We start the week off with a Virgo New Moon, a reset for work and projects as well as our health and wellness. It’s time to get back to our real life duties and responsibilities. With Saturn opposing, we’ve got big decisions to make. We also need to be the adult.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for September 3-9, 2024.


♈ Aries — 24:34
♉ Taurus — 27:58
♊ Gemini — 30:39
♋ Cancer — 34:14
♌ Leo — 38:33
♍ Virgo — 42:12
♎ Libra — 46:09
♏ Scorpio — 50:28
♐ Sagittarius — 53:50
♑ Capricorn — 57:22
♒ Aquarius — 1:00:18
♓ Pisces — 1:02:35

Read More:

Virgo New Moon: Reorientation

Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Mars in Cancer: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

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