Let’s talk about the energy of the last two weeks of March 2013 because it’s going to be intense. First, Mars makes a conjunction today, March 22, to Uranus and will make a square to Pluto on Tuesday, March 26. If you’ve been paying attention in astrology class you’ll realize that Mars is triggering the Uranus/Pluto square — triggering being the operative word because Mars is a natural catalyst. On a big picture level, we’re in this intense period of internal and external change concentrated in the years of 2012 to 2015, the years that Uranus and Pluto make exact squares to each other. So as Mars triggers the square, this is yet another evolutionary wave that has been ongoing for the last year or so.

For those resisting necessary changes, these trigger periods can be uncomfortable as we’re forced to confront the stuff that needs to evolve or die. You may experience the energy over the next couple of weeks as a profound sense of restlessness and a need to break free of old structures/patterns, especially in regards to relationship as the March 27 full moon is falling in the relationship axis of Aries/Libra. It would be a potent use of this energy to clear old relationship patterns and initiate (Mars/Venus/Uranus in Aries) new patterns that support healthy individuation. Pluto in Capricorn means that we’re transforming old structures to make way for the new. Here’s a refresher on how to co-create with Uranus/Pluto over the next week.

One of the major themes of Uranus square Pluto has been the empowered individual (Uranus in Aries) breaking free from the old paradigms of centralized power (Pluto in Capricorn). But this shift has not been easy, sometimes vacillating between angry mobs or chaos versus a deepening conservatism or suspicion of change. The square is about crisis and integration. What works and what doesn’t; It’s time to find out.

On another note, I’ve been disheartened to hear astrologers calling the March 27 full moon a “monster moon.” This is old paradigm, fear based thinking. While I’m not discounting the power behind the assembled planets on that day and the surge it will bring, the healthiest, most empowered thing you can do is to make a conscious choice about how you’re going to meet and use that energy. If you are in a vibration of fear because an astrologer told you that the full moon was going to be an awful day, you will create from that fear and manifest the lower expression of Uranus/Pluto. Remember, 5D energy is alive and well on this planet now. We are hooked up to creator energy more than ever and can instantly manifest. Just make sure you’re manifesting from the highest, most loving place possible. BE EMPOWERED!