Happy Full Moon in Libra! This is the time of the month when the seeds planted at the new moon come to fruition. And with the Full Moon in Libra (5:27 am EDT, 6 Libra/Aries), the fruit of our labors center on beauty, grace, diplomacy, manners, and one-on-one relationships. Think back to October’s New Moon in Libra as the seeds we planted then are now at maturity.

We’ve been talking about this full moon for a while as it garnered an advanced reputation. In the words of one prominent astrologer with a large online following, this moon promised to be a “monster moon,” which did little more than scare the bejeesus out of everyone. However we had a similar full moon back in September and I’m sure the world’s still spinning. So what’s the real story behind this full moon? Because calling anything in astrology a monster whatever is just not how I roll. (More thoughts on this here.)

Full moons are about revelation; it is when the light of the moon is at its brightest. They are about seeing what all our hard work has wrought and they tend to be emotional times because the Sun and the Moon are at their highest point of tension. With these ideas in mind, let’s look at the chart for the Full Moon in Libra.

The reason this full moon raises eyebrows is because the Sun/Moon opposition triggers the Uranus/Pluto square. Furthermore, Mars squares Pluto exactly in the full moon chart after having made a conjunction to restless Uranus a few days before. Mars is a trigger, make no mistake, and Mars square Pluto is intense energy, like a volcano itching to blow, but this full moon is just another wave in a larger period of evolution called the Uranus/Pluto square — an aspect dominating the years of 2012 to 2015. That is to say that we’re already familiar with this energy; it’s been unfolding since last year if not longer. If changes happen with this full moon it’s because they were a long time coming and they couldn’t be held back any longer, moving from thought into action.

In all deference to Uranus, there could be things that are revealed like a bolt from the blue during this full moon as Mars/Uranus energy is a bit unstable, impetuous, rash, and sudden. But, again, anything that is revealed during this full moon has already been percolating within. It’s just time for it to spring forth. Having said that, don’t do anything stupid if you don’t have to. Not sure I’d bet against Mars/Uranus square Pluto.

On a big picture level, the Aries/Libra axis is the relationship axis — it’s the I versus We. Therefore this full moon highlights relationships. With a Venus/Sun/Uranus/Mars stellium in Aries, the pressure to break free from connection with others is coming from Aries. But there’s also pressure on Pluto in Capricorn as it forms the apex of the t-square. There is a huge swell of reform behind this full moon; it has the power to move mountains. So if you needed an excuse to clear old energy and liberate yourself from something long oppressive — especially the energetic structure of the relationships in your life —this is your full moon.

The Uranus side of the Uranus/Pluto square is about liberating the individual from old patterns or old structures that have heretofore oppressed them. Venus conjunct Uranus and Mars in Aries is hot, sweaty, sexy and not very ladylike, but she’s having fun and finally gets to be whom she’s always wanted to be. (And love whom she’s always wanted to love.) Our notions of relationship and gender are challenged with this full moon and it is no coincidence that as I write this the Supreme Court of the United States is poised to rule on gay marriage.

What’s interesting about this chart is that there are so many exact aspects. The Sun and Venus make an exact conjunction and opposition to the Moon in Libra. Mars squares Pluto. Jupiter squares Chiron, which makes a sextile to Pluto. This full moon is definitely super charged, but it’s no monster moon. I mean look at that Chiron sextile to Pluto and a trine to Saturn in Scorpio. There’s a LOT of healing energy behind this full moon. Jupiter in Gemini lends support and expands the healing reach. There’s also two yods in the chart, one with Jupiter at the apex and the other with Saturn at the apex. Yods are spiritual imperatives. We have to go deep with Saturn in Scorpio and expand our idea of duality with Jupiter in Gemini.

As I’ve said before, how you choose to meet the events in your life is your choice. But choose compassion and thoughtfulness over reaction and fear. Be proactive with this full moon because the energy will take you far.