Happy Libra New Moon! This is the time of the lunar calendar when we open a new chapter in relationships, cooperation, peace, balance, beauty, art, and design. After working through the previous six signs of the zodiac, Libra is the first sign to explore the world outside of our personal reference points. Libra is “other people.” With that in mind, the new moon will be exact on October 12, 2015 at 8:05 pm EDT, 19 degrees Libra. For those further afield, that’s 5:05 pm Los Angeles, 1:05 am London on 10/13, and 1:05 pm Sydney.

New moons create an energetic lens for the coming four weeks that light, like a projector, passes through to create experiences in this holographic reality. Not sure what I mean? Look at the chart of the new moon. Look at its lines, symbols, and geometric figures. They form a code or a program that we’ll be running on until the next new moon. (Yes, we’re living in a Matrix.) So, what can we expect?

There’s a lot of dramatic energy in this new moon chart, revealing that the next four weeks will push us to breakthrough, be authentic, transform, and make radical changes. With the new moon falling in the sign of Libra, many of these changes will take place through the prism of relationships and collaboration. Further, seeing how the new moon will activate the lingering Uranus/Pluto square, this month will be another stepping stone in a major process of evolution that we’ve experienced over the last few years.

When we follow the energy in the chart, we see that Venus in Virgo will make a square to Saturn in Sagittarius. It’s a closing square, too. The coming weeks will draw a boundary in a relationship. Is it working? Or will you need to let it go? Venus is opposite Neptune as well. What illusions do we hold about someone? Is Saturn the reality check we need?

Additionally, Venus and Mercury are in each other signs, something astrologers call a mutual reception. (Venus is able to access the energy of Libra as well as Virgo; same goes for Mercury.) That’s a lot of cosmic buzzing and humming happening around the first degree of Libra. Oh and, hey, the north node of the Moon is there, too. Translation? The next few weeks will bring a potent shift in gears, a new season, and events that may feel fated. There’s even a Jupiter/Pluto trine to make it all interesting.

Why do we keep having these dramatic new and full moons? When is it all going to be nice in easy? See the thing is that we’re in a larger period of history that’s all about big evolutionary shifts. There will be times, depending on the astrological configurations of the new and full moons, where this deeper current of energy will get activated. When we know what sort of energy we’re working with, we can really seize upon the opportunity to use this energy for its highest potential.

This new moon all goes back to relationships. Other people. We don’t live in a bubble. There’s 7 billion of us and counting on this planet. Chances are you have people in your life you’re close to — a partner, a colleague, a mate. If relationships are a bit of a sticky endeavor, if there’s a story you keep telling yourself about your experiences with other people, how will you use the energy of this new moon to transform that story into something new? What if the most radical thing you can do is leave something behind and start over?

Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this new moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.