Mars, the planet of drive and action, arrives in Virgo and gets to work with precision and detail. It’s time to organize our lives, put things in order, and start new projects. We’re seeking purity and perfection. This is a Mars that also wants to be of service to others.

If you recall, Mars had a bit of a stall last year as it retrograded throughout Gemini from October 2022 to January 2023. As a result, things may have felt stalled for us as well. But by now, things are moving along. We just spent the last six weeks finding our passion and spark with Mars in Leo.

That said, Mars is now in Virgo. Our focus shifts and we now put our motivation towards all things Virgo — health and wellness, diet and nutrition, practice and craft, schedule and commitment. Mars in Virgo is going back to work after the holidays of Mars in Leo. (Just note that Mars in Virgo can be a little bit of a workaholic.)

With Mars in Virgo, we can’t forget that Saturn in Pisces opposes and we’ll be feeling the pressure into next week when the two planets make their exact opposition on July 20. Mars opposite Saturn can feel like a reality check, a moment when our actions have to meet Saturn’s exacting standards. For some, Mars opposite Saturn can be a promotion or realization of hard work. For others, it’s the sum of our actions, a karmic return, or a realization where something is fundamentally out of alignment. (Go back to April 4, 2022 for the beginning of this Mars-Saturn cycle and their conjunction.)

Since Saturn is in Pisces, we have to find the balance between earth (Virgo) and heaven (Pisces), what we can touch and rationalize (Virgo) and what we can’t see (Pisces). It’s a desire to be of earthly service (Virgo) as well as spiritual service (Pisces). It’s also a major checkpoint with the transit of Saturn in Pisces, which began on March 7 and continues into early 2026.

In a way, this is the start of some changes in the astrology. Mercury goes into Leo tomorrow, July 11, although Mercury switch of signs is a little more ephemeral. It’s also the Lunar Node’s last remaining days in Taurus-Scorpio, a cycle that began in January 2022. Come July 17, the Lunar Nodes will switch to Aries-Libra, changing the collective story with a focus on relationships and individuality.

More on this week’s astrology as well as July’s bigger changes in my Facebook Live for July 10-16, 2023. Watch the replay on YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 11, 2023.

Read More: Interview, July 2023 Forecast

Mars in Virgo: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

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Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash