The Moon straddles steady Taurus and curious Gemini, reaching the later in the second half of the day and ramping us up towards a full moon. In the coming days, the spotlight’s on ideas, information, and education.

At the heart of this full moon is the duality that we’ve been living through with the Lunar Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius. And falling just two weeks after a solar eclipse, the full moon on December 18 will act as a coda to eclipse season. Gemini just wants us to see things from a different perspective.

As mentioned earlier this week, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is in Capricorn. We have to take what we say seriously. We have to weigh our options carefully. Our choices need foresight and planning. We have to have the real wisdom to know which way to go. Mercury also squares Chiron. Sometimes it’s not always so easy to do the right thing or take the first steps forward.

Lastly, please join me for a 90-minute webinar sneak peek at The Astrology of 2022 this Saturday, December 18, at 12 pm EST. Replay video available for those who cannot join live. Click here for details and registration.

Read More:

Webinar — The Astrology of 2022, December 18 at 12 pm EST

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

Video — The Astrology of December 13-19, 2021

Newsletter — The Astrology of December 13-19, 2021

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Photo by Jeremy Vessey on Unsplash