We take the energies of a recent Cancer New Moon into a week of renewal, stability, and crossroads. Venus also arrives Leo, inspiring passion and romance for the planet of love. Mars begins to shake things up with Uranus, a push to reinvent and awaken.


♈ Aries — 23:27
♉ Taurus — 27:18
♊ Gemini — 29:54
♋ Cancer — 31:46
♌ Leo — 35:34
♍ Virgo — 38:08
♎ Libra — 40:48
♏ Scorpio — 44:58
♐ Sagittarius — 48:39
♑ Capricorn — 52:45
♒ Aquarius — 55:27
♓ Pisces — 58:21

Read More:

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Cancer New Moon: Critical Juncture

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