Tag: Scorpio New Moon

New Moon in Scorpio: Rebirth

New Moon in Scorpio: Rebirth

Happy Scorpio New Moon! We turn to life’s deeper emotions. Over the coming four weeks we’ll be exploring themes of trust, intimacy, sexuality, power, vulnerability, jealousy, and obsession as well as death and rebirth.

Photo by Maja. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 17, 2017

Last day of the lunar month. It’s our day to tie up loose ends, reflect, and take consciousness of what we learned over the previous four weeks. Tomorrow we have a new moon, one that will put us into Scorpio’s crucible of transformation and rebirth.

Photo by Caleb Jones. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 3, 2016

The astrology has been a little quiet this week. (Not if you’re a Cubs fan, tho.) The Moon is still drifting along in Sagittarius today and we’ve been devoid of major aspects of late, or at least anything that pushes the narrative.

Photo by Bistrian Iosip. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween! Yesterday we began a new lunar month, one that will take us through the prism of Scorpio in the coming four weeks. And what do new moons do? They create a container of experience for us to live our lives through.

Photo by Dustin Delatore. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: October 27, 2016

We’re in the last few days of the lunar cycle, a time that pulls us inward for quiet reflection. We sort, we feel, and we release. But with the Scorpio New Moon looming and Mars touching on Uranus, there may be an uneasy push to strike out in a new direction.

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 12, 2015

A colleague of mine, who is a fellow Scorpio, revealed to me this morning that she felt a huge need to purge out her closets yesterday. Could it be the Scorpio New Moon we had yesterday? Ding ding ding. Scorpio is the sign of elimination. Mars, teetering on the edge […]

Data for chart above is 11/11/2015, 12:47 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

New Moon in Scorpio: Get it Together

Happy Scorpio New Moon! This is the time of the lunar calendar when we open a new chapter in intimacy, sharing, finance, legacies, inheritances, power, and change. Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, teaches us the stark reality that not everything lasts forever; something has to die so it may […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 10, 2015

There’s something so final about the sign of Scorpio. Even though its a water sign — water is in correspondence with emotions — there’s a deep internal fire to it that consumes, transmutes, and opens up new space. I often say to my clients with a strong Scorpio in their […]

Data for chart above is 10/23/2014, 5:56 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

New Moon in Scorpio: The Hidden Gem

Happy Scorpio New Moon! Happy solar eclipse! Like a phoenix from the ashes, it’s time to start fresh in all things Scorpio. And because this is a solar eclipse, the next six months will be dominated by themes of power, control, shadow, sexuality, intimacy, wealth, finance, debt, and legacies. Hoo […]