Happy Virgo New Moon! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when we turn our attention to health, work, and the details of daily life. Virgo is an earth sign and it helps us to get grounded and practical. It’s also a sign that’s deeply motivated to serve and care for others and so it’s a lunar month to think about the needs of others. That said, the new moon is exact on August 30, 2019 at 6:37 am, 6 degrees Virgo. That’s 3:37 am Los Angeles, 11:37 am London, and 8:37 pm in Sydney.

After the fire, passion, and play of Leo Season, we’re back to earth, back to school, and back to work. Virgo takes the creative vision of Leo and puts it into form and planning. So we’re stepping into a lunar month that’s very much about executing what we need to do and taking the steps to craft and shape our life in the direction we want to head. As the second earth sign, the one between Taurus and Capricorn, Virgo is the bridge for Capricorn’s ambitions and achievements. It’s the necessary step where practice, practice, practice becomes mastery.

This Virgo New Moon comes with five planets in Virgo, including the Sun and the Moon. That’s a lot of Virgo. And since one of these planets is Mars in Virgo, do know that this is a lunar month that’s going to light a fire for all things Virgo — cleaning out and getting organized, focusing on diet and health, starting projects and new jobs, getting on top of the details, and taking a much needed critical eye to our lives. (My pilates class this morning was packed, so there you go.)

The new moon also has a lot of support. It makes what’s called a trine to Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn — two earth signs. In astrology, this is called a Grand Earth Trine. It means that opportunities are opening up for us to manifest something into reality and to create more material stability in our lives. Since it’s a Virgo New Moon, be prepared to do the leg work. Money (earth) isn’t going to fall out of the sky unless we put in the effort. (Then again, the new moon is trine Uranus, a planet that’s known for its anything-may-happen energy, so you never know.)

Speaking of Uranus in Taurus, its influence in the energies of the new moon means that there’s a lot of opportunity to innovate and reinvent and revolutionize this lunar month. If we’ve been previously working on a project, maybe we want to rethink things or go back to the drawing board? Maybe we’re looking to reinvent how we take care of our bodies or eat? Maybe we want to completely clean out our closets and homes?

Do note that the new moon is creeping up on an opposition to Neptune and a square to Jupiter, two planets that have been pulling at our faith in things this year. So there may be a theme over the coming four weeks about being disillusioned or struggling with our faith in something.

Since the Virgo New Moon will be paired with a Pisces Full Moon on September 14, it’s an important month to take care of our earthly lives, but also tend to our spiritual lives. After all, Pisces and Virgo are two signs that span heaven and earth.

PS — Did you miss my The Astrology of 2019 Tune-Up webinar, a sign-by-sign look at September through December. You can still purchase the two hour replay video that also comes with audio and pdf slides. I also give a preview of the astrology of 2020. Details here.

Read More:

Chart of the Virgo New Moon

Mars in Virgo: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Webinar Replay — The Astrology of 2019 Tune-Up

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