Venus in Sagittarius picks up on support from Jupiter in Aquarius, two planets known for their benevolence. Look for quiet opportunities as well as a flash of insight or vision that helps you to see your way forward.

The Moon’s also in Leo today, bringing some creative tension to Scorpio Season. We don’t necessarily think of Leo and Scorpio having much in common, but if Leo is the creative inspiration and passion to make something happen, then Scorpio is the emotional and spiritual alchemy to bring it into existence.

The Leo Moon is also a reminder that the Sun is coming up to one of its connections to Saturn. This isn’t a week to slack off, unfortunately. Saturn wants healthy boundaries, good structures, and something that’s going to last for the future. Otherwise something may need to end.

Read More:

Learn Astrology — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

Interview — Replay of IG Live with Melissa of @mindfullymelissa

Video — The Astrology of October 25-31, 2021

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