Venus arrives in Leo, a sign where the planet of love inspires romance and joy, playfulness and fun. Venus in Leo loves to be loved and perhaps we will be so lucky to experience the same. Search for creativity and self expression as well.

When a planet is in Leo, it taps into the energies of the Sun. After all, the Sun is the ruler of Leo and the Sun does what it does best — it shines its light. With Venus now in Leo, the planet gets a boost of solar energies, energies that create and sustain life.

Make time for fun over the next few weeks. Invest in the activities and people who light you up and inspire you to shine. With Venus now opposing Pluto in Aquarius over the next few days, become aware of who in your life is taking away your light and not letting you shine.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 12, 2024.

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