Venus in Taurus squares Saturn, over in Aquarius, this weekend. It’s a time to hold our relationships to a higher standard. Our connections must have value, integrity, and balance. We’re committing or restructuring.

Despite Saturn’s reputation for being the planet of “No”, it actually loves relationships. After all, Saturn’s exalted in Libra, the sign of relationships, a reminder that connection and partnership is one of life’s essentials. And Saturn finds its fall in Aries, a warning that we can’t do everything alone. (For those who understand essential dignity, some technical information.)

That said, Saturn is scrutinizing our relationships and connections this weekend. Are they working? With the Lunar Nodes part of the mix, we may be at another pivot point.

We’re also in the waning days of Gemini Season. Continue to be curious. Try new things. Seek out new perspectives. Come next week, on June 21, the Sun arrives in Cancer and we not only mark the solstice, but a new season.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 18-20.

Read More:

Saturn in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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