Another Virgo Moon day, one that picks up on the practical qualities of Capricorn Season. Time to get back to work, set an agenda for the coming weeks, and get focused on our goals. With Jupiter in support, we need to dream big as much as we need to keep our feet on the ground.

A technical point first. The ruling planets of Capricorn and Virgo, Saturn and Mercury respectively, are presently in Jupiter ruled signs — Pisces and Sagittarius. (I know, technical.) The concept of ruling planets is important, even if technical, because it gives us deeper insight.

Jupiter is a planet that helps us to open up our eyes. There’s a lot of ways in which this can happen — education and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, for example. It also helps us discover philosophy, whether our own philosophy about life and the world or a framework that helps us make sense of things. It’s religion and spirituality, travel and exploration.

More importantly, Jupiter helps us to ask ourselves big questions — about the world, about life, about meaning and purpose. It’s the planet that helps us to find out “why”. And each year, Jupiter takes this energy to a different zodiac sign so that we may try to discover life through the lens of that sign.

Since May 2023, Jupiter has been in Taurus. So, we are discovering life through the lens of money and the material world, pleasure and sensuality, value and worth. It’s a very physical place for Jupiter to be, but it’s also a sign where we need to figure out what our philosophy around money and the material world, discovering what’s truly important to us.

So, with the Capricorn Sun and the Virgo Moon pointing back towards Jupiter, it’s a philosophical start to the year. We’re asking ourselves, “Why?” And how do we take concrete steps to try to answer the deeper questions that may be coming up for us now?

Something to think about now that we’re in the new year.

You can still get my three-hour webinar, The Astrology of 2024. In it, I have all the big highlights for the year to come and what it means for your Sun and rising sign. Get the recording in the link below.

And watch the replay of my Facebook Live for the astrology of January 1-7, 2024. You can watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for January 3, 2024.

Read More:

Webinar Replay — The Astrology of 2024

Jupiter in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of January 1-7, 2024

Video — The Astrology of January 1-7, 2024

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Photo by Josh Gordon on Unsplash