Happy Libra New Moon! New moons are beginnings — the end of one emotional cycle and the start of another. This is the time of the year when we set new intentions and plant seeds regarding all that Libra rules — relationships, beauty, attraction, equity, balance, peace, and harmony. This is an auspicious time to think about the relationship seeds you want to plant. What new paradigm of partnership you want to attract? How do you want to bring more peace in your life? More balance? More beauty?

In keeping with Libra’s social nature, the new moon chart is like trying to make out a single voice in a cocktail party. There are so many exact or near exact aspects working in concert that no one aspect dominates, a big change from previous lunations that were heavy on the Uranus/Pluto square. In fact, looking at this chart, it’s like we’ve completely changed the narrative with all the sextile, trines, and semi-sextiles.

Admittedly, trying to write about such an expansive lunation after a series of deep dark ones seems odd. Although my guides have just reminded me that sometimes we need to move forward after getting knocked back so many times. Maybe this Libra new moon is about the cavalry riding in. Maybe this is the long sought after help we were looking for after struggling through the Summer? Maybe we don’t have to do it alone anymore? Maybe it’s time for partnership?

When you’ve done a lot of inner work, tearing down psychological walls and yanking out the old material, there comes a point when you can start to rebuild and even think about paint swatches. The Libra New Moon reminds us that even in a time of destruction there is room for beauty — that after all of this inner work, we have to think about what we want to bring back in. Libra is attraction! So, what are we attracting? And if 2012 has represented an anxious build up to integrate our seemingly disparate parts, this lunation, in all its beauty and harmony, represents the notes finally coming together in our favor.

A good place to enter this chart is the planet Venus as she disposits the Sun/Moon conjunction in Libra. This means that because Libra is ruled by Venus, the conjunction is going to flow the energy towards Venus’s placemen over to Virgo, normally a sign that she’s more subdued in. But Virgo is practicality in action. If we’re focusing on attraction and manifestation with Libra, then Virgo is about writing it down and making it tangible. (Check out my post on manifesting with the lunar cycles for more information.)

I could further delineate all the aspects, of which there are a lot, but I keep getting an energetic push back to reiterate this main thought: We’ve done our healing. We’ve been diligent with our clearing work. We’re staring at the horizon of a new year. Now it’s time to daydream, vision, write down, and request the new life, the new loves, and the new everything we want. That’s Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini looping back with a trine to the Sun/Moon in Libra. Mars in Sag trine Uranus in Aries is like rocket fuel for our desires. Saturn trine Neptune says there’s no stopping us; the walls are gone.