Tag: Sun trine Jupiter

Astro Daily: January 30, 2025

Astro Daily: January 30, 2025

Uranus turns direct at 23 Taurus, an energy that inspires awakenings, new points of view, and a desire to make a break from the past. We’re also coming to the end of Uranus’s time in Taurus and this may be a time to connect the dots after six years of change.

Aquarius New Moon: A New Era

Aquarius New Moon: A New Era

Welcome to the Aquarius New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when our attention turns towards our lives played out on a larger scale — the communities we belong to, social threads and connectivity, the issues and causes we feel drawn to.

Astro Daily: December 27, 2023

Astro Daily: December 27, 2023

We’re coming off of a Cancer Full Moon, one the put home and family in the spotlight. We may be feeling nostalgic or going back to the past. Cancer can also evoke strong emotions, especially anything around the mother, care, and feeling safe and secure.

Cancer Full Moon: Roots

Cancer Full Moon: Roots

Welcome to the Cancer Full Moon, the time when the spotlight is on home, family, and roots. As a cardinal sign, Cancer speaks to some of the most fundamental experiences of life. It gives us a sense of past and memory, an anchor to something deep within.

Astro Daily: September 8, 2023

Astro Daily: September 8, 2023

We get a boost from the Virgo Sun and Jupiter in Taurus, two planets that make for bold, confident, and indulgent pairing. We want to see the world. We want to share our ideas and knowledge as well as our opinions. We want to try everything.

Nic Y-C on Unsplash

Astro Daily: July 29, 2022

Fresh off yesterday’s Leo New Moon, we’re in a fertile period that wants us to revitalize and renew. Where do we want to bring this new energy into? Ruled by the Sun, Leo is the light that inspires us to shine and to bring new life into our lives.

Leo New Moon: Light of Lights

Leo New Moon: Light of Lights

Welcome to the Leo New Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when our attention turns to the Sun. Leo is the archetype that brings us back to ourselves, our vitality, and what lights up our lives. It’s the creative spark of the Divine that lives within.

Capricorn Full Moon: Big Steps

Capricorn Full Moon: Big Steps

Welcome to the Capricorn Full Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on building for the future, setting goals, and working to achieve them. As the sign of matter and manifestation, Capricorn teaches us that things take time to grow and take shape and become real.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 23, 2021

The Sun, newly in Cancer, picks up on a trine to Jupiter in Pisces. It’s a day to open our hearts to others, to find care, forgive the past, and enjoy the bounty of life. Jupiter may bring much needed support and aid.

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 15, 2020

The Sun, rounding out its time in Taurus, makes a trine to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. It’s a day to focus on wealth and resources, assets and power. We have the drive to build more security and stability. As you go into the weekend, tend to your material life.