you’ve been through, do you still have faith? What do you believe in? Normally this would be a time for long distance trips and foreign travel, something that may be off the table for now. That said, how will you explore the world in other ways? Education is also a focus as you round out the month and step into September. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Inner work, the deep self, the psyche, deep emotions, the shadow self, transformation, rebirth, emotional health, vulnerability, trust, intimacy, sexuality, secrets, emotional healing, money, income, security, stability, material needs, value, worth, self worth, resources, wealth, debt, finance, assets, loans, taxes, home, family, living situation, foundation, roots, the past, changes in the home, a move, relationships, other people, partnership, connection, truth, meaning, searching for answers, faith, wisdom, knowledge, philosophy, travel, foreign travel, convictions, right and wrong.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Aquarius, your world’s a bit upside down presently, right? First, let’s remind you of the bigger picture. You’re in the last five months of a three year process of shedding the past. Things are falling away. You’re wrapping up not only a 30 year cycle (yes, 30 years!), but using this time to step away from the physical world and search deep within for answers. In fact, the past few years, since the start of 2018, has been a spiritual time, one designed to reconnect you with God/Source/Spirit. Any of this sound familiar? Here’s the thing. You got a preview of a new life from March 21 to July 1 when Saturn dipped into Aquarius. And an Aquarius Full Moon on August 3 puts some of this new life in the spotlight. In fact, the full moon makes what’s called a square to Uranus in Taurus, a planet that’s been overhauling things since March 2019. You could argue that this month the tectonic plates of your life are moving. Uranus’s time in Taurus, your sign of home and family, is a demand to completely reinvent your home life over the next six years. So the full moon is a check in on this story, a story where you may make a radical move, make a break from dense or outworn family and ancestral patterns, or see your homelife change in a completely new way. Keep this in mind when Uranus turns retrograde on August 15. Note the stories that come up. How do they connect to different points throughout the past two years? May 2018? March-April 2019? January 2020? Perhaps you can see a thread? The other thing going on this month is Venus’s arrival in Cancer on August 7 after a four month stay in Gemini. Seeing how Venus is your planet of home and family, you may have to spend more time on projects in the home or other duties and responsibilities with family. It’s also Leo Season! Your season where the sun shines on relationships. As a result, this is the natural time in your calendar to make new connections, new partnerships, and to socialize. If you’re looking to hopefully start a new relationship, look to the Leo New Moon on August 18, a time for renewal and restarts in this department. This may be a busy month, too, as Mars continues to spend the next few months in Aries, your sign of trips, movement, information, ideas, and communication. You may have a lot to do and say as a result. Mars, however, makes a series of tense connections to Pluto and Saturn on August 13 and August 24 respectively. Mars and Pluto is about the power and force of what you have to say and how it affects others. It’s also about looking at how the unconscious or blind spots affect how you communicate. How do you transform old habits, which includes learning how to speak up and be heard? Then Mars square Saturn is a need to take your voice, actions, and even choices seriously. With Mars as your career planet, too, you may have a major decision about your professional life or your ambitions. Then on August 22 the Sun arrives in Virgo and you step into a season that’s meant for you to go deep within. It’s about emotional health and wellness, it’s about healing what needs to be healed in the psyche. And seeing how you’re rounding out a 30 year chapter, how do you take one last powerful look at what you don’t want to come with you into this new cycle that begins on December 17? Something to think about. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Endings, shedding the past, letting go, soul search, existential questions, the unconscious, blindspots, dreams, spiritual life, spiritual health, spiritual connection, retreat, reflection, getting ready for new life, changes in the home, reinventing emotional connection, making break from past, break from emotional patterns, a radical move, tectonic shift, being in the spotlight, recognition, relationships, other people, partnership, social connection, social interaction, negotiation, compromise, exchange, one-on-one, information, ideas, messages, communication, the voice, speaking up, choices, serious choices.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Let’s zoom out a bit. Let’s not just zoom out on 2020, but let’s look back a few years. In 2018 you began a three year chapter, one designed to get you to work on your friendships and social connections. That was the year that Saturn arrived in Capricorn, your sign of friends and community. The idea was for you to mature and grow wiser in how you connect with people and, ultimately, connect to the world. When you look back, what do you see? Friendships that have ended? Changes in the groups or people you affiliate or align yourself with? New friendships that have come in? With Saturn in this part of your chart, all your friendships are being held to a higher standard and will continue to be until December 2020. I mention this because Jupiter, your ruling planet, has also been in Capricorn as of the end of 2019. And there’s been a lot of pressure on you to transform how you are the world. While it’s a long way from Capricorn Season, a full moon on August 3 picks up on this three year story of needing to not only be discerning about who you let into your life, but how you interact and socialize with others. The full moon shines a light on your blindspots, your unconscious, the things you only discover when you reflect deeply upon yourself. And with the full moon making a strong aspect to Uranus in Taurus, this may require that you start communicating differently. Then again, with Uranus in Taurus over the next five, six years, you’re in the midst of completely transforming how you speak, think, and listen. Speaking of Uranus, the planet of reinvention, revolution, and breakthrough turns retrograde on August 15. Again, don’t forget to change how you communicate, especially outworn or limiting patterns. Lest you think that August is all hard work, enjoy Venus’s arrival in Cancer on August 7 because it invites you to play, relax, and have fun into the end of the month. You may need that extra dose of relaxation as Mars makes a series of tense squares to Pluto and Saturn on August 13 and August 24 respectively. You may have to stand up for your values or defend what is important to you. Money, income, and material stability are also a drive and motivation this month as they will be until the end of the year. And with a bit of force from Pluto and Saturn, how do you make the necessary changes and transformations to get your material life secure? Friendships and community may come into play around these dates, too. Let’s not forget that it’s Leo Season, the time in your personal calendar when you focus on work, health, diet, fitness, and daily rituals and habits. If you need to make some healthy initiatives or positive changes in how you take care of your body, use the Leo New Moon on August 18 as a support for these goals. Then on August 19 Mercury arrives in Virgo followed by the Sun on August 22 and it’s a new season, one that’s about other people. Virgo Season is a natural time for you to bring in new relationships and partnership or for you to tend to existing relationships. It’s also about negotiation and compromise and tending to the needs of others, a focus that will continue into September. Want a deeper look at how August will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Friendship, community, social connection, social circle, networking, looking ahead, blindspots, unconscious, dreams, spiritual life, spiritual connection, letting go, releasing, shedding the past, retreat, rest, the voice, communication, listening, hearing, ideas, information, money, income, material needs, material stability, spending, resources, worth, value, self worth, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, daily habits, daily rituals, getting organized, fun, play, creativity, identity, self expression, romance.

Photo by Nick Shandra on Unsplash