The Sun makes its annual conjunction to Neptune in Pisces. It’s a day to connect to our highest self, our universal self, the self that lives beyond this world. It’s also a surrender to the divine, but a day when we may be feeling overly sensitive or even overly tired.

Neptune dissolves the boundaries between the physical world and the etheric world, something that can help pull us up to the highest of the highs or the lowest of the lows. But at its core, Neptune wants us to feel, whether it’s compassion and empathy or the overwhelming sense of just how connected we are to one another.

Neptune also purifies, giving us an opportunity to let go and redeem any past suffering, hurt, or pain that has previously marked us. First, however, we face what’s there in order to let it go.

Do note that Neptune can unmoor or unground us. It’s very important to keep our feet firmly planted today. Our intuition may be running high, our dreams more vivid than usual. Or, we may just be in need of more rest. (Just a note of caution that alcohol and substance and Neptune energy do not mix well.)

Give this energy a positive outlet. Dream, meditate, create art. Dance, make music. Forgive the past.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for March 11.

Read More:

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Webinar — Neptune, Illusions, and Spirituality

Video — The Astrology of March 8-14, 2021

Video — March 2021 Horoscopes

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