With the Moon now in Aquarius, we’ve come full circle since the Aquarius New Moon of February 9. What have we learned about friendship and community, social issues and causes? A new moon on March 10 brings us to the end of the astrological year.

Here we are again, at the end of another lunar cycle. In the circle of life, everything has its place. There is a beginning and an ending. And when we reach the balsamic phase of the moon, it’s time to go inward and prepare for the new beginnings to come with the new moon, which ironically comes as we reach the end of the astrological year — new beginnings wrapped in liminality of life.

The March 10 new moon at 20 Pisces is notable for a few reasons. One, it lines up with Saturn and Neptune, a watery, emotional combination that is a checkpoint with a major storyline we’re working on this year and into 2026. Two, it’s a lunar month that has within it an eclipse, a lunar eclipse on March 25, which means that the next two weeks will have a lot going on.

Eclipses bring movement, changes, new opportunities, personal milestones, and the ups and downs of fate.

Want to know what this latest eclipse season means for you? I’m doing a two hour live webinar on March 21 at 8pm ET, a deep dive into the importance of eclipses and your sun and rising sign. Recorded for replay. Learn more and register in the link below.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for March 8, 2024.

Read More:

Saturn Master Class, a 12-Week Journey starts March 23

Webinar — The Eclipses of March-April 2024, live and recorded

Newsletter — The Astrology of March 4-10, 2024

Video — The Astrology of March 4-10, 2024

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