Mars arrives in Libra for a six week stay. Although classically not at home in Libra, this is a Mars that has to learn to compromise and find consensus. Relationships are a big focus over the coming weeks.

There are many good reasons that Mars isn’t comfortable in Libra, the sign opposite Aries, Mars’s ruling sign. Mars does some of its best work when it can do things solo and go after what it wants. Compromise just slows it down.

Nevertheless, compromise is an essential ingredient of life and a reminder that there are times when even Mars can’t go it alone.

So, Mars needs to become a negotiator and can only do that when it understands what others want. We’re also building relationships over the coming weeks, aware of what’s fair and not fair for others as well as ourselves.

But we can’t overlook that Mars often can fumble its way through Libra, stepping on proverbial toes and getting into arguments. Existing relationship issues may also come to a head as Mars’s first instincts aren’t always to play nice. What will Mars in Libra mean for you? Read my sign-by-sign guide.

In other news, the Sun makes its annual opposition to Neptune. We’re feeling a little ungrounded, floating through different situations and encounters. It’s a day to also learn to let go and not try to push our agenda so much.

Did you miss my weekly video on the astrology of September 13-19, 2021? You can watch the replay here or on YouTube, IGTV, or listen on Spotify.

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of September 13-19, 2021

Mars in Libra: Sign by Sign

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