Libra Moon highlights beauty and relationships into tomorrow. As an air sign, Libra helps to connect us to other people through romantic partnership as well as social interaction and consensus. With Venus in Virgo, we have to tend to the needs other others.

I’ve been in Italy for two weeks, a country that, amongst other things, fuels my obsession of beautifully and ornamentally adorned doorways. (My other career is in design, by the way.) But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I’m paying close attention to doorways. To be in eclipse season, as we are now, is to be in the threshold of a doorway and doorways are symbolic of leaving one space and entering another.

Yesterday I gave you a quick sign-by-sign run down for where these eclipses are affecting you. (In case you missed it, you can read it below.) I wanted to mention this again because today’s Libra Moon will make what’s called an “opening square” to the July 12 eclipse degree. What this means is that whatever change, whatever story, whatever act of transformation initiated by that eclipse will be activated today. In short, pay attention to how today threads back to experiences or themes that you felt last week.

That solar eclipse on July 12 packed a punch. Opposite Pluto, it told us that it was time to cut ties with the past and time to face ourselves. Pluto speaks to the soul and when we step through a doorway that is marked by Pluto, we’re stepping into a time when we have to do some deep emotional, spiritual, and psychic digging into ourselves. We’re baring our souls.

Yes, you could say that we’ve been doing that for quite some time — the astrology of the past 8-10 years has been particularly encoded with this energy — but starting this month it’s an imperative. Pluto forces us to deal with things, to deconstruct in order to reconstruct. And there may be a particular part of our life that needs to be reconstructed over the coming months as a result.

So, time to go through that doorway.

Read More:

Astro Daily: July 17, 2018

Cancer New Moon: Descent and Ascent

On Pluto

July 2018 Horoscopes

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Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash