Welcome to February! Welcome to Aquarius Season. This is the time when we turn our attention to the future. Aquarius helps us to see beyond the horizon and show us the way forward. Aquarius is friendships and community, technology and intellect.

As the second to last sign of the zodiac, we’ve progressed beyond the world that we know and can touch for something more abstract. For that Aquarius is concepts and systems. It’s no longer about the individual, it’s about society.

We kick off the month with an Aquarius New Moon on February 4th, which highlights our relationship with society, our friendships, and the communities that we belong to. It’s a time to reach out and tend to our allies, network, and socialize. It’s also a time to be more aware of social issues as Aquarius touches on the broad themes of humanity that unite us all.

On February 10 Mercury arrives in Pisces, a sign that it will visit for nine weeks. As analytical as Aquarius can be, Mercury in Pisces is intuitive, imaginative, and non linear. We’ll all be learning to soften our rhetoric and open our intuition into April. We can no longer say or think things without being aware of how they impact everyone and everything. (It’s a great month for creative writing, by the way.)

Then on February 14 Mars arrives in Taurus, a sensual and indulgent place for the planet of action and motivation. After whipping its way through Aries, Mars in Taurus likes to slow down and smell the roses. (May your Valentine’s Day be pleasurable and filled with flowers.) Mars in Taurus is also giving us a preview of some of the things that will need to shift and change once Uranus arrives in Taurus on March 6. Yes, we’re only a month away from this big deal transit. Hold onto your hats.

By February 18 the Sun arrives in Pisces, making things more about the heart than the mind, the subjective than the objective for the rest of the month. The next day, on February 19, a full moon lights up Virgo, a sign that teaches us to pay attention to the details and make sure everything has its place. It’s also a sign rooted in practicality as well as taking care of the body. The full moon, as a result, may force us to pay more attention to our health or think about how we be more practical and organized and grounded. But with Mercury making an exact conjunction to Neptune in Pisces, we may need to step out of the real world and into something otherworldly. We also need to understand that taking care of our physical health has to go hand in hand with taking care of our spiritual health. That said, the full moon puts a question to us. How do we find balance between the needs of heaven and earth?

Lastly, Chiron arrives in Aries on February 18. This is a subtle influence that speaks to a process of individual and collective healing that takes place over years. With Chiron in Aries, this healing imperative will focus on how we take action, how we use our aggression, how we let ourselves get pushed over, and, more importantly, the wounds and horrors of war that must be healed for the good of humanity.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 2/1 Mars square Pluto; 2/2 Venus trine Uranus; 2/3 Venus square Chiron, Venus trine Uranus, Venus in Capricorn; 2/4 New Moon 12 Aquarius; 2/7 Mercury sextile Mars, Sun sextile Jupiter; 2/10 Mercury in Pisces; 2/13 Mars conjunct Uranus; 2/14 Mars in Taurus; 2/17 Venus sextile Neptune; 2/18 Sun in Pisces, Chiron in Aries, Sun sextile Uranus, Venus conjunct Saturn; 2/19 Full Moon 0 Virgo, Mercury conjunct Neptune, Mercury sextile Saturn; 2/22 Mercury square Jupiter, Venus conjunct Pluto; 2/23 Mercury sextile Pluto; 2/25 Mercury sextile Venus; 2/27 Sun sextile Mars.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

With many of the planets arcing towards the highest reaches of your chart, this is is a particular time this year when it’s about career and pushing towards your goals. It’s a time when life is taking you far from home, either metaphorically or literally. With the January 5 solar eclipse still ringing in your chart like a gong, don’t forget that 2019 is the year for you to make some big changes in your professional life or work to reach personal and career milestones. February merely pushes you along, help you to keep hustling and laying the groundwork for bigger plans. Since it’s Aquarius Season, it’s a month for you to think ahead and look towards the future. What do you want to manifest this year? What are your hopes and dreams? Feel free to set the bar very high for yourself. Aquarius Season is also a time when you turn towards the friendships in your life as well we the community that you are a part of. Make sure you’re cultivating your social network, which, incidentally, may have shifted quite a lot during 2018. Make plans with friends, spend more time in your community, or make new social connections, especially after the February 4 new moon, which will make this a priority for the rest of the month. In other news, Mars is in Aries the first half of the month, continuing to motivate you and push you to action. Keep an eye the February 13 alignment between Mars and Uranus. This is Mars’s final meetup with Uranus in Aries for another 80 years (I know, crazy). Since 2011, Uranus has been working its way though your sign, ensuring that who you are and the life that you live are very different. Uranus has demanded radical reinvention. So February is a wrap up on eight years of your life. (I know, crazy.) When Mars goes into Taurus on February 14 it’s a reminder to slow down, enjoy life, and find some stability. It’s also a reminder that come March 7, Uranus will be in Taurus for the next seven years. Remember what I said about radical reinvention? Well, come next month, that energy will get directed towards what you value, what you own, what you need to feel safe and secure. Uranus will be asking a simple question over the coming years? Are you getting your physical and material needs met? If you aren’t, how will you change the status quo? Reevaluate? Get back to basics? Not to get too ahead of ourselves … I only mention this because, with Mars in Taurus the second half of February into March, a lot of the ground you’re covering in the coming weeks is giving you a preview of what needs to change in the coming years. I know that may be a little hard to wrap your head around, but it’s worth mentioning so that it is your awareness. Then on February 19, a full moon in Virgo lights up your sign of health and work. How are you taking care of your body? How are you tending to the details of daily life, like showing up on time and handing commitments and responsibilities? The full moon may demand a decision or motivate you to take action. With the energies of the full moon pointing towards Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, do know that this full moon is about letting go of habits and addictions. It’s about resting and recuperating. It’s about letting go of anything — any foods or substances — that’s keeping you from being your optimal self. After all, it will be Pisces Season by then, a time in your personal calendar when it’s about pulling inward and getting quiet. Don’t forget to pay attention to your intuition. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Friends, community, social network, social circle, belonging, feeling disconnected, social identity, looking towards the future, hopes, dreams, wishes, ambitions, social causes, career, direction, reputation, status, professional life, motivation, action, moving forward, aggression, frustration, reinvention, awakening, breakthrough, money, income, stability, what you own, material needs, purchases, value, worth, health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, details, schedule, work, projects, letting go, addictions, recuperation, retreat, rest, going within, spiritual life, endings.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Taurus, we’ve got a lot to talk about. (Wait, didn’t I say that in April 2018? Deja vu.) This month you’re in the gate for a whole new chapter of life. Uranus will go back into Taurus on March 6, setting forth in motion changes that you got a preview of from May to November 2018. Yes, it’s not yet March. Yes, you have a month to sort yourself out. But don’t be surprised if life’s moving forward before. (If “Uranus in Taurus” is a completely new term for you, you can read up here. In short, you’ll be reinventing yourself for the next seven years.) That said, you’re straddling two worlds in February — wrapping up a chapter that began in 2010-2011 and beginning one that will take you to 2026. As you tie up loose ends, you may be a reflective mood. What have you learned about yourself over the past seven, eight years? What still needs to change? What are you ready to toss aside? Now that we’ve gotten that news out of the way, let’s focus on what else is happening this month. First, Venus, your ruling planet, moves into Capricorn on February 3 and puts you in a philosophical mood for the rest of the month. Capricorn is a sign that helps you make sense of the world, whether through reading books or education or travel. In fact, you may be planning a trip this month or packing your bags for a far flung destination. Venus also meets up with Saturn and Pluto later this month, so you may be feeling some intense vibes as Saturn and Pluto are demanding that you get serious about something — perhaps it’s education, perhaps it’s taking responsibility for your beliefs and how you see yourself, perhaps it’s learning to have faith. Whatever does come up know that there’s some soul work for you to do February 18-22, which is to say, face the deeper parts of yourself so that you can powerfully transform. In other news Mars changes signs on February 14, arriving in Taurus where it will remain into March. Mars motivates, it encourages, it wants us to take action. When Mars is in Taurus, you’re on fire so to speak. Normally you move a bit slow, but Mars gives you fuel. It also may make you a bit temperamental, impatient, and stubborn, so just keep that in mind. The other thing to keep in mind about February is that it’s Aquarius Season and Aquarius is your career sign. So this is a month to reach out into world, promote yourself, and make things happen in your professional life. The new moon on February 4 opens new opportunities this month for your career or to get recognized. This may be the month to change jobs or take on new responsibilities. With the energy of the new moon pointing towards Saturn, you may be contemplating taking classes or even going back to school in order to take your next professional steps. Then on February 19 a full moon puts identity and creativity in the spotlight. It’s a time to celebrate yourself, your talents. Don’t hold back, even if it means being different from the pack. You may also be trying to find your place in the world and it’s important to have allies and friends who will support you — especially since you are on the verge of a whole new chapter in life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Cusp of change, reinvention, transformation, philosophy, beliefs, faith, worldview, travel, foreign lands, other cultures, education, going back to school, training, right and wrong, moral compass, career, professional life, status, recognition, responsibility, role, ambition, new beginnings, moving forward, motivation, taking action, frustration, aggression, anger, the self, self expression, identity, persona, creativity, belonging, community, social network, social circle, friendships, groups.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Aquarius Season means that it’s time to explore, seek, and search the world. This may include focusing on your education, from classes and more specialized study to booking a trip and traveling to a far flung destination. But, on a deeper level, it’s also a time to try to make sense of the world as well as everything you’ve been through. Have things been more emotionally heavy than usual? Did 2018 really push uncomfortably against themes of intimacy and vulnerability? Have you been digging into the deepest parts of yourself? When we go through a difficult patch, sometimes it shakes our faith or reshapes how we see ourselves and the world. This year will continue to press buttons, but February is a reminder to have faith. If you need answers, search for them. Seek out different points of view. Look for wisdom in your struggles and pain. The new moon on February 4 makes this a priority for the rest of the month. Then on February 9 Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into Pisces, which means two things. One, February is going to be a bit of an emo month. Pisces is a sign that makes you feel everything. It’s an intuitive influence, too, and may make you feel like you’re floating along. Two, Pisces is also your career sign, so February may be emotional, but it’s also a time when you’re reaching out into the world and trying to make something of yourself. Just remember, having Pisces as a career sign means that whatever you do in the world you have to have your heart in it. In other news, just to ramp up the feels this February, Mars dips into a rather quiet part of your chart on February 14, a part that’s known for pulling us in for retreat and reflection. You may be a little low on energy for the rest of the month as Mars gives you space to recuperate and prepare for the next steps you’ll take when Mars arrives in Gemini on March 31. It’s a spiritual time that, on top of other planets wanting you to explore themes of meaning may have you doing some existential searching. It’s also a good time to detox and tend to your spiritual health as well as your physical health. Then on February 19 a full moon will light up your sign of home, family, and roots. You may have a decision to make about your living situation. Also, you may be more aware of your emotional needs at this time. Or, you’re tending to the foundation of your life, the very foundation that supports your ambitions and help you build a career. So, in all, it’s a month when you have some soul searching to do. Make sure you’re making sure you have support, whether it’s a home that creates stability and foundation or the people in your life that help fulfil your emotional needs. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Meaning, truth, belief, faith, wisdom, knowledge, education, search, quest, right and wrong, moral compass, philosophy religion, existential questions, career, status, responsibility, title, the world, professional life, direction, parents, home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, emotional needs, rest, recuperation, spiritual health, spirituality, getting quiet, turning within.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

It’s been a busy new year so far, Cancer. How are you feeling? With Mars up in the highest reaches of your chart since the beginning of January, you’ve had to work hard and tend to your responsibilities. Maybe you started the year with a new job or saw some other changes in your professional life. If you’ve been feeling a little overworked — Cancer is a sign that needs to make sure it’s getting a lot of self care otherwise it can burn out — you’ll have to wait till the middle of February before things slow down. In the meantime, a new moon on February 4 puts an emphasis on tending to your deeper emotional self. As a result, February will be a good time to work with a therapist or use other modalities to release negative thinking and transform. You may also be looking at money and finance, so make sure you’re tending to your financial health as well as your emotional health. Look at spending and set a resolution to tackle debt, if any. In other news, Venus arrives in your relationship sign of Capricorn on February 3, picking up on something you’ve been working out in your partnerships since last year. Ever since Saturn arrived in Capricorn in the beginning of 2018, you’re in the midst of three year story of taking your relationships more seriously and working to create lasting connection. (Or, on the flip side, making long overdue restructuring in your relationships.) Venus will pick up on this story and make relationships a highlight throughout the rest of the month. Then on February 14 Mars moves into Taurus, giving you the slow down that you may be needing. After all your hard work to help you achieve your ambitions, where to next? What are your hopes and dreams for the future? Mars in this part of your chart helps you to see beyond the horizon. It also will motivate you to make connections with friends, spend time in your community, and to network, especially for your career. Then on February 18 the Sun moves into Pisces, turning you towards foreign travel and long distance journeys. You may be exploring the rest of February, whether it’s through literal travel or exploring through books and education. In fact, the full moon on February 19 will put the spotlight on learning and education. You may be looking to take classes or exercise your mind through reading and study. Communication will be highlighted as well, so make sure you’re getting the right information … or making sure you’re being clearly heard. The full moon also puts the spotlight on choices and, as a result, you may have a major decision to make. You may also be weighing a lot of pros and cons. Whatever you do decide, know that sometimes life is a leap of faith. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Facing fears, the deep self, deep emotions, the psyche, breaking negative thinking, transformation, money, finance, debt, taxes, estate, insurance, career, ambitions, responsibility, professional life, friends, community, social network, social circle, groups, the future, looking ahead, belonging, travel, foreign travel, long distance journeys, exploration, search, truth, faith, meaning, right and wrong, education, classes, learning, speaking, writing, thinking, communication, choices.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Every month the Sun changes zodiac signs and with it you get to experience a different way of life and a different way of expressing who you are. When the Sun is in Aquarius, as it is for most of February, you’re experiencing life through relationships. It’s a time to socialize and connect, negotiate and compromise. The new moon on February 4 makes relationship a priority all month long. During this time you may be meeting someone new, taking the next step in an existing relationship, or spending more time with people one on one. Regardless, this is a month to find balance, which may be hard at times since the energy of the new moon points towards the imbalances of power that can exist in relationships. How do you make sure you’re getting your needs met? Another focus this February is work, career, and ambitions. With Venus, your career planet, meeting up with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn this month, you may feel as though you’re working very hard, especially on projects and other daily tasks. (And Saturn and Pluto aren’t easy task masters.) Since career is a focus this month, especially after Mars gets into Taurus, your career sign, on February 14, keep in mind that starting in March you’ll be entering a seven year period where you will be reinventing your direction in life, which includes possible career changes. Uranus will make imperative that whatever you do in the world has to be authentic to who you really are. So as you toil a bit this month, think about what it is you really want to be doing with your time. If there’s an aspect of your daily life that you have an unhelpful attachment to, one that fear connects you to, know that you’ve got to let go. It’s exhausting when you put energy into something that doesn’t give you anything in return. Remember, you’re a Leo, the sign of the Sun. You’re here to bring life, to create, and to shine. Be aware of anything that’s dimming your light. Having said that, February in many ways is setting you up for the big changes that will be kicking off in March. Make sure you’re planning and organizing. Plus Mars is way up high in your career sign the second half of February. It’s a time for you to be ambitious and to push out into the world. (Just don’t overwork yourself in the process.) The other focus this month is money and your material needs. The full moon on February 19 puts this in the spotlight. You may have a decision to make about how you make your money and what you spend it on as well as what you need to feel stable, rooted, and grounded. The full moon puts an emphasis on security versus insecurity and the fears we all face when we feel that we don’t have enough. Don’t be afraid to face your fears, especially the second half of February. Often the fear is more than the reality. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, compromise, balance, interaction, socialization, service, power dynamics in relationships, standing up for your needs, work, overwork, projects, details, jobs, duties, responsibilities, ambitions, career, professional life, direction, money, income, material needs, spending, how you make your money, stability, security, insecurity, facing fears, facing shadows, going deep within, the psyche, the deep self, illusions.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Aquarius Season is a time when you may feel like you’re in familiar territory. After all, Aquarius your sign of health, wellness, and getting organized. (Your favorite activities, no?) Yes, I know Virgo is a little more multidimensional than making sure the closets are organized, but know that you’re a sign that, deep at its core, needs order. It needs something to do. And February is going to give you lots to do. Let’s take the new moon on February 4. It opens up a new beginning or renewed focus on health and wellness. It’s a month to recommit to taking care of your body and taking steps to ensure optimal health, whether it’s eating better or doing some sort of regular exercise. It’s a time for new projects and a chance to focus on getting your life in order. With the energy of the new moon pointing towards Saturn in Capricorn, it’s important to be aware of where you’re being your own worst enemy. There’s a theme that’s subtly wrapping its way through February and that’s facing your illusions. This could be the illusion of how you see things or the illusion of who you think you are. So, considering that February has you focusing on your overall wellness, how will you get healthier by facing your illusions and working to let go of any self destructive tendencies? Yes, a bit heavy, but we’re still sorting through the fallout of January’s eclipse season, a time that pressed on some heavy thematic buttons for you, Virgo. Then on February 10 your ruling planet Virgo arrives in Pisces, turning you towards relationship and partnership for the next nine weeks. It’s a natural time for you to connect with others, to seek out partnership, and to meet new people. Just a heads up. Mercury turns retrograde on March 5, so whatever is going on in relationships in February may be part of a story that will unfold into mid April. Something to pay attention to. Another area of focus this month is education, travel, and what you believe in. With Mars arriving in Taurus on February 14, you may be packing your bags for a big trip or making plans to visit some far flung destination. It’s a time to stretch your legs as well as your mind by taking classes or getting motivated explore new subjects and ways of thinking. Then on February 19 a Virgo Full Moon puts you in the spotlight. With the energy of the full moon pointing back towards relationships, you may have a decision to make about a connection or a partnership. Plus Mercury, the ruler of the full moon, is exactly conjunct Neptune. Pay attention to any illusions you have with someone, any feelings of suffering, sacrifice, or resentment. How will you let go and find a higher connection? Again, relationship is going to be a bigger story into April, so this full moon will likely be a key scene in an ongoing story. Stay tuned. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, organization, tasks, details, schedule, projects, work, jobs, self destructive tendencies, negative ego, relationships, other people, partnerships, compromise, negotiation, socialization, illusions, sacrifice, turning point, new beginnings, in the spotlight, education, travel, journeys, foreign travel, exploration, truth, right and wrong, stubborn opinions, stubborn beliefs, philosophy, faith, religion.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Let’s talk about some big picture stuff, Libra. And by which I mean the themes that are a major focus this year and into the next, namely home, family, and settling down. Ever since Saturn arrived in Capricorn at the beginning of 2018, you entered a three year period where you need to work seriously on the roots and foundation of your life. Any of this sound familiar? Maybe you made a big move in 2018 or are contemplating a big move in 2019. Maybe your family has expanded or maybe you’re looking to create a home with a partner. Regardless, this is a time when you have to focus on your emotional needs as well as defining who is a part of your family. I mention all this because you arrive in February with Venus stepping into Capricorn. Seeing how Venus is your ruling planet, it’s time in Capricorn this month means that you’re getting a serious check in with this process of putting down roots. (Doesn’t matter if you’ve been in the same home for 20 years. There are times when we have to visit to reasons why we live there and what we need to change in order to create the foundation our life needs.) Keep and eye on the days around February 18-22 when Venus meets up with Saturn and Pluto, planets that can be both sobering, serious, and confrontational. You may have a serious decision to make about where you’re going to live or some aspect of home, your living situation, or even how you’re getting your emotional needs met. Saturn and Pluto may demand transformation. That said, let’s circle back to the new moon on February 4. It will open up a new chapter in creativity, self expression, and sharing your talents. If you’ve needed to get back to who you are or recommit to your art or your talents, this if your new moon and new moons give us a sense of renewed focus that lasts for four weeks. (This new moon also highlights children and so I’m mentioning this in case all this talk about putting down roots and family includes welcoming in a child.) Then on February 14 Mars arrives in Taurus, touching on deeper emotional themes such as intimacy, vulnerability, and trust. As a result, February may be an emotionally heavy month, one that makes you confront your emotional material in order to transform, release, and heal it. If you are in a partnership, some of this material around intimacy, vulnerability, and trust will likely involve you and your relationship with your partner. If this is the case, be open and honest, especially about sexuality. Whatever does come up for you this month, use the full moon on February 19 to let it all go. As much as you are tending to your physical health this month, especially after the Sun arrives in Pisces on February 18, make sure you’re tending to your spiritual health too. The full moon will inspire you to get quiet and seriously reflect on life. Just make sure you’re seeing your illusions for what they are. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, settling down, putting down roots, moves, taking care of family, family responsibilities, the nest, your foundation, relationships, partnership, other people, negotiation, compromise, socialization, tug of war, back and forth, growing up, getting older, responsibilities, emotional needs, emotional core, memories, the deep self, the psyche, facing fears, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, trust, secrets, the shadow, emotional healing, spiritual healing, letting go, endings, rest, recuperation, spirituality, retreat, reflection.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

You’ve been hustling since the start of the year. With Mars, your ruling planet, is in Aries until February 14, the first half of the month continues on this theme of work, duties, and projects. It’s also still not too late to get a fresh start on healthy initiatives, which include taking care of your body, eating differently, and getting an annual physical. It’s possible that you’re stepping into February feeling a little run down after Mars made a couple of stressful aspects to Saturn in Pluto at the end of January. If you’re feeling a little burnt out — Mars in Aries has a tendency to burn hot — then be aware that Aquarius Season is the time in your personal calendar when you focus on home, family, and tending to your emotional roots. Although Aquarius isn’t known for being a very touchy-feely sign, it’s nevertheless important for you to rest, relax at home, and get the tender loving care that you need. The new moon on February 4 opens a new chapter this month, one where your nest is a priority for the next four weeks. It’s a natural time in your personal calendar to make a move, make changes in the home, or spend time with family or people like family. With the energy of the new moon pointing towards themes of communication and choices, you may have to speak up about what you need feel safe, rooted and grounded. You may also need to make a serious choice, one that sets you up for the rest of the year. Do keep in mind, Scorpio, that you’re on the verge of some major changes in your life. Come March 6, Uranus will go back into Taurus, where it will stay for the next seven years. Translation? You’re reinventing your relationships in the coming years, from the people you meet and how you socialize to even new partnerships coming in, ones that are radically different than before. Although March may seem like it’s a ways away, Mars’s arrival in Taurus on February 14 gives you a preview of this new phase of life and sets up some of the groundwork that you’ll be working with into the middle of the next decade. Mars in Taurus motivates you to connect with others, it pushes you out into the world and into the realm of relationships. Taurus is also a very sensual sign for Mars to be in, so be in the pleasure of life come February 14 and hopefully be in the pleasure with a mate. Then on February 19 a full moon lights up your sign of friendship and community. And since full moons push decisions and demand action, you may be dealing with something in your circle of friends. At the heart of this issue may be a tension between conforming to others expectations of you versus who you are at the core of your being. With Neptune playing a strong role in the full moon, just make sure you’re seeing past any illusions you may have about yourself and who you are. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Work, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, checkups, projects, organization, feeling worn down or overworked, home, family, living situation, nest, foundation, roots, emotional needs, choices, being heard, the voice, communication, relationships, other people, partnerships, socialization, interpersonal, negotiation, compromise, finding balance, the self, self expression, identity, belonging, friendships, social circle, network, community, the future, looking ahead.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Sag, you’re a sign that loves adventure and exploration. If this year is a journey, then let’s take a moment to look at the map. Aquarius Season is as if you’re at a fork in the road. You can either go left or right. So, which way do you go? February is a month to weigh your options and the new moon on February 4 will bring this into focus. As with any decision, one must look at the pros and the cons. With the energy of the new moon pointing to Saturn in Capricorn, this isn’t any ordinary decision. It’s one rooted in facing your fears about security, stability, and money. Will you be safe if you make a left? Or is it better to make a right? Note that Saturn has been teaching you powerful lessons around value since the start of 2018. Whatever decision you do choose, it needs to be rooted in the integrity of who you are. Aquarius Season also tends to be busy time for you, a personal month for you to juggle appointments and trips to a stream of texts, phone calls, and messages. It’s also a time to take classes and study. You also have Jupiter in Sagittarius this year, so it’s important for you to continue to see what doors, what new opportunities are open for you. That said, when we go back and look at the map, we still have a ways to go and we may be second guessing ourselves at times. (Jupiter’s making a long square to Neptune this year, an aspect that has a tendency to shake our optimism as well as our faith. The point of this aspect is to find the truth within.) On February 10, Mercury moves into Pisces and begins a pull towards home and family that mark the second half of this month as well as part of March. Pisces is a sign that wants you to nest and find sanctuary in the home. And seeing how Mercury is your relationship planet, you may be wanting to nest with a loved one or a mate. Then on February 14 Mars changes signs, arriving in Taurus, and starts putting the heat on work and projects, which means that you may be you may be hustling with your to-do list well into March. It’s also a time to turn your attention to your health as well as how you take care of your body. Note that Uranus will be in Taurus as of March 6 where it will stay for seven years. What this means that health and how you take care of your body is something that will need to be reinvented. February is giving you a preview of sorts, so if you’re feeling a call to eat different foods or try a new exercise regimen, for example, know that these aren’t just ideas but the next wave of the energy of sweeping change that will come to this part of your life. Even your day may need to be organized in a much different way. Looking ahead to the full moon on February 19, it will put the spotlight on Virgo, your career sign. It’s a full moon for you to be in the spotlight, to gain recognition or to even make a decision about the next steps in your professional life. With the energy of the full moon pointing back towards the comfort of home, make sure that whatever steps you’re taking in your career fill your heart as much as it fills your ambition. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Decisions, choices, information, ideas, learning, classes, education, writing, speaking, communication, the neighborhood, local, value, worth, what you own, material stability, security, material needs, the self, self expression, creativity, talent, identity, persona, romance, dating, health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, schedule, organization, details, career, professional life, recognition, status, the public eye, ambition, responsibilities.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

How are you doing, Capricorn? Still feeling the ripples of January’s eclipses? As I mentioned in my horoscope last month, you’re stepping into a very different year than the last, one that will be marked by personal milestones as well as a change in direction. It’s a year meant to open you up to others, whether in relationship or bringing new people into your life. Here’s the thing. With the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn all year long, this is about you learning to get out of your way. You need to surrender and let go of what you’re holding, which is purely out of fear. Open yourself up to more heart, more love, more connection. This, of course, is a big picture look at things, but I wanted you to file away it in your mind. Having said that, February is Aquarius Season, the time in your personal calendar when you turn your focus to money, income, and material stability. The new moon on February 4 makes this a priority for the next four weeks. As a result you may be getting your personal finances in order or taking steps to create more material stability in your life. Additionally, where you live as well as your family may factor into themes around money and spending this month. Speaking of home, Mars is still in Aries for the first half of February, which means that something is going on in your home. Mars is never a subtle influence. You may be moving or dealing with a recent move. You may be making home improvements. Mars inspires you to take action to make your home the one you really want it to be. But Mars can also mean that you’re dealing with a crisis in the home or dealing with something that demands action, especially as Mars comes up to a conjunction to Uranus on February 13. The next day, February 14, Mars arrives in Taurus and adds some sensuality to the rest of the month. You’re feeling creative, expressive, and romantic. You want to enjoy the pleasures of life. It’s also a time for you to share your talents, so don’t be shy. Note that come March 6, Uranus will enter Taurus, kicking off a seven year story around reinventing who you are. It’s worthwhile to be aware of what’s coming up as Mars enters Taurus because it will echo what Uranus will want you to transform over the coming years. As I mentioned in the beginning of this horoscope, one of the themes this year is you getting out of your own way. And by doing so it’s means letting go of any past ideas of who you thought you were. You could say, over the next seven years, you’re becoming a new person, which is to say becoming the person you always were deep down inside. On February 19 a full moon lights up your chart’s sector of education, travel, and beliefs. You may be packing your bags for a journey or making your education a priority. But this part of the chart also speaks to how you see yourself and how you see the world. It’s what you believe in, even if it’s not helpful or constructive. Seeing how there are some deeper themes this year about you reinventing yourself, the full moon is giving you an opportunity to break through any illusions of what you think is true. Don’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board, seek out new information, or make new choices. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, spending, earning, material needs, stability, security, what you own, the home, family, living situation, emotional needs, emotional security, foundation, roots, the self, identity, persona, self expression, creativity, romance, sensuality, pleasure, communication, learning, education, ideas, thinking, beliefs, faith, truth, choices, right and wrong, illusions, deception, intuition, travel, long distance journeys, foreign lands.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Happy birthday, Aquarius! Here’s to another trip around the Sun. Let’s take stock of where you’ve been and where you’re going. Although it’s a start of a new year for you, a time of renewal and next steps forward, do keep in mind that you’re in a stretch of time where you’re in a little bit of a time out. Your ruling planet Saturn is still hanging out in the part of your chart that’s about taking a step back from the world and trying to figure out those deeper existential questions. So, even as life moves on this year, there’s a part of you that has one foot in another world, wrapping up a very old chapter. That said, you’re also on the cusp of some major changes in the realm of home, family, and roots once Uranus gets into Taurus on March 6. What this means that, over the course of the next seven years, you’ll be reinventing the very foundation of your life. I mention this because, since February is on the cusp of this shift, you may be feeling this new life start to come in. You may be planning a big move … or taking the next steps forward with a big move that you’ve already made. You’re also entering a time when you need to make a break from the past, letting go of old memories, old ways of caring and nurturing for yourself. If you haven’t been getting your emotional needs met, then the coming months, if not years, will demand that you be true to who you are and bring in new people and experiences that will fulfill that. That said, happy birthday? No, seriously, happy birthday. It’s a time of awakenings and new beginnings, something that you, Aquarius, should be able to appreciate. The Aquarius New Moon on February 4 will give you a personal reset for the year. Think about what you want to wish for. What future vision do you want to bring into being? Then with Mars still heating up Aries the first half of February, you’re continuing to feel extra motivated to write, speak, communicate, share what you think. You may find that the first half of February is really busy as you deal with people messaging you as well as appointments and places to go. By February 14, Mars moves into Taurus and heats things up on the home front. In many ways Mars is giving you a preview of the themes you’ll be dealing with over the coming months and years, so it’s wise to pay attention. Mars isn’t subtle. It’s restless. It wants to put down roots in this part of your chart. Or it wants to pull them up and start over. It wants to nest and paint the house a different color. Or it is searching for something that will make it feel safe, grounded, and nurtured. The home or your living situation may be a focus of action for the rest of the month and into March as well. Additionally Mars may be stirring up emotions, a theme that will echo in different parts of the chart in the run up to the February 19 full moon. Falling in Virgo, you may dealing with themes of trust, vulnerability, and intimacy. The full moon is inviting you to explore your deep self as well as the emotions you push away. Use the days around the full moon to do emotional transformation and release work or reach out to a therapist or counselor. Don’t be afraid to face your fears. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, tying up loose ends, reflection, the hidden self, the deep self, emotions, emotional needs, home, family, roots, foundation, living situation, inner circle, inner world, communication, the mind, writing, speaking, thinking, ideas, trips, travel, news, messages, choices, facing fears, the psyche, transformation, intimacy, vulnerability, trust, value, worth, financial stability, financial needs.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

You’re coming to the end of your personal year, a time when you naturally, reflect, pull inward, and prepare for the road ahead. As a result you may be a little low on energy or more sensitive than usual. Use February as a creative, restorative time, Pisces. After all, with Jupiter, your ruling planet, high up in your chart, 2019 is going to be a year centered on expanding your career, your ambitions, and tending to your responsibilities. So get some rest while you can. Meditate, pay attention to your dreams, and get back in touch with your intuition. The new moon on February 4 will be making it an imperative for the rest of the month. Maybe you’re looking to book a retreat or going deeper with your spiritual side. Although this time in your personal calendar tends to make you isolate, this new moon is also calling upon you to make stronger friendships and ties in your community, especially with people whom you have a spiritual affinity with. Then on February 10 Mercury arrives in Pisces, where it will be for nine weeks. During this time you may feel chattier than usual, more expressive, more motivated to share your ideas. Speaking of chatty, Mars arrives in Taurus on February 14 and turns the heat up on how you communicate and how you think. The second half of February may be quite busy as you get out around town, take a trip or two, or take a class. But at the core of the time is a need for you to start to rethink how you think. Come March 6, Uranus will arrive in Taurus where it will remain for the next seven years. And if Taurus is your sign of communication and learning, then this part of your life is going to need to undergo a total reinvention over the coming years. (Uranus is the planet of reinvention and revolution.) Just be aware of what comes up for you in the second half of February. Mars in Taurus is giving you a preview. Then on February 19 a full moon lights up Virgo, your sign of relationships and partnership. It’s a natural time for you to reach out towards others and to make relationship a priority. You may have a decision to make about a partnership or a connection. Is a relationship between you and a partner equal? Are you seeing things clearly? The full moon will reveal. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Rest, reflection, retreat, recuperation, shedding the past, searching for meaning, dreams, meditation, spirituality, mysticism, friendships, community, belonging, big picture, communication, thinking, speaking writing, learning, ideas, movement, travel, trips, the neighborhood, news, information, messages, choices, money, income, spending, material needs, material stability.

Photo by Julian Schröpel on Unsplash