Another Sagittarius Moon day. Another day to look towards the stars. With the Moon pointing us towards Jupiter in Gemini, there’s a push for us to build our lives or to take on responsibilities that line up with our values and purpose in the world.

Jupiter is also one of the starring planets of next week’s lunar eclipse at 25 Pisces. As the “ruler” of Pisces, Jupiter receives the energy of the eclipse. Since May 25, 2024, Jupiter has been in Gemini and has been inspiring us to ask questions, to search for answers, to get back to basics, to seek out new perspectives. Jupiter in Gemini reminds us that we can’t be so sure of ourselves and how we see things that we lose our curiosity. Strike a balance.

As much as Pisces is about the finality of our lives, from our search for meaning and purpose to what we are building of ourselves beyond this world, Gemini as part of the eclipse dynamic means that we need to take a deeper look at how we are making choices and make sure we are not making choices that go against ourselves.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for September 12, 2024.

Read More:

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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Photo by Jillian Kim on Unsplash