Happy Gemini New Moon! This is the time of the year when set our intentions in support of new ideas as well as writing, thinking, education, and travel. Gemini is a curious sign, it needs to move and explore the world around them and, as a result, things will be in motion over the coming weeks. The new moon will be exact on June 4, 2016 at 10:59 pm EDT, 14 degrees Gemini. That’s 7:59 pm Los Angeles, 3:59 am London on June 5, and 12:59 pm Sydney, also on June 5.

New moons open new lunar months, seeding the energy of the coming four weeks through the alchemy of the Sun and Moon. When we look at the planets and their arrangements at the time of the new moon, we get a good idea of the themes and experiences we’ll be having. So, what’s the picture unfolding before us for the next lunar cycle?

This new moon is one of the more significant lunations of this year, which tells us that June will be a major month for many people. You’ve got the new moon exactly conjunct Venus and right in line with Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter to form something called a Mutable Cross. I realize this is a bit of a technical point so bear with me for a moment.

A cross — aka a Grand Square — is when four or more planets line up in the corners of a square. In astrology, the square is the energy of manifestation, or matter. As a result, something will manifest this month. We’re at a crossroads — the cross. But Gemini is a mutable sign, which means that it inherently flexible, one that occurs just before the start of a new season. Something may be manifesting, but it’s in a moving current. Something prepares to begin as something else prepares to leave.

Technical points aside, let’s get to the heart.

There’s magic in this new moon, a fertile ground of ideas, a vision of what could be. But there’s also a stark dose of reality, a line drawn in our lives between the old us and the new us that we need to grow into. Things feel very heavy. We’re being forced to get very clear about what we want as well as surrender to forces much bigger than ourselves. The earth is shifting, the tectonic plates of our lives rearranging to make way for a new season or chapter.

We also can’t forget that Gemini is the sign of choice. What are we choosing? I think this is a powerful month to sit down and write out or define what we want to manifest with this energy. If you want something bad enough, how will you work with the energy of Saturn to put in the work to make it happen? Where is your vision blocked? Use the energy of Neptune to meditate and let a higher vision come into focus. Afraid of taking a risk? Use the energy of Jupiter in Virgo to plan and organize the details so that all the angles are covered.

The ruler of the new moon, Mercury, is still plodding along in Taurus, the sign of matter and fertility. It’s opposite Mars and trine Pluto. We’re pregnant with something and it’s alchemical. Don’t miss this opportunity. It may take until the end of the month to get some movement once Mars turns direct on June 29.

What are you creating? What are you manifesting? What are you choosing?

We’re all at a crossroads. Pick a direction.

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