Welcome to the Virgo New Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when we get a practical reset for the year. It’s a lunar to get back to the details, to focus on matters of health and wellness, work and projects, to tend to the many systems that run our lives. The new moon is exact on August 27, 2022 at 4:17 am EDT, 4 degrees Virgo. That’s 1:17 am Los Angeles, 9:17 am London, 10:17 am Johannesburg, 6:17 pm Sydney, and 8:17 pm Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings. They turn the page and focus our attention on the energies of a zodiac sign for the coming four weeks. It reveals the energies that we are creating and living from. Virgo brings us back to the things we can touch, the things that are an intrinsic part of our daily lives. It reminds us that life runs on systems, whether it’s our schedule or the daily duties and responsibilities that keep things moving.

Virgo builds upon the energy of Taurus, the first earth sign. It takes its fertility and spring-time renewal and prepares us for the cold days of Capricorn, the final earth sign. In Virgo we harvest and sort. We make wine, gather the wheat, and store up for the coming seasons. Everything has its place in the great wheel, Virgo teaches us.

How can your life run smoother? Where is there room for diligence, practice, and an attention to detail? What are you harvesting? What’s your relationship with your physical health?

To be in Virgo Season is to make our life an art. Not the creative endeavors that Leo is known for, but the art born out of repetition and craft. Virgo may be known for perfection, but it’s perfection that is akin to refinement.

This Virgo New Moon leaves behind some of the turbulence of the past lunar month. It asks us to take inventory after Leo Season’s ups and downs, to reinvent something that may not be working anymore.

With Mercury, the ruler of the Virgo New Moon, newly in Libra, some of our diligence is reserved for our relationships. And with Virgo’s sharp eye, how do we make relationships an art, to put them back into order and harmony?

Mercury also forms an opposition to Jupiter and this is a Virgo New Moon to get clear on what you believe in and stand for. Relationships may need to find common ground, too.

Let’s not forget the Virgo New Moon’s square to Mars, newly in Gemini. Information or ideas may provoke. There may be much to talk about in the coming four weeks. And with Mercury and Jupiter in aspect, we may all have a lot of opinions on our minds.

Join me for my 12-week Saturn Master Class, my group coaching that starts on September 17. This is an all levels class that uses Saturn as a guide through three months of transformation and awakening and sharing. We’ll also work towards personal and common goals while using our own Saturn placement in our astrology as a focal point and to get back in alignment with our soul’s path in this life. Early registration ends on Thursday, September 1. Learn more and register.

Read More:

Chart of the Virgo New Moon, August 27, 2022

Jupiter in Aries: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Program — Saturn Master Class: A 12-Week Journey, Starts September 17

Newsletter — The Astrology of August 22-28, 2022

Video — The Astrology of August 22-28, 2022

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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