The Moon arrives in Virgo, a sign that wants us to take the creative spark of the Leo Full Moon and forge it through the art of practice and craft. Time to make our bold visions real. It’s also a day to organize, clean up, and to focus on emotional and physical health.

I love the interplay between Leo and Virgo, two signs that, on paper, seem like they have nothing in common. But it’s Leo that is the necessary fuel for Virgo, which is to say that we need the fire of desire and passion that Leo is famous for to bring into our rituals and day-to-day life.

So, if you’re cleaning and organizing today, how do you put some creative fire into it? If you have work to do, how can it be an extension of your art as well as your spirit?

Let’s not forget that Mercury, the ruler of the Virgo Moon, is starting to wrap up its nine-week stay in Capricorn. (That’s a long time, by the way. Normally it’s two to three weeks.) And with the energy of the Virgo Moon pointing back to Capricorn, as much as we’re bringing our Leo Full Moon creativity into shape and form, we need to clear out or let go of anything that’s in the way of this creative vision.

It’s a day to focus on the inner work as well as the times we self sabotage.

I’m getting ready to give you all your first look at Saturn in Pisces, a planet that will change signs in March and bring us all into a new collective hour. Join me for my two-hour webinar on Sunday, February 12 at 12pm ET / 9am PT. Recording available for those who cannot watch live. In it, we’ll go over why Saturn is such an important planet, the role of Pisces as the last sign of the zodiac, and what it means for you. Learn more and register.

If you missed my Facebook Live on the astrology of February 6-12, 2023, you can watch the replay on YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for February 8, 2023.

Read More:

New Webinar — Saturn in Pisces: 2023-2026

Webinar — The Astrology of 2023

Webinar Clip — The Astrology of 2023

Leo Full Moon: Hold Onto the Light

Newsletter — The Astrology of February 6-12, 2023

Video — The Astrology of February 6-12, 2023

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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Photo by Kyle Williamson on Unsplash