Mars faces off with Saturn, an opposition that is one of the major aspects for 2023. It’s a checkpoint, a day when we have to account for our actions, when we have to show up and take responsibility.

Traditionally speaking, Mars and Saturn shape our lives. In the eyes of the ancients, they were the lesser and greater malefics, planets that could bring ill fortune, manifesting changes in fate. (Venus and Jupiter were the lesser and greater benefics.)

I remember reading about Mars and Saturn when I was much younger and not being super excited about their malefic reputation, especially since I was born with a natal Mars-Saturn square.

First, let’s understand the two planets.

Mars is action and drive. It initiates. It pushes us to go after our desires. It’s a very physical planet. Saturn, on the other hand, is time, boundaries, hard work, and personal milestones. It’s also karma, which is why the ancients saw Mars and Saturn as the physical expression of cause and effect (karma-causal).

On the other hand, and perhaps this is a more modern view, Mars and Saturn in aspect are moments when our actions (Mars) have to account (Saturn). For some, this opposition is the realization (Saturn) of a goal or an ambition that started (Mars) a long time ago (Saturn). This may be a week of personal milestones, one that reflects our commitment and dedication.

For others, something is not working. Saturn is directly showing us where something is out of balance, needs further work, or — in rare cases — where we didn’t show up or honor our commitments, where we crossed a boundary that we shouldn’t have.

Regardless, we’re feeling time and commitments this week. We may feel exhausted or if we “hit a wall”. If we receive a “yes” this week, it’s because it has the right conditions to become real. If we receive a “no” this week, it’s because it wasn’t going to work out. Mars and Saturn can be that black and white.

Additionally, because Mars and Saturn are in mutable signs (Virgo-Pisces), part of our experience this week with the two planets may touch on existential themes. What is the meaning of life? What have I made in life? Will I have peace?

This is also an aspect that directly connects to the start of the Mars-Saturn cycle, a conjunction from April 4, 2022 followed by the square of August 7, 2022 as well as events around that date.

Mars and Saturn oppose each other at 6 Virgo-Pisces.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 21, 2023.

Read More:

Mars in Virgo: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash